My New Murder- I Mean Grow Room ;-)


Well-Known Member
Thank you! Although with as much as I spend on cannabis and other consumerist vices, that's not likely to happen unless we make a hit and I have points on it. lol.

Anyway, all I'm saying is don't assume people lie, or that there isn't $1000 of the most fire strains in the world sitting on that table awaiting my personal consumption, lol.

BTW, Damn this thread really took a wrong turn, that happens occasionally, and is 100% my bad. I think it's too much sativa lately, need to go get some myrcene in my system ;-) I figured mostly this thread would get jokes about how it looks like something a retarded Dexter put together. Overreacted when my hard work got shit on by a douchbags I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Thank you! Although with as much as I spend on cannabis and other consumerist vices, that's not likely to happen unless we make a hit and I have points on it. lol.

Anyway, all I'm saying is don't assume people lie, or that there isn't $1000 of the most fire strains in the world sitting on that table awaiting my personal consumption, lol.

BTW, Damn this thread really took a wrong turn, that happens occasionally, and is 100% my bad. I think it's too much sativa lately, need to go get some myrcene in my system ;-) I figured mostly this thread would get jokes about how it looks like something a retarded Dexter put together. Overreacted when my hard work got shit on by a douchbags I suppose.
why didn't you just buy a tent? if you got the cash you can pick up one pretty cheaply.


Well-Known Member
i get the concentrates i want just like you do. we make wax, bubble hash, and i like brownies. the rest of that shit is all the same basically.
I'm fairly familar with CR. And while I'm aware it's great to live there, esp if you have, lets say, a "western" income, lol, but no way you have the variety of strains or quality of concentrates we do here.

Unless your "making wax" in a 100k+ lab.

But all that is not really the point, being that I'd rather have access to all sorts of fire from all kinds of award winning professionals, than have a massive home grow operation in hurricane country. (I lived most my life in Fla btw, so happy to be out of that climate, hehe.)


Well-Known Member
why didn't you just buy a tent? if you got the cash you can pick up one pretty cheaply.
I have a small cheep-o one. All the large ones I liked were $1000++ and I just don't see spending that on a temporary situation. After we sell the other homes and find one here I'll be setting up entire bedrooms, no need for a big ass expensive grow tent.

Also, I hate mylar and reflectx. ;-)


Well-Known Member
I have a small cheep-o one. All the large ones I liked were $1000++ and I just don't see spending that on a temporary situation. After we sell the other homes and find one here I'll be setting up entire bedrooms, no need for a big ass expensive grow tent.

Also, I hate mylar and reflectx. ;-)
i hear ya. how big is that room?

i like reflectix, i put it on the walls of my rooms. you have a problem with it in the past?


Well-Known Member
The room itself, I'm not sure, something like 12x10. The shit I put up is about 5.5x8x7. I've got a 4x4 floodtable with a 400w convertable over it. Next to that is that shitty 3x2 tent with a 230w(listed at $300, got for $150, couldn't pass it up, hehe) led in it. And next to that is the env control stuff. It's pretty cramped but way better than the 4x3 closet I was working with before. You can also see that I'm pretty new to growing so I've been keeping things "low cost" for now, cheap sunburst convertible ballast/hood combo, no real air flow setup, no c02, etc.

I've never used either. But I understand that a diffuse white surface is better in almost every way(for plants) to a specular one, esp for someone like me that has no chance of keeping it perfectly flat or tare free, hehe. It can even be argued that a diffuse white ceiling/room with a bare bulb/cool tube is better than any reflective hood.


Well-Known Member
I'm fairly familar with CR. And while I'm aware it's great to live there, esp if you have, lets say, a "western" income, lol, but no way you have the variety of strains or quality of concentrates we do here.

Unless your "making wax" in a 100k+ lab.

But all that is not really the point, being that I'd rather have access to all sorts of fire from all kinds of award winning professionals, than have a massive home grow operation in hurricane country. (I lived most my life in Fla btw, so happy to be out of that climate, hehe.)

i get the same strains that you do. i just don't prefer to smoke 14 different strains from 5 different dispensaries. i'd rather just grow my own. 95% of the bud i ingest is from myself or 2 of my boys in the u.s. i also get my genetics from them. wouldn't you rather eat vegetables that you grew in your garden?

you don't need $100k to make good need $100k to make a LOT of wax. i use ground up herb to make my brownies, kiev, wax, and hash when a lot of guys use clippings for that. i probably smoke more hash than anything but i enjoy them all. i've tried almost everything when i go back home. i don't need 9 different contraptions to smoke weed or 6 kinds of concentrates in my fridge. i'm cool with the ways i got. i just started making and smoking wax a few months ago and added that to the stable. probably gonna stop making kief cause i just don't smoke it anymore.

different strokes for different folks buddy.


Well-Known Member
i get the same strains that you do. i just don't prefer to smoke 14 different strains from 5 different dispensaries. i'd rather just grow my own. 95% of the bud i ingest is from myself or 2 of my boys in the u.s. i also get my genetics from them. wouldn't you rather eat vegetables that you grew in your garden?

you don't need $100k to make good need $100k to make a LOT of wax. i use ground up herb to make my brownies, kiev, wax, and hash when a lot of guys use clippings for that. i probably smoke more hash than anything but i enjoy them all. i've tried almost everything when i go back home. i don't need 9 different contraptions to smoke weed or 6 kinds of concentrates in my fridge. i'm cool with the ways i got. i just started making and smoking wax a few months ago and added that to the stable. probably gonna stop making kief cause i just don't smoke it anymore.

different strokes for different folks buddy.
Different strokes indeed sir ;-). I personally don't like to eat chlorophyll and plant material. Although st8 hash/keif isn't that bad for cooking, also I might suggest branching out from brownies, ground bud in a box of brownie mix is for high school, hehe. I've started using just BHO or c02 oil.

As for smoking, I've always preferred kief to hash cuz you can just smoke a bowl full and get blitz, actual pressed hash is stronger I suppose but a pain in the ass to smoke, esp when BHO exists, hehe. Also, I let my space case build up for months running 100 dif strains thru it, now that is some killer keif.

If I grew as much as you, well making BHO makes sense but I'd never do it at home without investing heavily, 100k was a bit of an overstatement. I'm sure your right and it could be done quality without 5 vac ovens, a turbomolecular pump, a cryogenic freezer, etc, etc. But it's the closed loop system and explosion proofing that I was referring too. If you don't have blast proof walls and ventilation hoods, you're doing it wrong.

The fact that you call it wax I think speaks to the lack of experience you've mentioned. I've hated the term and to me it refers to the low quality homemade stuff people sell on craigs list here. hehe.

And lets equate this to craft beer, or fine wine, not veggies. I consider myself a connoisseur. Does the wine connoisseur build a mini vineyard in has back yard? No he leaves that up to the people that have been perfecting their craft for generations. Same with craft beers, sure, some guys brew some decent stuff in their garage, but the best shit again comes from the small guy professionals that make their living from it and pride themselves on their product and their name. I guess its hard to explain to someone that hasn't been exposed to mmj. There are 400+ dispensaries around here, a lot of shitty ones, some ok ones, and a select few that take great pride in having the best shit around, that is where I shop, and it beats lbs and lbs of a few different strains at a time.

PS> In your fridge? where did people come up with storing concentrates in the fridge/freezer? My shatter stays glass at 80deg, hehe.

PPS> Black market sellers always claim the black market is better, so perhaps you are biased? hehe.


Well-Known Member
Different strokes indeed sir ;-). I personally don't like to eat chlorophyll and plant material. Although st8 hash/keif isn't that bad for cooking, also I might suggest branching out from brownies, ground bud in a box of brownie mix is for high school, hehe. I've started using just BHO or c02 oil.

As for smoking, I've always preferred kief to hash cuz you can just smoke a bowl full and get blitz, actual pressed hash is stronger I suppose but a pain in the ass to smoke, esp when BHO exists, hehe. Also, I let my space case build up for months running 100 dif strains thru it, now that is some killer keif.

If I grew as much as you, well making BHO makes sense but I'd never do it at home without investing heavily, 100k was a bit of an overstatement. I'm sure your right and it could be done quality without 5 vac ovens, a turbomolecular pump, a cryogenic freezer, etc, etc. But it's the closed loop system and explosion proofing that I was referring too. If you don't have blast proof walls and ventilation hoods, you're doing it wrong.

The fact that you call it wax I think speaks to the lack of experience you've mentioned. I've hated the term and to me it refers to the low quality homemade stuff people sell on craigs list here. hehe.

And lets equate this to craft beer, or fine wine, not veggies. I consider myself a connoisseur. Does the wine connoisseur build a mini vineyard in has back yard? No he leaves that up to the people that have been perfecting their craft for generations. Same with craft beers, sure, some guys brew some decent stuff in their garage, but the best shit again comes from the small guy professionals that make their living from it and pride themselves on their product and their name. I guess its hard to explain to someone that hasn't been exposed to mmj. There are 400+ dispensaries around here, a lot of shitty ones, some ok ones, and a select few that take great pride in having the best shit around, that is where I shop, and it beats lbs and lbs of a few different strains at a time.

PS> In your fridge? where did people come up with storing concentrates in the fridge/freezer? My shatter stays glass at 80deg, hehe.

PPS> Black market sellers always claim the black market is better, so perhaps you are biased? hehe.
might wanna explore the edibles a little more bud. no one had made brownies with ground up bud since '04. ground it up and simmer it in vegetable oil. just like any other extract. the fact that i call it wax just means i don't get all hyped up by the names. what i smoke is wax. you can call it bhp, shatter, etc... in the end it's wax.

you're entitled to your opinion but we'll just have to agree to disagree. i'm not trying to brew a craft beer; i'm trying to grow super clean buds. i'd rather eat tomatoes from my garden than go buy them from the supermarket. i can't grow certain things so i do have to buy them but i can grow dank ass buds so i don't need someone else to do it for me. you wanna smoke weed 6 different ways go for it. i don't. i smoke out of a bowl, a joint, or a vape pen. to each his own.

i don't keep it in the fridge for temperature. we keep it there for humidity.

i grow for myself and my boys. i appreciate quality work as well and i've smoked a ton of it. i'm no more black market than most. i'm just interested in the plant. i really don't care how far you wanna extract the thc out of it. i can't master the whole game. i choose to concentrate my time on the root of it all. gotta have good bud or none of it matters.


Well-Known Member
lol son your a chump and i still clear more then you ;-)

and by the way, people do pay taxes on illegal money, you just have to make enough of it....


Well-Known Member
Lol ... you're a chump. I'll have to agree with twitch. I'll add punk bitch. I can see this idiot doing. 7 - 15 yrs. hard time just for being stupid.

Just my .01 ( he's not worth the extra cent)


Well-Known Member
Yes, personal attacks. That only shows you have nothing intelligent to add and can't come up with any vaild points...

And riiiight, I'm gonna do hard time for staying within state medical limits(despite our extended plant counts). Like I'm the one implying I make my living selling illegal shit. Not the first time I've seen you do that btw Twitch.
Even if I didn't have a red card, its fucking legal to grow here! lol.

Btw, In the end it's BHO or whatever process you use to extract, not whatever colloquial term for a particular consistency in your region. Wax is the consistently you get when you don't make it correctly sir.

Also, might wanna avoid vape pens, generally they just serve to scorch and make it taste like shit. So far, I've found the illidelph Hot Hit Set to be the best for all forms of concentrates, including hash and keif(leaves residue but still)


Well-Known Member
i use ground up herb to make my brownies.
no one had made brownies with ground up bud since '04. ground it up and simmer it in vegetable oil. just like any other extract.
Ummm am I confused there?? You seem to contradict yourself. And I meant more, try other foods, not just brownies. And please tell me you're using liquid/liquid to pull out all the bullshit? I like to 4x wash when using plant material. Try coconut oil btw, more versatile and I prefer it for baked goods over butter or other fats. For pan searing or roasting meats butter or olive oil are better ;-).

i don't keep it in the fridge for temperature. we keep it there for humidity.
I hope this means your trying to keep the humidity low... Pretty sure in my climate that would only serve to add moisture(a bad thing, lol).


Well-Known Member
Yes, personal attacks. That only shows you have nothing intelligent to add and can't come up with any vaild points...

And riiiight, I'm gonna do hard time for staying within state medical limits(despite our extended plant counts). Like I'm the one implying I make my living selling illegal shit. Not the first time I've seen you do that btw Twitch.
Even if I didn't have a red card, its fucking legal to grow here! lol.

Btw, In the end it's BHO or whatever process you use to extract, not whatever colloquial term for a particular consistency in your region. Wax is the consistently you get when you don't make it correctly sir.

Also, might wanna avoid vape pens, generally they just serve to scorch and make it taste like shit. So far, I've found the illidelph Hot Hit Set to be the best for all forms of concentrates, including hash and keif(leaves residue but still)
Ummm am I confused there?? You seem to contradict yourself. And I meant more, try other foods, not just brownies. And please tell me you're using liquid/liquid to pull out all the bullshit? I like to 4x wash when using plant material. Try coconut oil btw, more versatile and I prefer it for baked goods over butter or other fats. For pan searing or roasting meats butter or olive oil are better ;-).

I hope this means your trying to keep the humidity low... Pretty sure in my climate that would only serve to add moisture(a bad thing, lol).
you don't think names change depending on where you are? just the other day i was talking to someone about a "buffer" when growing and we both thought it was something different. everyone has their own terminology. wax is wax bro. you can call it what you want but in the end it's all just wax. we extract it in the same way that shit you buy from the dispensary is. you wanna make shatter and "bho" then go for it. we make wax, and it tastes great to me.

i don't see how you are getting any plant matter in my brownie mix. grind the weed, sauté it in oil, filter it, add it to the mix. i don't like the taste of coconut oil and the vegetable oils i get are just fine. my brownies do exactly what i want them to do and taste better than anything i've gotten from a dispensary.

judging from all the crap on your table i'm guessing you bought a lot of junk from the dispensary and online joints. i found a great pen that doesn't burn my wax. got a couple of them in a box on reserve but this one has lasted me a while. i like pens cause they are convenient and easy to hide. for me that is a huge bonus.

try living in a costa rican rain forest and come talk to me about humidity bro. your fridge or freezer is always a better option than letting it sit out. my windows and door are open all day; i don't turn my air on till night time. i have to keep my weed in jars in my grow room cause it's the only place with correct humidity.

beating your chest about how great you are is only gonna get you ridiculed on this website. just trying to give you some advice. you need to concentrate on learning how to grow a plant bro; maybe spend a little less time with the "hipsters" down at your local dispensary. there are a lot of very good growers and knowledgeable people on this site that could help you out; but not if you piss them all off talking about how your shit don't stink.

fact of the matter can extract that shit till you are smoking the purist, most filter, cleanest thc in the world. i could care less. i'll take my buds and extracts over all those hyped up fads and toys. you wanna spend your days digging through draws of junk looking for a titanium needle then good for you. i'd rather roll a joint and go fishing.

good luck with your house hunt. buying a home is a very important part of becoming financially stable. come talk to me when you have 7. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you're entitled to your opinion but we'll just have to agree to disagree. i'm not trying to brew a craft beer; i'm trying to grow super clean buds. i'd rather eat tomatoes from my garden than go buy them from the supermarket. i can't grow certain things so i do have to buy them but i can grow dank ass buds so i don't need someone else to do it for me. you wanna smoke weed 6 different ways go for it. i don't. i smoke out of a bowl, a joint, or a vape pen. to each his own.

i grow for myself and my boys. i appreciate quality work as well and i've smoked a ton of it. i'm no more black market than most. i'm just interested in the plant. i really don't care how far you wanna extract the thc out of it. i can't master the whole game. i choose to concentrate my time on the root of it all. gotta have good bud or none of it matters.
I'm not sure how we keep coming back to your situations vs mine as they are totally different. I have the utmost respect for your grow and what you are doing. I just find it slighly hard to beleive that you have that many friends and that someone somewhere along the line isn't making serious profits from your setup.

And sorry but my analogies make more sense, lol. First, tomatoes are disgusting and thought to be poisonous throughout most of history, lol. And while yes, some dispensaries(TGS comes to mind) can be compared to supermarkets, the ones I like are more like uber well respected craft breweries. The rest I suppose I could see comparing to the people selling produce at the farmers market.

In the end it comes down to personal preference, I like to medicate with a variety of strains grown so well it blows Netherlands shit out of the water. You like to have piles of weed that you cared for and nurtured yourself, I understand and respect that as I very much enjoyed growing some super frosty crazy smelling shit my first time ever. But it seems for both of us, growing is secondary to our carriers. And especially for me, growing as a hobby and buying my supply legally is a much better option.

Let's that be the end of it shall we?


Well-Known Member
you don't think names change depending on where you are? just the other day i was talking to someone about a "buffer" when growing and we both thought it was something different. everyone has their own terminology. wax is wax bro. you can call it what you want but in the end it's all just wax. we extract it in the same way that shit you buy from the dispensary is. you wanna make shatter and "bho" then go for it. we make wax, and it tastes great to me.

i don't see how you are getting any plant matter in my brownie mix. grind the weed, sauté it in oil, filter it, add it to the mix. i don't like the taste of coconut oil and the vegetable oils i get are just fine. my brownies do exactly what i want them to do and taste better than anything i've gotten from a dispensary.

judging from all the crap on your table i'm guessing you bought a lot of junk from the dispensary and online joints. i found a great pen that doesn't burn my wax. got a couple of them in a box on reserve but this one has lasted me a while. i like pens cause they are convenient and easy to hide. for me that is a huge bonus.

try living in a costa rican rain forest and come talk to me about humidity bro. your fridge or freezer is always a better option than letting it sit out. my windows and door are open all day; i don't turn my air on till night time. i have to keep my weed in jars in my grow room cause it's the only place with correct humidity.

beating your chest about how great you are is only gonna get you ridiculed on this website. just trying to give you some advice. you need to concentrate on learning how to grow a plant bro; maybe spend a little less time with the "hipsters" down at your local dispensary. there are a lot of very good growers and knowledgeable people on this site that could help you out; but not if you piss them all off talking about how your shit don't stink.

fact of the matter can extract that shit till you are smoking the purist, most filter, cleanest thc in the world. i could care less. i'll take my buds and extracts over all those hyped up fads and toys. you wanna spend your days digging through draws of junk looking for a titanium needle then good for you. i'd rather roll a joint and go fishing.

good luck with your house hunt. buying a home is a very important part of becoming financially stable. come talk to me when you have 7.
You assume way to much. You know nothing of the items I have and are only guessing at what your looking at. That's and o-pen and a rem-pen pre-filled carts, and I hate them too, not a fan of the VG/PG mixed e-joints,
but how would i have known without trying them?

I was really only trying to help you some, as you've already stated you've had minimal exposure. I've tried SO many different ways of consuming cannabis concentrates trying to find a happy medium, and as I said, try a hot hit set, I don't like metal(even Ti) involved in my consumption, especially nichrome wire, which an educated guess is what your "vaping" with. What "pen" do you use? Chance are I've tried it and hated it.

Wax is not Wax, I get what your trying to say but it sounds ignorant to approach it that way, semantics I guess but... BHO refers to ANY concentrate extracted with butane, I don't know why you quote that. "shatter", "wax", "budder", "earwax", "taffy", "moonrock", "honeycomb", "pie crust", ..., are all terms for consistency that vary by definition depending on where you are and who you ask. Its dumb to say I have "wax" as that doesn't really mean anything, "wax" can be made by rolling pressed hash.

The way you talked about edibles also seemed like you've had limited exposure to better methods so again, just giving some "friendly" advice. I'm sure you do strain your oil but you are dissolving all sort of undesirables in with the beneficial compounds, a liquid/liquid extraction is simple and helps out so much on flavor while leaving the non-water soluble goodies.

Also, lets see, your rich, 7 homes, and live in CR. I take it you grew up privileged and your family has money. Good for you bro, keep taking advantage of that impoverished nation. Btw, currently have 2 that are on the market, renting here while we find the perfect spot.

PS> How am I supposed to know you have humidity problems? I lived in south Fla for years and our house stayed cool and dry.