Wondering If I Should Grow This Year.Will Radiation From Japan Effect Them?


I'm hesitant to grow outdoors this year because of the terrible nuclear events that have happened in japan. I'm worried about contaminated rain water getting onto my plants. has anyone else here even taken this into consideration? I dont know about you but I would prefer not to smoke weed laced with radiation.:shock:


Well-Known Member
If we get contaminated rain water from the events in Japan, we have a whole lot more to worry about than growing huge glowing buds.



well the way things are looking we will be getting contaminated rain water. I guess I'll just have to run lab test's on my plants.


Well-Known Member
If your plants are getting it, so is all of your food! Unless you smoke 5 lbs of weed a day, you'll be getting a hell of a lot more radiation from your food than you'll ever get from your weed. 'Radiated weed' won't be your biggest source, it's gonna be your food. Might as well stay stoned while your doing it.



Well-Known Member
If your plants are getting it, so is all of your food! Unless you smoke 5 lbs of weed a day, you'll be getting a hell of a lot more radiation from your food than you'll ever get from your weed. 'Radiated weed' won't be your biggest source, it's gonna be your food. Might as well stay stoned while your doing it.

Aye. x2.............


New Member
Just grow them and let them get that rain water. If they mutate then their will be a new subspecies of cannabis. Good luck on making up your mind:joint::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
Your plants will be fine, the amount of radiation reaching the West Coast (which is where ill just assume you're from) is going to be minuscule on a grand scale of the earth, and yes even the rain water will still be safe. It's honestly kind of silly to think it will harm us. Do some research on the ammount of radiation needed to disrupt human, or plant, life. Next look how much radiation will actually be felt here in the US, its all easily accessible since scientists have been looking into it since day one. Dont be so paranoid friend!!


Your plants will be fine, the amount of radiation reaching the West Coast (which is where ill just assume you're from) is going to be minuscule on a grand scale of the earth, and yes even the rain water will still be safe. It's honestly kind of silly to think it will harm us. Do some research on the ammount of radiation needed to disrupt human, or plant, life. Next look how much radiation will actually be felt here in the US, its all easily accessible since scientists have been looking into it since day one. Dont be so paranoid friend!!
I'm in the Midwest and i appreciate your advice but here's my advice, don't believe everything those scientists say. The main stream media lies.


Well-Known Member
if your in the midwest, then where do you think all the weed you smoke comes from??? about 12-1500 miles closer to japan is the answer.


Active Member
I'm hesitant to grow outdoors this year because of the terrible nuclear events that have happened in japan. I'm worried about contaminated rain water getting onto my plants. has anyone else here even taken this into consideration? I dont know about you but I would prefer not to smoke weed laced with radiation.:shock:
you're kidding right?