Marijuana Myth Busters


Active Member
Many landrace sativas can take up to 6-8 months to flower

I got a mass of 12 year old trolls on this thread. Leas I got you kiddos all bundled up on one thread instead of causing damage to ADULT new growers. SHOW ME A SATIVA THAT FLOWERS 22 WEEKS . thats so stupid


Well-Known Member
No use in trying to talk sense to the kid. I think he smoked on tinfoil pipes to long .


Well-Known Member
Thank you trolls, I stand corrected! You have helped us BUST another Myth!!!! :clap:

Excellent work !
MYTH: Growing a Landrace Sativa with a 8-10 month flowering time INDOORS is practical.
Busted! Flowering a plant for 10 months INDOORS will run up your electric bill in to the thousands of dollars for just 1 plant! Imagine trying to grow 5-10 indoor 8month flowering Sativa plants! Your $ per gram of smoke would be outrageous. Remember, be practical when picking your marijuana strain. 20+ week flowering indoor Sativa is not good for you pocket or the environment.


Well-Known Member
Realistically I think yield evens out, I only veg 2 weeks and they end up 4ft tall with super cropping some will just be monstrous.. people talk about a 2 week stretch with these hybrids. But a landrace doesn't stop growing until harvest that's why they can be very stringy. It gives a unique bud and high, personal preference for me and when I make hash


Well-Known Member
I don't give a shit what anyone says about this post,thanks on behalf of everyone that wants a full scope of any given situation and takes time out to view things in the light of fact.If any one has counter statements based in fact with research and proof to bolster the counterpart of these claims, I am all ears and would like to see it.
I can only point to your co2 figures. They are way off. A 20 lb bottle lasts me about three weeks, so 3-4 bottles per grow (only use it in flower myself)


Active Member
I don't think anybody would be dumb enough (could probably think of a few people actually) to run 1 plant or 1 strain for 10 months, most intelligent people would just stick it in the corner of their perpetual tent and let it do its thing, whilst running other strains as normal.

There's nothing like smoking a pure sativa, and the few I have tried I would happily look after for that amount of time to get that quality of smoke again.

Thank you trolls, I stand corrected! You have helped us BUST another Myth!!!! :clap:

Excellent work !
MYTH: Growing a Landrace Sativa with a 8-10 month flowering time INDOORS is practical.
Busted! Flowering a plant for 10 months INDOORS will run up your electric bill in to the thousands of dollars for just 1 plant! Imagine trying to grow 5-10 indoor 8month flowering Sativa plants! Your $ per gram of smoke would be outrageous. Remember, be practical when picking your marijuana strain. 20+ week flowering indoor Sativa is not good for you pocket or the environment.


Well-Known Member
First let me say "great thread". Might be just me looking for it, but it seems there's a trend of people who actually want to know, instead of leaving it to be an opinion or choice or "many roads lead to Rome". I like that, a lot. Treating it as an exact science and not some hippy believes. I'm doing some myth busting myself because over the past 6 months I noticed some major contradictions between grow 'theory' in the US and in NL. Opposite approaches often, in which case one has to be wrong/myth. If it makes ya'll feel better I will say that we got some real catching up to do when it comes to (spreading) knowledge (and you need to get over that 1gpw).

I don't agree like with the green harvest, and in this case I have to side with NL. In short, there's flushing and there's flushing. Really flushing (3x the pot contents for example) is not something we do by default. Giving only water for the last 7-10 days, however, is. Any hydro grower must have noticed that at the end of the cycle the plant simply needs less nutes. If you cut ALL the leaves from the plant immediately after harvesting, and I'm guessing that's what many of the non-flushers do, I can imagine it's less noticeable, but letting the chlorophyll in leaves while drying is noticeable in the end product (by taste, smell and with the naked eye...). Picking out the weed with light leaves and not the dark ones I see in most bud shots here is a good way to pick the better stuff from the menu. Not being flushed properly is a common complaint from connoisseurs (often they actually mean 'dried too fast'). Inducing the fall at the right moment is part of the art of growing mj. Any comparison to vegetables and fruits is in this context just silly imo. I don't smoke those.

For the non-believers that grow on soil in separate pots, it's easy to test with one of them isn't it... just give only water for the last 1-2 weeks so the fan leaves are all yellow-ish around harvest time. Dry and cure you will taste the difference. If you aren't a subtle taster, throw in a bunch of (extra) PK13/14 during the last week or two and tell me you don't taste that :lol:

To really bust a myth it helps to find the origin/reasons of the myth's existence. The reason for the flushing myths is two-fold, the mixup between real flushing and just giving water without added nutes, and that the answer to "should I flush" is hardly ever a simple yes or no. It depends on when you harvest, type of nutes, medium, drying and curing method and duration, etc.

Myth 7. Marijuana thrives in a constant room temperature anywhere from 72-79 degrees. Marijuana is a Thermoperiodic plant. For fat, healthy buds and healthy growth make sure you have a 10-20 degree drop in your night temperature. Thermoperiodism also keeps your flowering time on track.
:lol: Thermoperiodism for indoor grows with high intensity light is the myth! Indoor growing is about creating ideal circumstances, NOT mimicking outdoors.

Thermoperiodism also keeps your flowering time on track.
MYTH! :lol: It would help if you grow with very little light, but in most indoor grows (e.g. with HPS) the photoperiodism effect by far exceeds the thermoperiodism effect. It has a negligible positive effect, and does have negative effects (more stretch and less dense buds, not fatter like you claim, simply less happier plants).

Flame on :fire:

Edit: just found an article that covers both :lol:


Active Member
I think a lot of people on here are making things much more heated. Especially imp. BUT, I understand where he's coming from... Some may be true, some may be partially true, but can't except them in such black and white. A lot of stuff is circumstantial...

When I first started, I was so confused about this "flush". I think that's another thing. It's like playing telephone with a bunch of stoners. Passing on random bits of info... I thought I had to water with 3-4x the amount of medium everytime I watered. I almost shat my pants... I think most growers out there have some sort of common sense, and stop for a sec and think wtf?? Myth or not, if your plant seems happy, don't fall into the bandwagon. After reading all this great stuff about HPS lights, I got myself one, and then I found out no matter what I did, I couldn't bring the temps down. So now I'm growing with CFLs and the heat went way down, but still growing along nicely, (aside from a def, and bugs...)

From my understanding, cannabis can grow under some of the worst conditions. Anyone can grow it, just depends on how potent and how much you want. My temps hit near 92F with the HPS. It actually looked a lot nicer under 92F than the constant 77-80F I got with CFLs... But I'm sure it was killing them or stunting them somehow with those temps... Not really sure, but whatever, no visible damage. NO heat stress no burnt leaves nothing. I just got scurred.

Anyways, ALL I'm saying is, until you do shit yourself, myths will almost always be myths... Just smoke and grow! or the other way around...


Active Member
Actually, while I'm here... I've noticed this thread has some of the more experienced growers on RIU. So I'm hoping one of you guys wouldn't mind answering me a simple question. I've got azamax for this "thrip" problem, and it's not really doing the trick. I'm using 1/4 str for now, thinking of bumping it up. Saw someone using Captain Jack's. I've seen it in the store, along with Monterey. CJ has .0001 spinosad in it I believe, and the Monterey had .5%. More spinosad = better? Also saw some pyrethrum... wasn't sure if that would match up to either CJ or monterey. But it says it's a lot safer to use...


New Member
Don't worry about all the little sad pot heads, crying little girls that will be shocked that they were and always have been wrong about what u showed them. Flushing is a total waste of time and I did it three different times with three different strains late in flower and have two side by side tubs with control group of same strains at the time with no flushing and if anything it inspires green regrowth and does absolutely nothing to the flavor. Also the whole bs about RO water is a crook of horse shit. Tap water has one thing in it in most municipalities that is not ideal for plants of any kind and that is chlorine, but in a very short, less than a day, time it is gone and it does nothing to really change growth. Waste of time and money and I know this from side by side comparrisons tooo. Remember u are posting to people that believe hype that some magical strains out there have 42% thc.. Really stupid to try and educate pot heads that I would say 80+% are to stupid to do long division. Remember the avg. IQ in the usa is 100 and 80 is/was considered mental retardation not to long ago and and and the people on pot growing sites are for certain to be below the avg. Means most on here will still be reading this 5 minutes after they started and will get all pissed off and say stupid things because sad to say they really are to dump to understand. People think that because it has been written so many times and that is seems right that the crap on here about RO water ect must be right. Well sorry kids but u want to think pot will die if not treated like a fragile orchid or that it will be so much better if u treat them like they are but in reality this is still a weed and 90% of what u do is a waste of time. A "Sticky" post said he used 2000 up to 4000 PPM nute levels and you should have seen the psychophants that went nuts with hate on me when I called the idiot out for it because they just think he has to be right since he has been posting since the dawn of the site and well monkeys it is just pure bs from one in a thousand idiots on pot grow sites. Please keep flushing, and over nuteing and buying ro systems though because we need suckas to keep the industry of equipment in business. Thanks for being one bright light in this stupid group btw!!!!

Let's bust some Marijuana Myths and do some justice for the marijuana growing community! I will start with my top Myths that I perceive to be effecting the weed growing 'pop culture' we have all over the net. Never when I was young did I see a single 'Hydro Grow Shop'. What is driving all these pop up grow shops and Marijuana Specific hand books? Why /how have back yard gardeners been growing for so long with no Hydro Grow Nutrients or PH balancing? And never in my life have I seen so many specific little tricks that seem to only effect Marijuana Plants. These are the Myths that put a puzzled look on the faces of real life horticulturist and agriculture growers alike. These are the myths that will stir up passionate debates and anger in 'Marijuana Growers'. But these are the Myths that must be busted for a grower to have a successful indoor or outdoor garden.
Thread Disclaimer: I realize this thread will really upset a lot of people. It is a very controversial topic to most. The reason it will strike to the core of many marijuana growers hearts is because most growers have been and continue to be ripped off and conned out of lots of money. Money is a very sensitive thing to everyone, especially in this horrible economy. So, when someone suggests to someone "You have been wasting your time and money" It will incite anger in many. Please read objectively and do research before responding harshly to the Marijuana Myth Busters. I did not take the time to search for all the links to disprove. Maybe if there is a fellow Myth Buster, he/she can help post some links to bust. Most of this Myth busting is me parroting UncleBen and some of his friends. This thread is going to get smashed anyways, but maybe I will get one experienced grower with lots of links to help me out. In no particular order here are a few myths off the top of my head. I will add more...when I think of them.

Myth 1. Leaves should turn yellow before harvest because the plant is devouring nutrients for bud production.
Myth 2. Nitrogen should be cut off during flowering. Nitrogen effects taste.
Myth 3. Extra/increased Potash stimulates flowering, produces flowers faster, or helps flowering. Or, triggers a plant to flower. Or potash will ripen buds, thicken buds.
BUSTED:All Three Myths

Myth 4. Stressing plants into more THC, Trichome production before harvest. Driving a nail through the stalk, a darkness period before harvest, dehydrating etc.....
BUSTED: Happy plants produce happy and healthy buds

Myth 5. CO2 injection is WORTH the cost because of increase in yield.
BUSTED: A small tent grow can consume 400-600$ worth of CO2 injection via tank and or propane generator. As long as air is being exchanged a healthy plant will produce dense huge cola's without added CO2 and as long as there is healthy amount of CO2 at a average ppm of 350-450. Plants will consume only the CO2 it needs. CO2 is not a steroid and it is NOT the magical answer for large healthy buds. That can be achieved through genetics and TLC. The 10 re-fills of C02 tanks on even a small grow is not worth your time, gas, or cash.

Myth 6: Always PH your water and soups for optimal growth. BUSTED: Marijuana is a PH tolerant plant. It can experience a wide fluctuation of PH without showing any signs of stress. PH in soil can change over time and it is OUT of anyones control. One of the only horticulture or agriculture industry that 'PHing' is so widely used and so not needed is in the Marijuana industry. It is a gimic to sell nutrients and chemicals used by grow shops and parroted in 'Marijuana Grow Books'. As long as your PH is not off the charts, which ironically usually only PH Up and Down chemicals can achieve your plants will be fine. Don't feed your weed battery acid. Any water you would not drink or give your pets, don't give your plants is the best rule of thumb as far as 'PH' goes.

Myth 6. Flushing your plants will improve taste and clean out unwanted salts. BUSTED. Marijuana plants are not like your toilet. Neither are any other plants for that matter. Flushing is the most parroted and least truthful of all the Myths.
Myth 7. Marijuana thrives in a constant room temperature anywhere from 72-79 degrees. Marijuana is a Thermoperiodic plant. For fat, healthy buds and healthy growth make sure you have a 10-20 degree drop in your night temperature. Thermoperiodism also keeps your flowering time on track.


New Member
U are a fool and it costs more than that retail. Most people don't have 500lb wives that breath free co2 into a bottle for them as u seem to. Also plants don't need more than normal co2. Yes it will make great colas but no it won't make the plant do something it otherwise would not have done. In other words My plants with normal will be as big and as fast and as good as yours with tons of co2 end of story.. If your colas on a 37" tall plant are bigger that a grown mans forearm and upper arm a bit then show me because mine are and I get aprox. 8 of those per plant avg 6 zips each.. I can see the pic of who you trust and believe in though and well go smoke some of his crack.. LOSERS


Well-Known Member
myth: pulling out isn't safe sex
false: its always worked for me in the past

didn't he already post this topic somewhere:bigjoint:

EDIT: you can't just post something as controversial as flushing or prehavest darkness without any justification or scientific evidence

people aren't going to change 10-15 years of growing techniques because you said its wrong because its wrong

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Don't worry about all the little sad pot heads, crying little girls that will be shocked that they were and always have been wrong about what u showed them. Flushing is a total waste of time and I did it three different times with three different strains late in flower and have two side by side tubs with control group of same strains at the time with no flushing and if anything it inspires green regrowth and does absolutely nothing to the flavor. Also the whole bs about RO water is a crook of horse shit. Tap water has one thing in it in most municipalities that is not ideal for plants of any kind and that is chlorine, but in a very short, less than a day, time it is gone and it does nothing to really change growth. Waste of time and money and I know this from side by side comparrisons tooo. Remember u are posting to people that believe hype that some magical strains out there have 42% thc.. Really stupid to try and educate pot heads that I would say 80+% are to stupid to do long division. Remember the avg. IQ in the usa is 100 and 80 is/was considered mental retardation not to long ago and and and the people on pot growing sites are for certain to be below the avg. Means most on here will still be reading this 5 minutes after they started and will get all pissed off and say stupid things because sad to say they really are to dump to understand. People think that because it has been written so many times and that is seems right that the crap on here about RO water ect must be right. Well sorry kids but u want to think pot will die if not treated like a fragile orchid or that it will be so much better if u treat them like they are but in reality this is still a weed and 90% of what u do is a waste of time. A "Sticky" post said he used 2000 up to 4000 PPM nute levels and you should have seen the psychophants that went nuts with hate on me when I called the idiot out for it because they just think he has to be right since he has been posting since the dawn of the site and well monkeys it is just pure bs from one in a thousand idiots on pot grow sites. Please keep flushing, and over nuteing and buying ro systems though because we need suckas to keep the industry of equipment in business. Thanks for being one bright light in this stupid group btw!!!!
I like what your saying, But calling people Dumb and spelling it wrong? No punctuation? Really?


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about all the little sad pot heads, crying little girls that will be shocked that they were and always have been wrong about what u showed them. Flushing is a total waste of time and I did it three different times with three different strains late in flower and have two side by side tubs with control group of same strains at the time with no flushing and if anything it inspires green regrowth and does absolutely nothing to the flavor. Also the whole bs about RO water is a crook of horse shit. Tap water has one thing in it in most municipalities that is not ideal for plants of any kind and that is chlorine, but in a very short, less than a day, time it is gone and it does nothing to really change growth. Waste of time and money and I know this from side by side comparrisons tooo. Remember u are posting to people that believe hype that some magical strains out there have 42% thc.. Really stupid to try and educate pot heads that I would say 80+% are to stupid to do long division. Remember the avg. IQ in the usa is 100 and 80 is/was considered mental retardation not to long ago and and and the people on pot growing sites are for certain to be below the avg. Means most on here will still be reading this 5 minutes after they started and will get all pissed off and say stupid things because sad to say they really are to dump to understand. People think that because it has been written so many times and that is seems right that the crap on here about RO water ect must be right. Well sorry kids but u want to think pot will die if not treated like a fragile orchid or that it will be so much better if u treat them like they are but in reality this is still a weed and 90% of what u do is a waste of time. A "Sticky" post said he used 2000 up to 4000 PPM nute levels and you should have seen the psychophants that went nuts with hate on me when I called the idiot out for it because they just think he has to be right since he has been posting since the dawn of the site and well monkeys it is just pure bs from one in a thousand idiots on pot grow sites. Please keep flushing, and over nuteing and buying ro systems though because we need suckas to keep the industry of equipment in business. Thanks for being one bright light in this stupid group btw!!!!

whos the bigger idiot someone who posts a wall of text on a "pothead site" and expect them to read it or the "potheads" that refuse to believe the myths without solid groundbreaking evidence furthermore which was posted on a "pothead site" that everyone knows anything posted should be taken with a grain of salt shit i don't think that makes sense oh well


Well-Known Member

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
reality this is still a weed and 90% of what u do is a waste of time.
Talks about science, calls everyone retarded, proliferates biggest myth about cannabis there is...

Cannabis is is an annual flowering herb.

"Weed" is a subjective term for an unwanted ground covering plant, and has no botanical meaning or classification as to the plants growing conditions.
