DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
I like this explanation HC!!! plus I feel like a bit soppy fukker after smearing a wedge of oil down a joint, lol....phew, pretty dam good gents!!! cheers to the fairy again, god bless her golden wings.
The baby is kicking because he wants daddy...notice how he stops when he touches Bumpity. Plus he can hear you you.
oh, and I have just knifed all the sticky remains into some greese proof paper, I use to freeze the oil that I bought back in the days so I guess the same will apply. We use to freeze the little camera cases, which held an oz, and then smash em and quickly weigh up the chunks, was always a freaking mess. anyway, I am off on one,...toodle pip. DST

mr west

Well-Known Member
Then u wake and bake and do it all again. Long live freedom of type, text is so dull without :D dream on buddys lol


Well-Known Member
A few snaps for the journal.

If I say WOOF, will you know what it is?

So good things can happen when you go away....or maybe they have perked up since I got back. More DOG Kush

This is what can happen when someone else is looking after things!

Psycho Killer foosty pheno.

Also a very frosty pheno

One of the Deep Blues.

More Deep Blue...cont to end.

Trichomes hanging off this like vines...

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
A few snaps for the journal.

If I say WOOF, will you know what it is?

So good things can happen when you go away....or maybe they have perked up since I got back. More DOG Kush

This is what can happen when someone else is looking after things!

Psycho Killer foosty pheno.

Also a very frosty pheno

One of the Deep Blues.

More Deep Blue...cont to end.

Trichomes hanging off this like vines...

Peace, DST

Looking good mate... Just sprouted 2 DOG 3 days ago. Doin good so far.


Well-Known Member
Great show as allway's D. Got my DOG coming down next week. I'll get some good shot's of her for you bro. Think you were spot on with the strait up O.G pheno looking at you'rs.
The Deep Blues is looking amazing bro! FAT!!!!! :)

BIG Cola ( flash off oop's)

Flash on lol

This is the Budda'a Bubble/cheese/bubba-kush. Look's really kushy but has quite a strong cheese smell through it. Cant wait for a taste :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

The rules are very simple to follow, the only one that can be tricky is the short posts one. The threads that just say yes i agree on a particular topic and I will speak to the mods about loosely enforcing this. The rest of them are basic internet behavior. Ella and Mary as well as the rest of the moderators are just trying to further this forum and grow it to be something amazing. But again this is your forum and you make what you want of it we are just trying to guide it in the right direction. If the rules are not followed then you will receive an infraction, these are all basic rules and I am sure all of you can follow them. Thread closed this got out of hand.


that was the response from the admin about the "RULES" of the site. ive underlined the 2 best lines haha total contradiction


Well-Known Member
me mate is still hanging around, guess he's been missing his morning snacks while I was away.!

Load of brocolli (napolitana) cauliflowers and some other exotic brocolli!

