the republicans must reinvent or go extinct

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I want to move to Costa Rica. Because the great black hype made it again,my wife agrees. It's the greenest country that's not hit by global warming. It somehow became immune to the liberal scare machine.
I love Costa Rica. It might be time to get out before the big collapse.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
ron paul 2016
Buhaha, that's right on spot for you guys.

Yeah, an out of touch 2 time loser that's as old as dirt is just what the GOP needs. Why not keep the status quo, it worked real well this year didn't it.

Back to the margins with the rest of the Tinfoil Hat Brigade you go...cya again in 4 years for another asskicking


Well-Known Member
I didnt read this thread but I agree with the title.
Republicans are dying off and if they dont make some changes, they are a party of the past.
Of course they did the worst possible thing by picking Mitt and Ryan. Almost like they wanted to lose.
These two would rather climb a thorn tree and tell a lie, than stand on the ground and tell the truth.

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
The Repubs are still letting Newt, Rove, Norquist and Reice? speak for their party and until that changes the party will remain the same.

Only problem is that the US doesn't generate enough rich, angry, stingy, stupid, pastey fat white men to keep them in business for much longer.

They gonna have to start trying to increase their base by appealing to more than the class mentioned above.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
The Repubs are still letting Newt, Rove, Norquist and Reice? speak for their party and until that changes the party will remain the same.

Only problem is that the US doesn't generate enough rich, angry, stingy, stupid, pastey fat white men to keep them in business for much longer.

They gonna have to start trying to increase their base by appealing to more than the class mentioned above.
That is absolutely correct and they do need to be more inclusive and tone down the Holier than Thou attitude.

On a side note: It is a shame that our country no longer makes millionaires at the same rate anymore. It is what I aspire to attain - wealth and security for my family. I believe if you were honest it is what you want for yourself. I know UB does.

You sound racist to me. You had me right up to the words, white men. It's not just white it is all colors and both sexes that are business owners and millionaires.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
That is absolutely correct and they do need to be more inclusive and tone down the Holier than Thou attitude.

On a side note: It is a shame that our country no longer makes millionaires at the same rate anymore. It is what I aspire to attain - wealth and security for my family. I believe if you were honest it is what you want for yourself. I know UB does.

You sound racist to me. You had me right up to the words, white men. It's not just white it is all colors and both sexes that are business owners and millionaires.
His cmoment is in no way racist, you misunderstood his point.

The GOP is becoming a party of white males, there is no disputing that if you look at the voting breakdown.
Hispanics voted GOP at around 30%, blacks much lower. The females also favored Obama.

They are reaping the seeds the sowed with their policies, their base is shrinking as the country further changes its demographics. Plainly put, the country is getting browner and the GOP is ignoring that fact with their out of touch policies