Marijuana Myth Busters


Well-Known Member
The bottom line of this dying thread if you could not pick it up in all the hateful posts::::::


If you want to grow marijuana, then research plant science. Get a Plant Science book. Marijuana Grow books are full of shit. 98% of people on RIU are speaking out of their ass and /or full of shit. Read Uncle Ben's posts. Impman is super full of shit... and mescaline (amap)
Grow shops sell lies and mark up equipment 500%. They would be shut down if our government had control or cared about marijuana industry. Grow shops would be shut down for lying and stealing with snake oil chemicals and bullshit marijuana grow books.
Your plants don't look super healthy. They look fairly healthy. I'm pretty sure Miracle Grow is known for missing micro nutrients. I tend to agree that people make growing excellent quality weed much more difficult than it needs to be and that all purpose formulas work very well. I think you should consider something other than MG though (just looking at your plants).


Well-Known Member
It could also just be that you are underfeeding a bit. Longer flowering varieties seem to like certain mixes better than shorter flowering so it's possible your MG is mixed just fine too if you are underfeeding.

Looking again it looks a bit like underfeeding. Still, nice looking sized buds. A bit grainy to tell how they look beyond that.


Well-Known Member
Your plants don't look super healthy. They look fairly healthy. I'm pretty sure Miracle Grow is known for missing micro nutrients. I tend to agree that people make growing excellent quality weed much more difficult than it needs to be and that all purpose formulas work very well. I think you should consider something other than MG though (just looking at your plants).
They are in my 106 degree garage with a 10,000btu portable AC. they get the first 6 hours of light at 78 degrees then i lose control until the sun goes down so the last 6 hours of light are 90degrees.. no bueno



Well-Known Member
It could also just be that you are underfeeding a bit. Longer flowering varieties seem to like certain mixes better than shorter flowering so it's possible your MG is mixed just fine too if you are underfeeding.

Looking again it looks a bit like underfeeding. Still, nice looking sized buds. A bit grainy to tell how they look beyond that.
Nothing spectacular at all. Average grow I would say. I will have a better camera and or pics . harvest is looking like next friday and saturday. I predict 500 grams. Low estimation.


Well-Known Member
fucking camera. I don't get it. There is crystals all over those buds. They glisten . can't see shit


Well-Known Member
Is your light on during the day?? If so I would start flipping the lights on at night.
lol, I started this whole big argument about this. I can't because of my cheap AC situation. I like my plants to drop 20-30 degrees in temperature at night. I can't achieve that without running my lights during the day. Last summer I tried running my lights at night and my Day/night temp was fucked. I got a harsh lesson in THERMOPERIODISM. My plants stunted bad and never finished. it was an expensive nightmare


Well-Known Member
Your plants shouldn't stunt that was dif going on. Google dif
I will if you google thermoperiodism too :) I don't agree with you on that. Refer to Uncle Ben Gardening pointers and tweaks, so much good info. cooler light periods is horrible to your plants. Marijuana is thermoperiodic plant. Stunting is stunting. the best horticulturist in the world use thermoperiodism to grow top quality produce. Look at the Emerald Triangle. Study the climate of the best places on earth to grow weed. There is no where on this planet that has cooler days than nights. I would still like to see any studies, Besides a marijuana grow book, that would suggest warmer nights is good for ANY plant.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
I didn't suggest going below optimum temps of 75 degrees. Dif = technique for controlling plant height. High times published a article on this subject titled "what's your DIF" also I believe co2 will help the plants to cope better with the heat. You can make cheap co2 by mixing water,sugar and yeast. Milk jug co2 method.


Well-Known Member
Oh I see another UB alias. lol. ! I didn't blow up dudes opinions by any means. It was an open discussion on de bunking myths. Which a lot of the OP's myths are not myths. You, with out any knowledge if you are not UB, are defending the biggest bully this sight has.
yeah, it seems to me from the op's comments that he believes that uncle ben and uncle buck are the same person. also that for some reason he is unable to breath without pants on.

Edit: ok i guess my point has been pretty thoroughly covered already, but I'll leave my post up to bump the thread. that way other people can get a good laugh too.:bigjoint:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
A completely sealed grow room would not be safe to be inside. The pressure could kill you. You mean a pressurized chamber? No air in or out unless controlled? that would be incredible to see. please post pics
lol, I started this whole big argument about this. I can't because of my cheap AC situation. I like my plants to drop 20-30 degrees in temperature at night. I can't achieve that without running my lights during the day. Last summer I tried running my lights at night and my Day/night temp was fucked. I got a harsh lesson in THERMOPERIODISM. My plants stunted bad and never finished. it was an expensive nightmare
umm.. no.

Plenty of people grow perfectly healthy plants with only a 10 degree night/day difference.

You fucked up somewhere different.


Well-Known Member
Happy 4th everybody!!

Smokes up 4 me.. haha.. I would, but I am already on cloud nine. Had a bad headache & had to go to the er, well they popped a shots in my ass! Woooww I feel like I am walking on cotton! Lol


Well-Known Member
Hey bro.. how are you doing :??: hadn't see you round in a few. Was just wanting to see how everythings going, and say hello. I just did 2 updates back to back, should be on the last 2 pg's. If you get some spare time, hop over & take a peek & let me know what you think.. :??: Thanks bro..


yeah, it seems to me from the op's comments that he believes that uncle ben and uncle buck are the same person. also that for some reason he is unable to breath without pants on.

Edit: ok i guess my point has been pretty thoroughly covered already, but I'll leave my post up to bump the thread. that way other people can get a good laugh too.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
damn i was trippin balls today and for whatever reason my freakin ACbreaker flipped . my plants were overheated for a hour or two in 100+ temps. no bueno. poor plants. i think the will be ok but they all turned a leaf or two at me to say fuck you