My New Murder- I Mean Grow Room ;-)


Well-Known Member
PS> Know thy self... lol. This is for both of us... But mostly you.

Belief disconfirmation paradigm

Dissonance is aroused when people are confronted with information that is inconsistent with their beliefs. If the dissonance is not reduced by changing one's belief, the dissonance can result in restoring consonance through misperception, rejection or refutation of the information, seeking support from others who share the beliefs, and attempting to persuade others.[SUP][4][/SUP]
denial is the first in a long process you will go through over the next few years hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Lol, no, cannabis only for me since high school, and hookers? Never had the need. Women like the tall sexy men, esp in foreign countries. But yes lets keep going back and fourth over shit that has nothing to do with what we were talking about, yay!!!

And perhaps your right and I know nothing about CR. Seemed to me like the majority of the south American countries I've been to, basically only two classes, rich and poor, and then the really rich that run it all, sort of like what is happening here, lol.

Who is having a dick measuring contest now btw? Why do you feel the need to tell me how great your life is? And how rich you are? Is it perhaps because you in-fact know there is better shit here than in your overpriced grow room and that CD is kicking in? lol.

Till you bring your pot out here I'm just gonna correctly assume it's trash and you're so far up your own ass you can't handle someone telling you otherwise. You're more into and being a rich jerk off than cannabis it seems, no wonder you don't know how to get the fire.


Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting on your girlfriend to come back and tell me how his info on DESIGNERS, not programmers, from 2007 proves that I lie about my income, lmfao.


Well-Known Member
Lol, no, cannabis only for me since high school, and hookers? Never had the need. Women like the tall sexy men, esp in foreign countries. But yes lets keep going back and fourth over shit that has nothing to do with what we were talking about, yay!!!

And perhaps your right and I know nothing about CR. Seemed to me like the majority of the south American countries I've been to, basically only two classes, rich and poor, and then the really rich that run it all, sort of like what is happening here, lol.

Who is having a dick measuring contest now btw? Why do you feel the need to tell me how great your life is? And how rich you are? Is it perhaps because you in-fact know there is better shit here than in your overpriced grow room and that CD is kicking in? lol.

Till you bring your pot out here I'm just gonna correctly assume it's trash and you're so far up your own ass you can't handle someone telling you otherwise. You're more into and being a rich jerk off than cannabis it seems, no wonder you don't know how to get the fire.

all this coming from the kid who wanted to post his tax returns and show us all his table of buds and toys. you really are a confused young man. i'll bet hard money you don't make more than $50k just based on how shitty your grow room is. go give that shit on your table back and by a decent tent for $400. if you can't afford it then pick up double janitorial shifts at the software designer you work for.

quit talking about countries you have no clue about. your experience is little to none. it's like a foreigner going to NYC and thinking that all of the U.S. is like that. small minded retards like you are the reason the U.S. is falling apart. lemme guess, your favorite program is the kardashians?

i don't think you're in any position to talk about someone's weed considering the looks of that so called grow room and the fact that you buy 15 different strains from 8 different dispensaries and claim it to be the best shit out there. fucking pathetic how stupid you are. i blame the educational system in the u.s. travesty.


Well-Known Member
And riiiight, I'm gonna do hard time for staying within state medical limits(despite our extended plant counts). Like I'm the one implying I make my living selling illegal shit. Not the first time I've seen you do that btw Twitch.
Even if I didn't have a red card, its fucking legal to grow here! lol.
i wasn't the one that made this statement....


Well-Known Member
all this coming from the kid who wanted to post his tax returns and show us all his table of buds and toys. you really are a confused young man. i'll bet hard money you don't make more than $50k just based on how shitty your grow room is. go give that shit on your table back and by a decent tent for $400. if you can't afford it then pick up double janitorial shifts at the software designer you work for.
fuck yea thats what i was thinking, why didnt you just buy a tent if you got all that cash...


Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting on your girlfriend to come back and tell me how his info on DESIGNERS, not programmers, from 2007 proves that I lie about my income, lmfao.
Thanks yeah, I looked up designers AND programmers. One was 58 the other was 64. Try harder liar boy! :)


Well-Known Member
Liar liar pants on fire. Algore is a broke bitch that tapes panda film to a wall and calls it a grow. Renter or not, if you had ANY money you'd do something just a little better! We can't all be financially stable and I don't look down on people who aren't. It's the ones who lieeeeeeeee about it mang! Stop the lies! Spread the love!


Well-Known Member
Ok I've unsubbed and gonna take off now. It's been real. Have fun with that roll of pand... I mean grow room.


Well-Known Member
Now we are getting somewhere.... feeed me, lol.

You are really talking out your ass now bud. I've already gone over with you how you have no clue what your talking about as far as what is in that pic. And it's obv your a noob when it comes to consumption.

As stated before as far as flowers go are 8 different strains from 2 of the most respected growers in the country sitting there, as wells as 3 cans of some pretty good shit and 4 cans of what I call junt weed, only good for rolling massive junts. I was on a sample spree, lol. I'm a modern cannabis consumer for medicinal and recreational benefits. Do you even know what cannabinoid or terpine profile is? I guess I'm a sucker for trying different strains and growers to see what works best for me. I'm not some 50yo douche trying to relive my youth and feel cool that I grow and smoke my own stuff.

It's quite obvious you have not given medical growers a through try. What state do you have a med card in again? How can someone that makes trash wax and insists that "wax is wax" and smokes it out of a pen have any fucking clue about modern cannabis and whether or not his shit measures up. I don't care how much of your home grown you blaze, or how many chlorophyll tasting brownies you eat, you are not a connoisseur, no matter how much money you waste on pretending.

What do you have against water pipes btw? Too confusing for you? I'm dumb somehow for not burning my concentrates on a metal wire that can cause brain damage?

You're just pissed that you've invested so much and are starting to see how silly it is to grow 5lbs a month of a few different strains when there is such awesome variety avail to us here. But keep "living that dream" sir, I'll enjoy the clean mountain air mixed with the fog of the worlds finest cannabis.

But please, continue to cuss and attack me personally, everyone knows that's the best way to win a logical argument, hell women live by it, lol.

PS> What about tax returns now? 2nd time I saw that mentioned, I never put up anything about tax returns, lol. Fucking grasping at straws here people. If I recall you were the one asking for proof with pics, which I did post a pic of my most recent paycheck deposit, maybe that is what your referring to. God I hate people that pay no attention to detail. Prob why your bud is so bunk and you're so dissident to the fact.


Well-Known Member
Thanks yeah, I looked up designers AND programmers. One was 58 the other was 64. Try harder liar boy! :)
You are so fucking stupid, I LOVE IT. You are not in my industry so you have no idea. Do some real research and get back to me, one Google search and its clear your info is wrong or old.

I make what I make, and right now that works out to $2,323.65/week for the past 10 months, before that it was actually a bit more for a time due to having multiple projects at once.

I'm not some cog on a team of 50 code monkeys, which btw in Denver or SF start out in the 60-70k range right out of college, look a lil harder at the info your not citing, region has a lot to do with it as well. I could go make video slots from 9-5 in reno 5days a week and make 70 + benefits and relocation(standing offer) but I'd rather work my ass off and make awesome shit. I also know that Rockstar San Diego just hired a friend of a friend right out of college at 60k for 40hr weeks with double overtime, pretty good considering I also know they do 80+hr weeks during crunch.

So again, you have no clue what your talking about, and the need to disprove me stems from your jellyness.


Well-Known Member
Also, What does my shitty LEARNER grow room have to do with what I know about cannabis? Does the wine connoisseur have to grow his own grapes to know which expensive ass bottle to order?

And I've already splaned why I didn't see the use in buying a tent, not when I'm gonna drop a bunch of cash after we close on a place out here. 6 months from now I'd know slightly more about growing and have a $1000 grow tent I'll never use again. Being financially secure doesn't mean I just waste money. Well I do, but that's not the point. lol Besides, already had the huge roll left over from when I ordered on amazon to light and water proof my first grow.


Well-Known Member
a cheap way I use to make a panda plastic tent more sturdy and reliable is to build a box out of PVC pipe then wrap it with the plastic

I used to have a small one for seedlings, designed to fit a t8 fluorescent perfectly inside and was only about 3 1/2 ft tall x 4 ft wide
also had a Velcro door

pretty legit for the cost to make it

good luck OP


Well-Known Member
Thanks yeah, I looked up designers AND programmers. One was 58 the other was 64. Try harder liar boy! :)
I ended up letting this tread die as it was pretty much ruined, but I just ran across something on Facebook to help prove what a fucking idiot supchaka is with his 7 year old info...

And hey nice tent for the price, but I can't help but think it's a waste of money, The good ones that size are in the $1-2K range. The 36x24 one I bought was only $50 less than that massive one, hehe. You genreally get what you pay for and all that, plus no need for a massive tent when I'm gonna have entire bedrooms to convert in less than 6mo.

Room is working out pretty good so far btw, so fuck all the haters! lol.