Jonny's 600W Tent G.r.O.w.


Well-Known Member
Why not just put another fan in, even a booster one from HD. That will eliminate the negative pressure. Seems like with negative pressure there isn't enough fresh air coming in? Are you using co2?

Nice looking plants btw!
I tried hooking up a 197CFM inline fan on the intake and it was too much for the tent...the sides bulged out and stanky smell was pushing out of the prefabbed holes. I think I just need a simple duct booster to increase the intake and that should be sufficient. I've been considering air cooling my light with the 197CFM fan separate from the grow room, and then venting the grow room through the carbon filter with the 400CFM fan. Lots to consider over the next day or so....will update.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
one fan to cool taking air from out across the bulb and out the other side with no carbon and a seperate carbon should work. Waiting to see how you fix it when you fix it up.


Well-Known Member
Just dropped another $80 at the dro shop for dirt, perlite, 5 gal. pots, and bloom nutes. (general hydroponics flora and micro). Wife was super pissed but she'll live :)

I'll update tonight after the 5 gallon transplant. Plan to veg another week and then switch to 12/12 w/ a new hps bulb. Can't afford to drop $100 on an eye hortilux so I'll be going with whatever the house brand that's available at the dro shop.


Well-Known Member
Just put the 6 plants under the hps on the 12/12 cycle and I can't wait to see how they respond over the next few days to the new bloom nutes. Using GH Flora & GH Micro.

Plant growth is strong both vertically and bushy. I've got a couple suspected males and 1 more suspected female so it looks as though I'll have my goal of 4 females to take through flower into flower. The 5 gallon containers transplant went perfect....the growth didn't skip a beat and no stress signs.

Let me know what ya think of the budding youngin's.



Well-Known Member
one fan to cool taking air from out across the bulb and out the other side with no carbon and a seperate carbon should work. Waiting to see how you fix it when you fix it up.
I reconfigured my airflow setup. The light is now separately cooled from the grow tent w/400cfm inline fan. Keeps the bulb nice and cool. I then hooked up my 197CFM fan to my 275CFM rated PHAT filter and then I setup my 400cfm fan to go of at light out and on on lights on. Meanwhile, the carbon filter fan runs fresh air in and out of the tent all night /day.

No more smell in the room.


Well-Known Member
Day 1 of flower and things are Looking good. I may have to replace my hps bulb though b/c it looks like it's been through a few cycles and intensity isn't right. No biggie though, easy remedy to an easy problem. I must say how F'ing easy this is going to be only having to be concerned about my tent op for 12 hours a day instead of 18. Shit, I barely even notice the thing is there anymore on some days. I kill my inline fan that cools the bulb the same time my lights go out....I know this is generally not good practice (i.e. 15 minute delay on fan off), but jonny is on a budget and cannot afford another timer right now. I have a 12 inch powerful little desk fan that hangs right over the gap between the light and canopy and my hood is about 18" above the canopy so I don't anticipate burning problems.

Eventually on next payday I'll be ordering a flange and coupler for my hood and I gotta caulk seal a small gap in my glass seal in the hood. I notice when I had the 425CFM fan running through the carbon filter, light, and then out....stunk my room up bad. Too much CFM in that fan. So I now just use that big fan for a hood cooler only....straight in, straight out. I then took my S&P td-125 (that rocks silently:) and used that to suck dirty air out of the tent with a bit of flexi exhaust and brother...let me tell ya something - during the day, it smells like super clean carbon and crisp. At night though with both fans running, I can smell a bit due to the hood leaks.

New pics tomorrow I hope.....only if I another confirmed girl though.

Preflowers are just so damn difficult to determine at the early stage. Hell my 2 females, I thought were males. Then I read up and found out that the preflowers look nearly identical until the beginning stages of sexing where defining characteristics are more easily seen.

I'll have to take some node shot pictures so you guys can reassure me b/c if I get a male bust a nut in my temple of sensi, there will be hell to pay for that plant.


Well-Known Member
I dont agree withthe preflowers being hard to identify, or them being nearly identical.. Not true at all. I have NEVER misjudged preflowers.. If they look like a calyx they are females, if they look like an egg they are males.


Well-Known Member
I dont agree withthe preflowers being hard to identify, or them being nearly identical.. Not true at all. I have NEVER misjudged preflowers.. If they look like a calyx they are females, if they look like an egg they are males.
soo if I see a little egg bump, that's gonna be a male eh? I see the differences there....perhaps time to pull a male


Well-Known Member
New pics. Buds are starting to form and the plants are about 3' tall...plenty of space to stretch out still. Going through water every other day now. Drinking quite a bit now...



Well-Known Member
catnip says the cat
She's a stalker man. She sleeps next to the tent just waiting for the door to open and then she's always chewing on my lower leaves. One day I heard this ugly roar of an agitated kitty and she was back in the bedroom talking at the tent...guessing that was kitty for LET ME IN BITCH!


Well-Known Member
New pics time. About 2 1/2 weeks into flower and buds are forming a of the most beautiful sights these eyes have ever seen :) The plants look very healthy although they lost a few lower leaves which I think is normal as the rest of the plant looks very healthy and bud growth is vigorous. I cleaned up the tent today and added a clip on fan and a new fan below the canopy so air circulation is excellent. The bug juice seems to have worked as I don't see a single gnat flying around anymore. The mosquito dunks seem to have worked very well as there are a lot of dead gnats in the bowls. 3 girls is actually perfect for this tent as I couldn't imagine having more in there. They're spreading out very thoroughly and 4 would be too much...enjoy the pics, comments welcome.



Well-Known Member
New pics. Plants are looking great but I think they need a little dose of N on the next feeding so I'm gonna throw a teaspoon of grow formula in with the bloom mix to get a little deeper green in the plant. Everyday is exciting when I open the tent...just watching the buds get fatter and fuller. Can't wait to see these bitches at 8 weeks!

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Well-Known Member
those plants are near a tub?-
Christ the fuck no those plants aren't being grown next to a toilet...I suppose I should have clarified that with the shitter in the background and all. The lighting in my bathroom is the only place I can get good pics so sometimes it's easier to just take a plant in there for pics. Hard to see detail under the hps.

Good news on the grow front my friends. Did a standard nute dose on the last feeding and opened the tent expecting more disappointment today and it looks like things have really turned around. Growth has picked up again and fungus gnats appear to be nearly 100% eliminated. Still saw 1 flying around the top of my tent but that was it. buds are forming aplenty and frost is beginning to coat the leaves. I removed some lower branches which after doing some reading, was apparently a mistake. The plants seem to be responding just fine though...very few leaves falling off anymore. Mostly just small shaded leaves turning yellow.

At this point I'm just chalking it up to either rootbound, a simple n deficiency, or possibly a little bit too acidic soil. Simple response is follow through with the make it rain technique for the rest of the grow to eliminate any chance of salt bulidup, and switch to a more complete nutrient which will be dyna-grow bloom formula for the remainder of the grow.

Can't wait to see how things turn out but I feel optimistic again now that things seem to be evening out again.



Well-Known Member
the bath tub-

is the natural place to make it rain. i inferred the latter from the former.

sounds like you've been doing some reading. the reason for the wash in make i train is to prevent the noob grower from getting the nutes or ph to far off. every time you water, it's a fresh pot, allowing you see the results immediately, or to correct a problem. once you think you have the nute dose dialed in, reduce the wash, keeping the ph values. the plant will still suck, at an accelerated rate. looks good.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a million for the advice murfy. That was a great thread and I'm still working my way through the end of it but it's filled with good info for anybody new. You're absolutely right about the tub being perfect for the MIR technique...easy to use and easy clean up. I thought it was also great info that it's not necessary to let your water sit out for 24 hours. That makes it a lot easier to MIR since I can just refill the same 5 jugs for each pot and just do a quick ph adjustment and I'm good to go. Everything in that thread made great practical sense....just things ya wouldn't think about unless ya read it in plain english.

Will report back after my first shall be epic!