My New Murder- I Mean Grow Room ;-)


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how we keep coming back to your situations vs mine as they are totally different. I have the utmost respect for your grow and what you are doing. I just find it slighly hard to beleive that you have that many friends and that someone somewhere along the line isn't making serious profits from your setup.

And sorry but my analogies make more sense, lol. First, tomatoes are disgusting and thought to be poisonous throughout most of history, lol. And while yes, some dispensaries(TGS comes to mind) can be compared to supermarkets, the ones I like are more like uber well respected craft breweries. The rest I suppose I could see comparing to the people selling produce at the farmers market.

In the end it comes down to personal preference, I like to medicate with a variety of strains grown so well it blows Netherlands shit out of the water. You like to have piles of weed that you cared for and nurtured yourself, I understand and respect that as I very much enjoyed growing some super frosty crazy smelling shit my first time ever. But it seems for both of us, growing is secondary to our carriers. And especially for me, growing as a hobby and buying my supply legally is a much better option.

Let's that be the end of it shall we?
no one makes serious profits off my grow. i was running 2000w and pulling 3.5lbs every 2 months. i've got enough friends to get rid of that pretty easily. there are plenty of americans down here who have the money to buy good weed. there are 300 boats in the marina alone and 75% of them are owned by americans. each boat on average has a crew of 3-4 americans. we all smoke weed. same as all the developers, real estate agents, hotel and property owners. i keep half for myself and smoke some, make hash, wax, brownies. the rest i give to my boys at $250 and ounce all day.

my new room is going to be much bigger and there will be more surplus for sure. probably pull 5.5lbs a month now. still not a problem to shuffle off to my friends. i wouldn't build it if i had to start selling to people i didn't know or didn't trust.

i'm not talking tomatoes bro. i'm talking about the choices you make in your life. i choose to live in costa rica most of the year. i choose to go fishing a lot. i choose not to have 15 different apparatus on my table to get high with. i'm cool with what i got. if something comes up in the future that is easier to make than wax and even cleaner to smoke i may try it out. you can't do everything; like i said's personal preference.

if you are claiming your shit blows amsterdam buds out of the water then i would hope so. everyone knows the dankest buds come from the u.s. i'll stack my buds up against most anything you've ever smoked. so will most of my boys. cause guess what?...the best growers don't sell that shit to dispensaries for cutthroat rates. fuck that.

just stop talking about how great your shit is bro. everything will be cool. i came here to help you out with your room design. maybe help you out later on when you set up a real room in your new house. then you went all off talking about your table of toys and you tax returns. that's fucking pointless man. no one cares and it just makes you look stupid. you're yapping about $120k a year like you are bill gates. that shit is middle to upper-middle class. you can brag about that shit when you get into the 1%. at least then there will be some truth behind it.


Well-Known Member
You assume way to much. You know nothing of the items I have and are only guessing at what your looking at. That's and o-pen and a rem-pen pre-filled carts, and I hate them too, not a fan of the VG/PG mixed e-joints,
but how would i have known without trying them?

I was really only trying to help you some, as you've already stated you've had minimal exposure. I've tried SO many differt ways of consuming cannabis concentrates trying to find a happy medium, and as I said, try a hot hit set, I don't like metal(even Ti) invovled in my consumption, especially nichrome wire, which an educated guess is what your "vaping" with. What "pen" do you use? Chance are I've tried it and hated it.

Wax is not Wax, I get what your trying to say but it sounds ignorant to approach it that way, semintatics I guess but... BHO refers to ANY concentrate extracted with butane, I don't know why you quote that. "shatter", "wax", "budder", "earwax", "taffy", "moonrock", "honeycomb", "pie crust", ..., are all terms for consistancy that vary by definetion depending on where you are and who you ask. Its dumb to say I have "wax" as that doesn't really mean anything, "wax" can be made by rolling pressed hash.

The way you talked about edibles also seemed like you've had limmited exposure to better methods so again, just giving some "friendly" advice. I'm sure you do strain your oil but you are disolving all sort of undesiriables in with the benifical compounds, a liquid/liquid extraction is simple and helps out so much on flavor while leaving the non-water soluble goodies.

Also, lets see, your rich, 7 homes, and live in CR. I take it you grew up privileged and your family has money. Good for you bro, keep taking advantage of that impoverished nation. Btw, currently have 2 that are on the market, renting here while we find the perfect spot. ;-)
i think you assume too much. my family grew up with money, but not like that. everything i have i made on my own. my parents helped me ($20k) buy my first apartment in NY after college and paid for my schooling but i don't have any trust fund buddy.

i never said i didn't have access to the same shit you do. just not as often. i'm in the u.s. several months out of the year. in CO, and Cali. plus my boys in NY get shit sent to them all the time. on top of that i have tons of friends down here all the time with the "new" strain or the best waxes. i just don't get lost in all that hype...cause that's what it is to me. some people have Facebook accounts some don't. i just choose not to. no instagram, no twitter, wassap, etc... different strokes for different folks.

wax is was in my book bud. you wanna make up 10 different names for the constancy so you and your buddies at the dispensary (who love it when you stop by cause they can always sell you something worthless) can sound hip then cool. i'm the same way when it comes to guns, fishing, power tools, and watches. whole load of toys i could play with for days. just choose to keep my herbs simple. same as my brownies...i don't know what shit they're putting in the weed your getting but the extraction i use is enough for me. i'm not too worried about a little organic plant matter. better than eating a big mac for sure.


Well-Known Member
Again, I never said I was rich...

And if your shit is so great bring it out to some of the cups. That is what you don't seem to get. I don't buy the cut-rate shit from the big boys. I buy the award winning shit from the award winning shops. I'm not so crazy as to think I get the absolute best of the best they produce, but I know its better than what you grow, sorry dude, that is just the logical assumption, unless you've been winning cups for years too??

Also, the despensaires grow their own here, they don't buy much from other growers, 30% at most by law. That is why they care so much about their name. Your thinking of Cali I think, thats where the hipsters are btw. I'm an 80s child , I lived thru it, don't need to ironicly particapate again. Also, I'd say $120k+ after taxes is pretty damn good for 2 years working in the game dev industry. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Sorry but your just being CD if you still don't get what Im saying about referring to it by the extraction process over the consistency. And you obviously missed the point of me listing all the different terms. The point is they don't really mean anything, wax included.

PS> $250 an oz is profitable unless its costing you way too much to grow. Street price on homegrown here is 150-200, most mmj about the same, top flight mmj ~300.

PPS> Next time you come to Co, hit me up, then we can see what stacks up. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Again, I never said I was rich...

And if your shit is so great bring it out to some of the cups. That is what you don't seem to get. I don't buy the cut-rate shit from the big boys. I buy the award winning shit from the award winning shops. I'm not so crazy as to think I get the absolute best of the best they produce, but I know its better than what you grow, sorry dude, that is just the logical assumption, unless you've been winning cups for years too??

Also, the despensaires grow their own here, they don't buy much from other growers, 30% at most by law. That is why they care so much about their name. Your thinking of Cali I think, thats where the hipsters are btw. I'm an 80s child , I lived thru it, don't need to ironicly particapate again. Also, I'd say $120k+ after taxes is pretty damn good for 2 years working in the game dev industry. ;-)
i'm not that into it pal. no offense, but i'd rather be on the beach, on my boat, or on top of a hot latin chic than hanging out with a bunch of teenagers going on and on about this product and that weed and this concentrate. have you seen the videos and the threads in my sig? what the fuck do i wanna go to the states for a cup? i'm living my dream right here. i'll shit on 99% of the crap you smoke from these "award winning" dispensaries. the best growers laugh at those places.

you're a video game developer? that explains a lot. you probably smoke bongs filled with MONSTER! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Sorry but your just being CD if you still don't get what Im saying about referring to it by the extraction process over the consistency. And you obviously missed the point of me listing all the different terms. The point is they don't really mean anything, wax included.

PS> $250 an oz is profitable unless its costing you way too much to grow. Street price on homegrown here is 150-200, most mmj about the same, top flight mmj ~300.
$250 an ounce may be profitable for you. when you ship all your grow equipment, nutrients, soil, etc... down and drop $50k to build a 6000w room (which is a lot for 6k watts) then your costs go a little higher. crap hydro sells for $350 down here.


Well-Known Member
You know, I used to know a guy that grew tons of pot and sold it to all his "friends", well called him our drug dealer, lol.

And don't claim your shit it better if your not willing to go head to head, put up or shut up, lol. You implied you come here regularly? Bring your choice nugs, send some random samples off for testing, participate in a local or national cup.

You've obviously never been or you'd know the assertions about teenagers and hipsters is just you talkin out your ass, lol. It's a wide rage of people and professionals from all walks of life. Your right tho, some old douche, that is afraid of change and "contraptions" prob wouldn't mix in with friendly, interesting people, that like to learn about and enjoy new things.

Enjoy your cognitive dissonance in your god awful climate. Old turds seem to love the humidity of Fla and further south.


Well-Known Member
$250 an ounce may be profitable for you. when you ship all your grow equipment, nutrients, soil, etc... down and drop $50k to build a 6000w room (which is a lot for 6k watts) then your costs go a little higher. crap hydro sells for $350 down here.
I know it does, I used to live in Fla remember. Pretty much the same as CR only not quite as dirty.

And hmmm... 50k 6000w grow room, have to go back to small commercial op. lol.


Well-Known Member
Why you hatin broseph? What about that jelly school?! Not you scoob
Scoobys gonna make ya look stupid if he feels like it :)
Scooby, I know its hard to stop when he keeps giving you ammo!
Are you his cheerleader btw? What's that like?

Tell you what guys, you are right, Scooby is the best grower in the world, I'm sure everyone travels from civilization to his 3rd world country where apparently he is king of the profiteers, just for his select nugs. Chacka apparently follows around cheering him on. Everyone wins, best pot ever without needing to be smoked by anyone, especially not expert legends. Yep some dude that apparently just has a really expensive hobby yet prob has the tolerance of a schoolchild is the only judge we need.


Well-Known Member
Al if you're gonna lie about what you make it's not wise to then tell us what you do for a living! The national median income for a game designer or programmer is from 58-64k. With a whopping 2 years exp you most likely aren't even getting that. I'm guessing your net is more like 40 a year. But it does explain the quality of your grow room :) Now that I've proven you're just a liar it really discredits anything else you have to say so go ahead and shut your cock holster for the remainder of this thread. Maybe you could just ask a mod to delete it for you.

Wait no, I want to hear how you're an exception to the national average and that you really do gross 150k which is only about 50k more than a top end salary in that industry. :)


Well-Known Member
somehow i got wrapped up in this whole mess. lmao. i should have just dropped a few pics and called it a day. :bigjoint:
Pics of? Your buds? Everyone knows pictures are the only way to judge pot. I'm sure they look as nice as the breeder pictures. The shit I see here does. There you go, its a tie, Scooby's stuff looks great, debate over, all the legends of cannabis living in Co and the west coast should just give up.

Or are you talking about your stuff, money, houses, etc? We already know your a privileged bitch raping an impoverserd people so you can live "Your dream", likely the family legacy. Daddy pass on the successful development business? lol.


Well-Known Member
You know, I used to know a guy that grew tons of pot and sold it to all his "friends", well called him our drug dealer, lol.

And don't claim your shit it better if your not willing to go head to head, put up or shut up, lol. You implied you come here regularly? Bring your choice nugs, send some random samples off for testing, participate in a local or national cup.

You've obviously never been or you'd know the assertions about teenagers and hipsters is just you talkin out your ass, lol. It's a wide rage of people and professionals from all walks of life. Your right tho, some old douche, that is afraid of change and "contraptions" prob wouldn't mix in with friendly, interesting people, that like to learn about and enjoy new things.

Enjoy your cognitive dissonance in your god awful climate. Old turds seem to love the humidity of Fla and further south.
never said i didn't deal drugs. technically i do. just said i don't grow to put food on my table and pay the bills. i do it cause i wanna know what i'm smoking and i enjoy growing.

i'll claim my shit is better all day long. been there, done that dispensary shit. i'll try out stuff my boys bring down but like i said before...95% of what i smoke comes from me and 2 of my buddies. there are 1000's of guys who grow as well or better than we do. i don't know them so i choose to stick with the dank i got. any dispensary you are getting your stuff from is cash cropping and i'll take my buds over theirs all day. i'm not into "the scene" like you are bud. i don't go to cups cause it's a waste of my time. i ain't trying to have a dick measuring contest with a bunch of teens.

i'm not that old, but definitely older than you judging by your assumptions and comments. i'll take a little humidity and high temps to freezing my ass off any day. especially when you wake up to view like this everyday.

P1270652.jpg DSC01448.jpg DSC01405.jpg

Heading Out.jpg DSC00265.jpg Dominical Property.jpg

DSC00999.jpg Phil @ La Fortuna Waterfall 3.jpg View From The Street.jpg

IMG_2355b.jpg Playa Hermosa.jpg Phil Taking Pictures 2.jpg

I know it does, I used to live in Fla remember. Pretty much the same as CR only not quite as dirty.

And hmmm... 50k 6000w grow room, have to go back to small commercial op. lol.
the fact you call costa rica dirty goes to show how narrow minded you really are. you obviously don't know the country that i do. therefore you probably shouldn't comment on it.

you call $50k a commercial grow op. i call it quality construction. you buy a $40,000 car and call it nice. i buy $110,000 cars and call them nice. you buy a $3000 watch and think it's the shit; i buy $40,000 watch and think it's dope. it's all relative to your financial situation.


Well-Known Member
Al if you're gonna lie about what you make it's not wise to then tell us what you do for a living! The national median income for a game designer or programmer is from 58-64k. With a whopping 2 years exp you most likely aren't even getting that. I'm guessing your net is more like 40 a year. But it does explain the quality of your grow room :) Now that I've proven you're just a liar it really discredits anything else you have to say so go ahead and shut your cock holster for the remainder of this thread. Maybe you could just ask a mod to delete it for you.

Wait no, I want to hear how you're an exception to the national average and that you really do gross 150k which is only about 50k more than a top end salary in that industry. :)
Lol, right, you've proved it.

You have no idea what your talking about sir, spit all the googled info you want. I work for an indie game developer, I serve as lead dev and programmer, not only do I get my salery based on the percentage of what the clinet is paying us, I also get points.

Working on finishing an IOS game for a sucsesfull investor from philly right now, dude made his nut and now is investing in his dream, I have 10 points plus 30k bonus at appstore launch. In the past two years I've done 2 "virtual" attractions for Disney in Tokyo and Orlando, fixing to start up an attraction at a resort in the Philippines. I've also oversaw the production of a different indie game that saw successful launches on Ouya, Steam, and android mobiles. Oh and we also have a multi million dollar social game in the pipe, I'm in the process of vetting devs right now, hiring 6 new programmers.

Don't tell me what I make you jelly fuck, lol.


Well-Known Member
never said i didn't deal drugs. technically i do. just said i don't grow to put food on my table and pay the bills. i do it cause i wanna know what i'm smoking and i enjoy growing.

i'll claim my shit is better all day long. been there, done that dispensary shit. i'll try out stuff my boys bring down but like i said before...95% of what i smoke comes from me and 2 of my buddies. there are 1000's of guys who grow as well or better than we do. i don't know them so i choose to stick with the dank i got. any dispensary you are getting your stuff from is cash cropping and i'll take my buds over theirs all day. i'm not into "the scene" like you are bud. i don't go to cups cause it's a waste of my time. i ain't trying to have a dick measuring contest with a bunch of teens.

i'm not that old, but definitely older than you judging by your assumptions and comments. i'll take a little humidity and high temps to freezing my ass off any day. especially when you wake up to view like this everyday.

the fact you call costa rica dirty goes to show how narrow minded you really are. you obviously don't know the country that i do. therefore you probably shouldn't comment on it.

you call $50k a commercial grow op. i call it quality construction. you buy a $40,000 car and call it nice. i buy $110,000 cars and call them nice. you buy a $3000 watch and think it's the shit; i buy $40,000 watch and think it's dope. it's all relative to your financial situation.
I called it a small commercial op. Adjectives are important.

$110? GT-R? Cuz that's on my list, that would make me jelly, least till I get mine. ;-)

The rest of the shit, you can have it, I'm so glad you like to waste money on blood diamonds but cant be bothered to have a proper piece of glass to vape your shit "wax" out of.

Also, if your world is so great why are you spending Saturday arguing with me on the internet? lol. I suppose talking shit on the internet you can't prove to a 30yo in co is easier than actually backing it up? Fly your fucking private jet out here and I'll show you real weed. I can't help that you had a bad experience with the shit your friends hook you up with. You talk like you've been out here and been all about it but then you bring up teenagers and shit again, lol. You obv have no idea, and sounds like your getting your info from youtube videos.

And yea, I've been there, it's nice for rich fucks like you but for the majority of the country is hot, sweaty, and dirty. You prob never leave the compound enough to notice the massive financial injustice.


Well-Known Member
Pics of? Your buds? Everyone knows pictures are the only way to judge pot. I'm sure they look as nice as the breeder pictures. The shit I see here does. There you go, its a tie, Scooby's stuff looks great, debate over, all the legends of cannabis living in Co and the west coast should just give up.

Or are you talking about your stuff, money, houses, etc? We already know your a privileged bitch raping an impoverserd people so you can live "Your dream", likely the family legacy. Daddy pass on the successful development business? lol.
you really are a teenage clown. my dad was in computers. i never had patience for that. i was in finance before i moved here. made my own way without even speaking the language when i got here. costa rica is far from impoverished. show's what your ignorant ass knows. lower unemployment rate than the u.s. higher standard of living, less homeless per capita, and a much happier place in my opinion. but hey, you passed through here on a cruise and now you're an expert.

i actually provide jobs for a lot of people and pay better than most. plus, i get to build beautiful homes in a beautiful country.


Well-Known Member
PS> Know thy self... lol. This is for both of us... But mostly you.

[h=3]Belief disconfirmation paradigm[/h] Dissonance is aroused when people are confronted with information that is inconsistent with their beliefs. If the dissonance is not reduced by changing one's belief, the dissonance can result in restoring consonance through misperception, rejection or refutation of the information, seeking support from others who share the beliefs, and attempting to persuade others.[SUP][4][/SUP]


Well-Known Member
I called it a small commercial op. Adjectives are important.

$110? GT-R? Cuz that's on my list, that would make me jelly, least till I get mine. ;-)

The rest of the shit, you can have it, I'm so glad you like to waste money on blood diamonds but cant be bothered to have a proper piece of glass to vape your shit "wax" out of.

Also, if your world is so great why are you spending Saturday arguing with me on the internet? lol. I suppose talking shit on the internet you can't prove to a 30yo in co is easier than actually backing it up? Fly your fucking private jet out here and I'll show you real weed. I can't help that you had a bad experience with the shit your friends hook you up with. You talk like you've been out here and been all about it but then you bring up teenagers and shit again, lol. You obv have no idea, and sounds like your getting your info from youtube videos.

And yea, I've been there, it's nice for rich fucks like you but for the majority of the country is hot, sweaty, and dirty. You prob never leave the compound enough to notice the massive financial injustice.
keep digging that ditch buddy. too dumb to realize you're digging your own grave. i'll choose to spend my money on the things i enjoy. you can choose to spend your $40k a year on all that crap you have on your table. a year from now none of it is going to work. at least my stuff will still be here.

it's 6pm here. sun just went down. i been hanging around the house working on the internet all day. arguing with you is just helping pass the time. this isn't exactly NYC either. not too much to do when the lights go down. i like it that way. nice and quiet. to each their own.

i don't own a private jet. they are a waste of money. if you are a billionaire maybe not. i'm far from that. sorry that you are starting to realize how much of a sucker you are. the guys at the dispensary see you coming and get dollar signs in their eyes. sucker born every minute. same old story of some retard believing everything they tell him at the dispensary or grow store...buying up every gadget...paying sucker prices for average weed.

the more you talk about costa rica the more i laugh. you probably spent 3 nights in san jose snorting coke and banging hookers. that sounds about right.