Canadain Growers Club


New Member
Well today is a good day for me, I just finally bought a 176 cfm inline fan. 176 is an unusual number but that's what the box said........
I can now finally close my closet door and not have to be home at 7 & 7 to either open or close the window, close or open the door. Oh what a glorious day lol.
It's working well, keeping the temps at 80.

Thought I'd just share my happyness lol.
Happy growing



New Member
she looks dry, the soil is away from the edges of the pot. Do you have an osillating fan in there? Those spots are prolly from when you foilar feed or spray. When there is high heat in the room the lights can make a magifying effect with the water and burn your leafs.


New Member
Here's some pics of the new and improved flower room. I can now shut the door and it say's just under 80.
The only thing I don't under stand is there is 2 holes on the side of it. I covered them with tape and it sucks alot better, I hope that they were just mounting holes and that I'm not gonna burn out the motor or something stupid like that. I'm gonna have to get a cool tube for the summer. I've always used cfl's in the summer gonna be my 1st time with hps.



Well-Known Member
she looks dry, the soil is away from the edges of the pot. Do you have an osillating fan in there? Those spots are prolly from when you foilar feed or spray. When there is high heat in the room the lights can make a magifying effect with the water and burn your leafs.
Yes, I'm starting to think it's water burn, although the other plants have not been victims...maybe I had this plant a little closer to the light. I do have a fan but it's only running in the day otherwise temps fall below 70. I have to get a smaller one until temps rise here in BC.

As for watering...I transplanted to 1 gal pots 3 nights ago (2.5 days)...I watered until it came through the bottom.

The soil mix is
45% all purpose soil (no ferts)
30% Perlite
25% seed starter mix (what I started the seed with, it's mostly fine peat)

I think I have pretty good drainage. I was planning on adding nutes today. Pure Blend for vegetative growth 7ml/4L.

Thanks for the input...


New Member
no prob man, that's what this thread is for Canadians helping Canadians.
I use veg nutes in the first week of flowering and then switch to half and half veg and flower nutes then to flower nutes. It really helps me keep growth green in those 2 stressful weeks and the leafs don't yellow and drop like they did when I switched to just flowering nutes when the 12/12 came. As we all know nice healthy fan leafs are what produce killer buds
just what I found works for me.


New Member
Yea for my 1st couple of grows, I didn't know any better and the leafs would be half gone by week 5 and I'd end up with buds but nothing compared with the nice healthy foilage in flower.


New Member
Yea man UB knows his shit, he's a grower from way back. When he says something, you can bet your bottem dollar that it's accurate info.


Well-Known Member
Check it out... this was forwarded to me from the great site "". Apparently you can submit questions to the Prime Minister, as well as vote for the questions of others. The top 2 questions are currently related to legalization. Let's keep it that way. Post on your facebook or forward to your friends... You don't have to be Canadian to vote!

<img alt="" align="middle" border="0">

Hey , here's your chance to ask Stephen Harper about Marijuana Legalization!
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has decided to ask the Internet what issue is most pressing to Canadians.
We have a chance to push marijuana legalization to the top of that list (It's currently #2 and #3). You don't have to be Canadian to participate, so please, wherever you're from, help us legalize marijuana in Canada!
Please, click here to vote for marijuana legalization! Let's make marijuana the #1 and #2 questions to Stephen Harper!
And here vote here again!

This is our chance to force this issue front and centre before the Prime Minister, so please, vote today!

In other news:
I am pleased to announce that our software to identify your Member of Parliament, local activism centre and much more, has just been completed. Login to to see your Member of Parliament (Canadians) in the top right corner. We are currently working on the code to add your Member of Parliament's info into these mailings as well. Once we're finished, it's as simple as importing a spreadsheet with postal codes (or ZIP codes) into the database and running a program and we can associate you with people, places, or things near you! (For our US users, this means your Senators and Representatives as well!)
There are some big changes coming over the next few weeks and months, so stay tuned, and get ready, it's time to kick our activism into overdrive!
-Jacob Hunter,



New Member
I don't wanna do the sign up to vote but I hope other ppl do, thanks for that post man


Active Member
yeah uncle ben has an awsome topping thread too! its stickyd im pretty sure!
What are some well respected candian seed banks guys? :)