DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Perhaps it would have been better if MR RIU have given that power to someone who had earnt it. I would never promote my cleaner to be the new head of Business Development, they would be too busy wiping their desk all day to get anything done. That's the problem with this world, it is full of people in positions they should not be in and subsequently abusing that position. I am off to cut down some Marijuana plants and chill out......ffs.
Thanks my friend. I need to go chill now too, christ I have at least 8 hours of trimming that needs to get done today, plus regular garden chores. Please don't let the karma be sucked out of here Mr. Rollitup like it is...what was your name again? And quite honestly I had to stop myself from lodging a complaint with the marketing suits of your two sponsers.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HI DST, I hope your having a wonderful day.
The pictures you posted of your trip were really wonderful. I truely enjoyed looking at them all. Thanks so much for sharing them with us.
The graffitti is just mind blowingly amazing. wow! That has got to be some of THE BEST graff i have ever seen. That art is so well done it should be in a museum, but i so much prefer it in its outdoor element. I love how graffitti is public and free from the constrains of the judgemental art world. Its wild and free, i like art like that and have so much respect for the artist that take the risk and show the love to create work like that for us to view, for free. Those dudes are super cool.

The reflection shot of the countryside is really beautiful. Perfect symetry. It has a soft quietness about it that the morning time delievers, I wonder at what time of day you took that photo.
I love that shot of the tunnel stairwell, its so amazingly trippy , you really have a gift for getting interesting perspectives of things.
The painting in the museum i believe is a Mondrian. I can see how your wife would dig his style, judging by the conceptual rain mural that she did in your living room.
Im so glad you had a nice vacation and arrived home safely.

peace Dr.Amber


Well-Known Member
not really voicing an opinion either way, but just wanted to clarify something... there is a member here called 'rollitup'. I think he was the first mod or something. Here's his profile: https://www.rollitup.org/members/rollitup-473.html

About the street art.... man that is sooooooo sick. I love living close to Los Angeles becuase I get to see some really good graffiti, but there isn't much out here as good as that. Some, but not much. Just wow man. I love what people can do with spray paint. Thanks for sharing the pics my friend. Really cool.


Well-Known Member
hey Amber, thanks girl, we had a brilliant time, fan dabby dozy it was! It's funny, my wife thinks I take really great shots, but I say her stuff is better. And it so happens you picked her two shots, haha (she has a good eye for sure!) And that is indeed a Mondrian, absolutely brilliant! There was a lot of weird stuff from the 50's and 60's in Germany and Austria but that is another story. The graff work was a pleasure, it ran along every pillar on the way into Vienna (on this particular part anyway). I only managed to get pics of a few though.

Cheers Jig, hopefully one day I can see the graf work in the US, I have always admired the work I have seen in magazines. There is some cool stuff around Holland as well. Everywhere in fact!

Thanks for the visits peeps.



Well-Known Member
For the casey gang. So I reckon this little puppy got a bit stressed and started to throw nanners oot! You can see the little yellow doobreys on the bud. Stinks to fuk and hopefully I saved it before and pollenation happened.

This one you can see the new white stigmas coming through...ffs, lol.

Anyway, it's cut and hung now.

Peace, DST

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Casey throwing horns eh! still looks pukka to me man!

loving the shots man, looks like you did a graf tour of germany! bet its a buzz smoking in such a beautiful place.

the new mods are just friends or rolli eh. figures....


Well-Known Member
So here's a pic of the oil I have made with Casey Jones, still got a bit to evaporate but it's getting there.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Lol @ Lgp . Scary movie 2 was the best by far and i loved that part. another good movie with ash in weed plants is how high. the whole movie is based on it.

smokin ivory!

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
So here's a pic of the oil I have made with Casey Jones, still got a bit to evaporate but it's getting there.

Peace, DST
You can dip popcorn nuggets into the oil at this stage and allow them to dry. I have seen kief sprinkled on them for a frosty effect.
