H.A.F. growing stink-flowers in dirt with QB's


Well-Known Member
Great energy man! Keep er going! I tried to enjoy this online journal thing but I don't like talking to myself between posts week to week. It is what it is, I love this plant...some folks are just hobbyists with more money than me obviously ......then we have the guys who back in 2010 got their hands on decent gear.....chucked some pollen, and now have followers who think they piss excellence...........what's really important in life...........idk anymore! Have a a good dude, I won't post in your thread anymore I promise .......BYE!
Don't know how I pissed you off, or if you just lost interest, but - whatever.

I use this as taking notes for me. I do this on my own anyway so I can get better at my hobby. I think sharing this stuff with others that have the same hobby is just natural. I take pictures because I can see stuff in them that I miss with the naked eye. I also like that they have a date/time-stamp so I can remember what I did when. Again, sharing this is just as natural to me. And if I screw up and it can keep someone else from making the same mistake (or me when I re-read it later) then cool!

If I don't take this seriously enough for you then by all means, have a nice day. I have a BS in Elementary Education. I don't teach because the liberal school systems are terrible and indoctrinating our children with feelings instead of facts, and telling them what to think instead of teaching them how to think. This type of venue is an outlet for my skills in that area. I actually get messages from people asking for my opinion on what to do with their plants, simply because they understand what I do and I have explained it well. I see that as a win.


Well-Known Member
You don't care up til something happens and U NEED HELP!
Fact: I medicate with weed and it works amazingly. It is also safe. If any condition I had required the use of opium, I would not grow it my self - or trust myself to figure out processing and dosage.
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Well-Known Member
Bonsai girl has pretty flowers, pistils popping everywhere now - but I don't think they'll ever have much weight to them. Maybe I'll be surprised, but I'm guessing an ounce tops.
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Well-Known Member
This one just flipped, but was already bushing out, so I snipped about a dozen lower fan leaves to give all the shoots some breathing room. May do a few more next feeding.


Well-Known Member
This one is definitely yellow compared to the other two, but is filling out some now. The very tops are doing nothing density wise, but all the lower stuff is plump. Weird.


Well-Known Member
These are 15 and 20 days old. I haven't bothered keeping track of anything on the clones except when I flipped them. The GDP has been going since last year (snipped 12/9).


Well-Known Member
After seeing how the GDP is ripening, I am thinking of doing a partial harvest when it's time. The Four Tops (get it ;) ?) are losing sugar or just not producing it but their stalks and undergrowth look fine - I just don't think it will fatten the way the bottoms are already doing.

I think that in the next week or so I should see some secondary growth and new pistils popping out of the tops - or not. But it seems like all the lower stuff is behaving normal. But when I say "partial harvest" I don't even mean pruning entire limbs, I am thinking about digging in there and finding the stem right at a node, about level with that center cola, and then letting it go. Is that crazy or no?IMG_8177.JPG


Well-Known Member
I am also thinking that the intensity of the lights is intensifying the effects of whatever nute deficiency there is, probably lack of cal-mag (won't happen again LOL) But I am hoping some of the yellowing is just fall colors. I think the better option is that I starved her of ppm by feeding "safe" during early to mid flower.

Upon further review, I believe that most of my late flower problems have been deficiencies, rather than nute-burn. Considering that, I think "safety first" might still happen - but aim for 80-100% early and keep it there unless or until there are problems.

Either that, or adopt a lower level feed feed water routine at those safer ppm levels like the gen-hydro stuff recommends.

Safe hasn't worked for me ;)
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Well-Known Member
And if anyone but me reads this - I am stoned gardening outside (vegetables) and this is me taking notes on stuff I thought about.

Like, the tomatoes I am growing are at the same stage of growth as my seedlings - time-wise. I will soon be watering to the point of run-off, with nutrients I spent money on. So about the time I am putting (and feeding) the skunk plants into flower, the tomatoes will also be in the process of flowering.

I am picking one of each of my tomato plants to test this on. I'll thin out the nutes - but it will be replacing rain and garden-hose water. so it may kill a few plants or it might grow giant maters ;)
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Well-Known Member
Maybe this will explain why this plant is perplexing me. Here is the over-all
Nice stacking but not much density on the 4 main cola that I can see. And the tops are like this
And then it just stopped, unlike the lower buds that are still popping new leaves and calyxes on the top. But the lower bud with the arrow in the pic looks like this, as do ALL of the lower buds that should be larf LOL
And they are round - like a golf-ball. Cant wait to see her cleaned up.

But as to the partial harvest, if everything else keeps fattening I'll let the ugly tops run interference for the rest of the plant until harvest.

One note on this is that after about the 2nd week after it started sprouting shoots I stopped pruning lower side shoots. Didn't even prune a fan leaf until late in flower except a few that were shading the middle. I did clean the extra lower stems off of one limb right at flip to see if it made a bigger top - I'm thinking that was a bad move LOL
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Well-Known Member
Last night I untied everything before I fed them, then stretched them a little more after. 6 hour time lapse. Looking at the overall, I think that stretch should give enough spacing between tops. After they get going I can let some ease towards the middle and keep the others out.
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there are a few shoots at each top that may be pruned about week 3, this one was to see which fan leaves are problems. So After I stretched it, I went around tucking leaves to expose shoot-tops. Tonight after it has settled out any that are still a problem go. Since it's early each shoot is going to produce a few more big leaves.

Oh, and this one popped it's first lower pistils in 4 days. The tops are already opening as well. Could be a MONSTER!!! LOL
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Well-Known Member
This one is at 3 weeks from flip, and won't lose any more shoots.
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This has 15 tops. This pot has 15 grommets punched into it. I just noticed it when I retied everything and there was one limb for each :)
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Well-Known Member
And here's another reason why I'm keeping the tops instead of the partial harvest bad idea. You can see how yellow it looks from above
But it's like they are an umbrella. Everything below that looks the same color as the "fresh" flip next to it.


Well-Known Member
And the nursery.
The NL has definitely rooted. That is the 6th node opening up, so now I will start watching my "keepers" at node 3 or 4. I will prune the shoots below the keepers today, because their leaves end up being an issue for the next set, and they aren't good clone material either. What I want is for my keeper shoots to have good top leaves open and at least another node started.
I also want a the top I prune off to have a good chance of cloning.
LST at this point is pushing down leaves to open the top to light.
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Well-Known Member
Random fact. I just noticed my veg-room doesn't stink anymore. Growing flower-clones they keep that smell going after they go back into veg.