the republicans must reinvent or go extinct


Well-Known Member
Yeah, double down on it ^^^ You're not paying attention are you?

The first one that needs to go is Reince Priebus. Smug bastard. He isn't fit to wipe Michael Steele's ass.
Before McConnell or Boehner? I despise Mitch McConnell like no other human.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Yeah, double down on it ^^^ You're not paying attention are you?

Before McConnell or Boehner? I despise Mitch McConnell like no other human.
Mitch fucked himself last night. He is no longer relevant. Boehner? He lost control when the Tea Baggers tried to take over. He is nothing more than a laughing stock.

The one to be wary of is Eric Cantor. He's a crafty little sumbitch. ;)


Well-Known Member
Rand Paul 2016

Every Republican I spoke to said they liked Ron Paul but his foreign policy and a few other key points were too extreme for him. They all also said they would of gladly voted for his son Rand. The majority said they didn't care for Mitt yet they were voting for him to get Obama out.

I think if Rand Runs next election it will be a landslide victory. Not only for republicans but liberty loving Americans everywhere.


Well-Known Member
We're not in this mess because of being fiscally conservative. We're in this mess because of being fiscally irresponsible.
I know. Two wars paid for over seven years with dozens of off budget emergency spending measures will do that to an economy.

Rand Paul 2016

Every Republican I spoke to said they liked Ron Paul but his foreign policy and a few other key points were too extreme for him. They all also said they would of gladly voted for his son Rand. The majority said they didn't care for Mitt yet they were voting for him to get Obama out.

I think if Rand Runs next election it will be a landslide victory. Not only for republicans but liberty loving Americans everywhere.
Some of Paul's social postions are totaly in line with mainstream Republican values, and that makes him an extremist. Landslide my ass, but hey, whatever you have to tell yourself to get through the next four years, run with it.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
No his social positions are very moderate. He just had to portray himself as being ultra conservative to get the nomination sadly. Which is why you saw him "flip flop". UB is right. The republican party needs an overhaul and quick. Or there needs to be a legit 3rd party that is fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I'm sick of this 2 party extremist shite


Well-Known Member

The 'no abortion for any reason' part of Paul's platform was pandering? you can't just walk that back.


Well-Known Member
Damn right! It better get more fiscally conservative.
Yeah, double down on it ^^^ You're not paying attention are you?
We're not in this mess because of being fiscally conservative. We're in this mess because of being fiscally irresponsible.
I know. Two wars paid for over seven years with dozens of off budget emergency spending measures will do that to an economy.
Let me get this straight...

You agree with what I'm saying, yet you want to argue with me anyways.

What is wrong with you?

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
I still can't fathom how anyone in their right mind would pay attention to anything Newt and Rove say............

Fox News is crying in their beer this morning and now that they've recovered from the shock, they are starting back up with their shitty attitude towards the POTUS.

And, I said 'Pastey White Men'.

Racism is the farthest thing from my mind.

Think the Republicans will lighten up on the 'GAY BASHING' now??

Seems they ought to start pandering to people that differ from themselves if they want to remain viable.


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight...

You agree with what I'm saying, yet you want to argue with me anyways.

What is wrong with you?
Nothing wrong with me, you have poor comprehension or are blocking out the Bush years. Possibly both.


Well-Known Member
never before has a president won with an economy this bad.

this was the republican's election to win, and they lost. they lost BAD.

they will really need to reinvent themselves.
Oh, come on. No one lost really bad. It is very even. That means both sides need a bit of reinvention. Which they will do.

But, when teams are even, neither has to throw it all out and to back to the invention. Another try in 2 more years, for both.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with me, you have poor comprehension or are blocking out the Bush years. Possibly both.
The question will be how long can the Dems keep kicking the dead Bush horse?

In 2 more years will they still blame Bush? In 4 more years will they still say Bush screwed it up so bad that no one could fix it in 8 years?

If that creates the vote, that's what will happen.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with me, you have poor comprehension or are blocking out the Bush years. Possibly both.
Then why did you accuse me of not paying attention? That gives the impression that you take a different view on things.

Then you say "I know." Agreeing with me.

Don't tell me you're not chasing your're doing it right in front of me!


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with me, you have poor comprehension or are blocking out the Bush years. Possibly both.
Bush wasn't a fiscal conservative was he? I never said he was!

By the way, what does Bush have to to with what I said. You fucking lefties trying to yell Bush at every chance you get. I made a point, you tried ripping on me, then you agreed with me while throwing Bush's name out for no good reason at all .

If you stop chasing it, it will stop running away from you...LOL!