Jonny's 600W Tent G.r.O.w.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Scoring the root ball is done by taking a knife/razor and making vertical slices (no more than an inch or so deep) in to the root ball from top to bottom. 3-4 slices around the perimeter. This opens up the root ball and induces new root growth when repotting in to a larger container. Some people call it upcanning.

Your babies look really nice! The runt looks like it could be a little moisture stressed. I get one out of a batch every so often that looks like that, and it's usually due to me not letting the soil sufficiently dry out before watering again. Maybe try skipping it next watering and see how it responds. Just a thought.
To me. It's just best to losing the roots with your hands vs a cutting in to the root ball. Well that's the way I was taught by my old anal boss


Well-Known Member
i would suggest-

reading riddleme's work. it teaches a concept called making it rain, and it will exactly teach you how to read your plants and send them into hyper drive.
there is a whole nother side to gardening that most don't know and it's how to control the plants. do some reading, using the technique will make you a better grower.


Well-Known Member
Thx murfy, I appreciate the advice of a seasoned grower. So far my experience has proven that simplicity is the key to life, and in pot growing :)


Well-Known Member
To me. It's just best to losing the roots with your hands vs a cutting in to the root ball. Well that's the way I was taught by my old anal boss
They seem to be picking up just fine the 'ol fashioned way....drop 'em into the new pot with a base of soil @ the bottom the fill 'em up and water 'em. Why make the simple difficult? If I had a whole basement or room I could dedicate to growing and trying shit out, you best believe jonny would become the mad scientist of dope growing but as it is, I'm confined to a 3'x3'x6' tent and jonny has no time or space for bullshit...I need brass tax get this shit done type of mentality as failure is not an option. Too much $$ invested


Well-Known Member
great grow you got going buddy
Thank y'a sir! Just keeping it simple a week or so I will transfer to 5 gallon depot buckets w/ ocean forest 2/3 & 1/3 perlite for drainage. That will get 'em through flower and into my bowl :)

What about dolomite lime? Is this something I should use or is it just shit I don't need?


Well-Known Member
Ya, I have not used any lime at all in my mix and my plants look very healthy. I do very methodically let my water set out for 24 hours to evaporate the chlorine and then I PH to 6.2-6.7 and I've had no problems at all. Maybe the fellas that don't PH their water may run into trouble and require lime but I'm in good shape so far.


Well-Known Member
I like that advice stow and I think you're actually on to something b/c the only thing I can make of it is too much water. Drooping leaves and such....I'll let her dry out real well before the next watering.

It looks like my plants will only get 2 feedings in the veg cycle and it looks like that's really all they needed. I think the fools using these complicated 10 part nutrient kits are just dumb b/c I have 1 bottle of nutes I've used only 2 times @ 40%. That tells me, nute companies are full of fucking shit when it comes to growing...I plan to defy logic and use jack's classic for flowering to further prove m point. I want to show all the AN and CANNA fan boys that they're getting raped.

I do 1x/week since about a week ago and they're just past 1 month now...within 1 week, I do think I want to transplant to 5 gallon containers. It will be tight but it will fit. I do not want my babies being stressed in the middle of flower due to pot size....very stupid mistake to make for the little cost it takes to correct it. Mucho gracias for the advice bro
I've used Jacks Classic from start to finish before with very nice results. I agree with your thinking on the cannabis-specific nutrients. They are mostly a big waste of money, imo.

Your plants are looking great btw!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks stow...I just got my carbon filter today. I went with the 6" phat filter for $100 at my local store. Could have got it a bit cheaper online but this store has already taken care of me once on a warranty issue w/o a receipt so I don't mind paying an extra couple $$.

I will tell you, that damn heavy filter actually BENT my fucking crossover bar over the top of the tent that you use to hang your gear from. Couldn't believe it man...I looked up at the bar after I got it hung and it appeared to be about to buckle but it wasn't as bad as I thought. Anyhow, I wound up just reinforcing the 1 bar with another so I've got 2 bars holding up my filter. Almost didn't know where the hell to mount the thing to be honest. Quite the pain in the ass finding the space.

I also took out the wimpy table top fan and put in my 197CFM inline fan and that baby moves the air over the plants 10x better.

Aside from a bag of ocean forest, a bag of perlite, and jacks bloom gear is complete. It's a good damn feeling let me tell ya. I'm tired of putting money into the pit :)

Also picked up a 60x magnifier so I can keep a close eye on the preflowers. If I only get 3-4 females out of the 6 then I will be putting them into 5 gallon containers. If I get 5+, they stay in the 3's....judging by the odds here, I'll probably wind up in 5's. I want a solid harvest =]

BTW, the carbon filter didn't reduce air flow much at all. Quite happy with my purchase there. The smell was really beginning to be a cause for concern with the neighbors. Gotta keep things on the lo-ya-kno.


Well-Known Member
Well I've been having a problem here with 2 plants so here's some pics.

1 plant is very bushy and healthy but it looks like I have some crunchy brown edges that appears to be Potassium deficiency due to my super light feeding regimen so I guess I better step it up to feeding every other water instead of 1x/week. They're obviously ready for it.

My other problem is on another plant that is a bit of a straggler but still holding in there. It has crunchy dark green leaves in random spots...possibly over watering on this one here so I'm gonna really let the girls dry out good before any future watterings.

They all just got a 50% base nute dose so hopefully that clears up this Potassium problem.

Planning to buy jacks classic all purpose and bloom formula and a bag of ocean forest for the next transplant. As soon as I can identify the suspected males, the remaining plants (hoping for at least 4) will go into 5 gallon buckets and I will bush 'em out.

Lemme know what ya think.



Well-Known Member
skip the fox farm-

get pro mix. they are making a mix with super soil esque undertones. i use bx.


Well-Known Member

green on the bottom and yellow on top is lockout.

read the make it rain thing. it will make you a better gardber in a week, and the plants will look differently immediately. 3 days.


Well-Known Member
skip the fox farm-

get pro mix. they are making a mix with super soil esque undertones. i use bx.
I'll have to keep my eye's peeled for that pro-mix. I potted them in pro mix and then used happy frog, but I'll take your advice and transfer to pro-mix bloom mix.

Damn plant problems really stressing me out today. Pisses me off b/c I've worked pretty hard to make sure there are no problems but alas...things never go as planned. I'll be going to the dro shop later to p/u an organic nute mix b/c I hear it's difficult to burn your plants by overfeeding and that's one of my main concerns.

I think roots organic is a fairly inexpensive mix so I might give it a try. I was gonna go with jack's classic but I may just use jack's next round...It will be sorted out by tomorrow. I may just start feeding 50% every watering now as well. I think it's time to crank up the volume a bit.


Well-Known Member
I need to check my run-off ph next watering...the problem may lie there as well. Perhaps I should mix in some dolomite lime on my next transplant to make sure the ph is staying stable in my pots.

PH Run-off is 5.8....I know that's not good. Dolomite lime could fix this, right? I guess I should water @ a ph around 6.8 to raise that soil ph?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
maybe next watering top dress or slightly flush feed w 62% nutes ph'ed. co2 so they dry quick. you got it, they bounce back...


Well-Known Member
the pro mix isn't -

bloom or gro. high porosity(hp) , reugular(bx), and fungicidal (bt). they amy have changed it. get the bx. hp is very porous.

any peat mix will work. buy perlite also. menards has peat bales(2.8 cuf i think) for 6 bucks. twenty pound bag of perlite shouldn't ever be more than 25 dollars.

mix thos together and it's basically the same.