Global Governance through Realtime Interaction.


Well-Known Member
OK, so here's my idea.

A realtime, interactive, webbased protocol for the intellegent global managment of ALL public resources (land, food, housing, labour, specific skills, tools, technologies, etc etc).

EVERYBODY in the world would be entitled to ONE account and therefore able to contribute equally to ANY decisions and changes that are made that could affect them.

Personal information, such as ones skills/weaknesses, your interests, and experiences would be included, thereby creating a world wide pool of information, knowledge and experiance that ANYONE can access and request anything they need from.

The benefits I can see from this system are that two of the greatest causes of evil in the world would no longer be necisary, A CENTRALISED GOVERNMENT and MONEY.

Despite what we are told about this 'constant battle for survival', as a species we (globally) have a MORE THAN ENOUGH resources to support our population, and the planet COULD support many times more people than it currently does.

Yet our resouces ARE NOT intellegently managed to make sure EVERYONE has what they NEED to survive.

Instead resources are controlled using 'Money', which in turn is controlled by the Banks, and therefore the few very rich (and therefore powerful) men who control the banks. This has undeniably bred exploitation of people for profit, unnecissary poverty (a lack of the basic things needed for survival), and the economic SLAVERY of the peoples of almost every country in the world.

Governments around the world would, without a doubt, fight this idea, it would mean we no longer need them. Why would anyone need a 'Representative in Government' when YOU can represent YOURSELF, realtime, on ANY DECISION that affects YOU?

I know this idea has it's flaws, for example you may say 'why would anyone work if their not getting paid?'... well, if all your NEEDS are provided for, would you need payment other than to know that society has benefitted from your actions?

For example, if you were online and a Box were to appear advising you that a person/people with YOUR SPECIFIC SKILLS were needed at a given Nearby location for a given Task, would you consider VOLUNTEERING?

I for one know there are lots of things that I am good at and enjoy doing, so would voluteer if I was able to.

So people, what do you think?

this idea rely's on all of us pulling together and agreeing that we need POSITIVE GLOBAL CHANGE, and WORKING TOGETHER TO BUILD OUR FUTURE.....

I don't want my future being built by greedy bankers who don't care about me or anyone else....only profit.


Well-Known Member
A one world government, or system of global control and regulation could be great for everyone. The only problem is who gets to be at the top if the pyramid. Who gets to choose?

Most likely it would turn corrupt as always, and with that much control... the entire populace of the world would be enslaved to whoever commands the system.


Well-Known Member
Thats the point, there would be no pyramid, everyone would get to be in control. Or at least anyone who wanted to contribute.

The program would have to be accessable to every user in every respect. A shared system rather than an enforced one.

So many people can already program and code various computer languages. As more people grow up having used computers their whole life this will only increase.

This will only happen if/when EVERYONE see's the sense in it.


Well-Known Member
Thats the point, there would be no pyramid, everyone would get to be in control. Or at least anyone who wanted to contribute.

The program would have to be accessable to every user in every respect. A shared system rather than an enforced one.

So many people can already program and code various computer languages. As more people grow up having used computers their whole life this will only increase.
No thanks

Not interested, don't want it,

Too easy for the lazy to take advantage of,

Besides, like Microdizzy points out, what's to stop it from being hijacked.

Even a nation built upon liberty has found itself hijacked by Statists and Would-be Tyrants.


Well-Known Member
I don't see how it could be hijacked anymore than the internet could be hijacked, which is as far as I know now impossible.

You're right, it would be easy for the lazy to take advantage of, however I don't think people are usually lazy rather than de-motivated. I think it would be a lot easier for people to find their motivation in this system.

People would be tasked with the types of things they enjoy doing.

Any problems of necissary things not having been done would be discussed openlyand the reasons and solutions worked out via communication, thats how problems are solved.


Well-Known Member
I don't see how it could be hijacked anymore than the internet could be hijacked, which is as far as I know now impossible.

You're right, it would be easy for the lazy to take advantage of, however I don't think people are usually lazy rather than de-motivated. I think it would be a lot easier for people to find their motivation in this system.

People would be tasked with the types of things they enjoy doing.

Any problems of necissary things not having been done would be discussed openlyand the reasons and solutions worked out via communication, thats how problems are solved.
I think it'd be a lot easier for people to be motivated if not being motivated resulted in starvation...

Get up off your ass and contribute to society or DIE...

Seems fair, logical, and rational to me...


Well-Known Member
I think the internet has given us as a species this great almost conciousness like oneness around the globe.

We need to use it for Good........ not letting cunts try and sell us shit ALL THE TIME while remaining enslaved to a system we hate.


Well-Known Member
I think the internet has given us as a species this great almost conciousness like oneness around the globe.

We need to use it for Good........ not letting cunts try and sell us shit ALL THE TIME while remaining enslaved to a system we hate.
Screw that, I like my individuality...

And Individuality is the Foundation of Liberty, and Society.

How the hell would anything get done if the entire world was as dumb as the Average European?


Well-Known Member
I think it'd be a lot easier for people to be motivated if not being motivated resulted in starvation...

Get up off your ass and contribute to society or DIE...

Seems fair, logical, and rational to me...
Yeah I agree, in nature that is how it WOULD be, however that isn't how it works in the modern society....and it isn't true that laziness has any corrolation to wealth....

Now people of ALL classes and social backgrounds enjoy different things....

When you say 'laziness' what do you actually mean?


Well-Known Member
Screw that, I like my individuality...

And Individuality is the Foundation of Liberty, and Society.

How the hell would anything get done if the entire world was as dumb as the Average European?
Don't try and bate me looser.

You don't have to contribute. You can keep on keeping on like the right wing OLD American that you are....

But when you $Dollars don't work can still log on and contribute with the rest of us as to what we're going to do.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree, in nature that is how it WOULD be, however that isn't how it works in the modern society....and it isn't true that laziness has any corrolation to wealth....

Now people of ALL classes and social backgrounds enjoy different things....

When you say 'laziness' what do you actually mean?
You know, that's a good question...

I don't really have a conceptualization of Laziness.

Perhaps what I should have said is that I don't think that any one should be allowed to steal from any one else, because that's a denial of another person's Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.

Maybe, I'm giving your idea a knee jerk reaction (of course I still don't particularly like it, but I'll try keeping an open mind.)

How would your system reward excellence?

How would your system reward the Henry Fords, Carnegies, Gates, Dells, Einsteins, Edisons, Teslas, Franklins, Jeffersons, Washingtons, Jacksons, Wrights, and etc?

What kind of rewards would people that come up with idea that enhance civilization by great bounds be rewarded?


Well-Known Member
Excellence is it's own reward.

Quite a few of those people you named there aren't excellent...Gates basically exploited someone elses idea for a lot of money...repeatedly...

As did Henry ford to a degree.

'Einsteins, Edisons, Teslas, Franklins, Jeffersons, Washingtons, Jacksons, Wrights, and etc'

None of them were in it for the Money, their acts were for their own sake.


Well-Known Member
When some one does something their really proud of, they usually share it for free.

You do a painting or right a song you really love, you don't sell it, you give it away.

You do it for the love of it.


Well-Known Member
I mean if you had a really great idea that you thought would benefit society loads...would you keep it to yourself?

Would you need some sort of reward?


Well-Known Member
When some one does something their really proud of, they usually share it for free.

You do a painting or right a song you really love, you don't sell it, you give it away.

You do it for the love of it.
Aight, that doesn't answer the question...

I really don't think that Edison bought into that BS...

He went on to found several electric companies.

There's a reason why patent laws exist.

So where was I...

Ahh, yes, No thanks, Not Interested, you can keep it in Europe.


Well-Known Member
Aight, that doesn't answer the question...

I really don't think that Edison bought into that BS...

He went on to found several electric companies.

There's a reason why patent laws exist.

So where was I...

Ahh, yes, No thanks, Not Interested, you can keep it in Europe.
lol, ok then when everyone else is sharing their idea's and improving the world together, you can stay in your cave with your 'Great Idea'...I'm sure we'll really miss out.


Well-Known Member
lol, ok then when everyone else is sharing their idea's and improving the world together, you can stay in your cave with your 'Great Idea'...I'm sure we'll really miss out.
You can still keep your global resource based economy in Europe.

The last thing I want is some organization responsible for tracking my every move, how much food I've consumed, and how much shit I've flushed down a toilet.


Well-Known Member
This sounds like Global democracy to me. Sounds great, in theory. Democracy is the most insideous form of totalitarianism. Majority rules, Minority is bound by the will of the Majority. You said that this would control all "Land, Food, Housing, Tools and Labour." How would this be controled, Democraticly? So If I refused to go along with the ruling of the majority they could just take my Land, Food, Housing, Tools and Labour?? Or are we just saying I have no Land, Food, Housing, Tools or Labour except that granted to me for the greater good of mankind? What Rights would I have to protect myself from the will of the Majority? I don't like the Idea of Global Governance on any level, period. Because when It messes up where can you run from it?

You and I agree about bankers. But bankers are the biggest Globalists their are. They don't care who makes the Laws or what the laws are, as long as they monopolize the money supply. Thats the Key, Money isn't bad its just a thing that is used to facilitate trade. It is when people debase/debauch the money supply that problems occure. If you oppose banker control of the world you should support monitary reform and a commodaties standered of some kind.

Honestly I think your living in a fantacy world people just don't work like this. We need money its a fact of life. (I hate money BTW) But no matter how you dress it up Communism is Communism it just doesn't work. I find it really desturbing how many people are so willing to give up on the free market because the Bankers broke it. Make no mistake they saw this coming they knew the market was in for a correction. Hell I knew it 3 years before it happened and I barely passes High School. So unless their 4 year degrees are worth less then the paper they are printed on they saw it coming, And did nothing. WHY?

Now if you wanted to set up a system say in a town to do this it might just pay off, it could work. But don't try to sadle the who damn world in your misguided utopia vision. World Governance is a bad idea look at the shinanigans politicians pull in one country imagine if they had the whole world as their playground.

Now the Idea is not without merit. I would like to have a second representative in every congressional district. That "rep." would be an online vote of the registered voters from that district. Or even do away with Representatives all together. You would have to sign a "terms of sevice" deal that says you have read and understand the bill before you vote on it. Stuff like the Patriot act would never have gotten through. You would have to give plenty of time for people to read the bill before they sign it. Unlike things like the Stimulous bill and the Patriot act where the reps where given 3-5 hourse to read 900-1000 page documents (and talk about a dry read). But it would also mean that Government would need to be much more honest and open in everything it does so the online vote can be made in an intellagent way.


Well-Known Member
This sounds like Global democracy to me. Sounds great, in theory. Democracy is the most insideous form of totalitarianism. Majority rules, Minority is bound by the will of the Majority. You said that this would control all "Land, Food, Housing, Tools and Labour." How would this be controled, Democraticly? So If I refused to go along with the ruling of the majority they could just take my Land, Food, Housing, Tools and Labour?? Or are we just saying I have no Land, Food, Housing, Tools or Labour except that granted to me for the greater good of mankind? What Rights would I have to protect myself from the will of the Majority? I don't like the Idea of Global Governance on any level, period. Because when It messes up where can you run from it?

You and I agree about bankers. But bankers are the biggest Globalists their are. They don't care who makes the Laws or what the laws are, as long as they monopolize the money supply. Thats the Key, Money isn't bad its just a thing that is used to facilitate trade. It is when people debase/debauch the money supply that problems occure. If you oppose banker control of the world you should support monitary reform and a commodaties standered of some kind.

Honestly I think your living in a fantacy world people just don't work like this. We need money its a fact of life. (I hate money BTW) But no matter how you dress it up Communism is Communism it just doesn't work. I find it really desturbing how many people are so willing to give up on the free market because the Bankers broke it. Make no mistake they saw this coming they knew the market was in for a correction. Hell I knew it 3 years before it happened and I barely passes High School. So unless their 4 year degrees are worth less then the paper they are printed on they saw it coming, And did nothing. WHY?

Now if you wanted to set up a system say in a town to do this it might just pay off, it could work. But don't try to sadle the who damn world in your misguided utopia vision. World Governance is a bad idea look at the shinanigans politicians pull in one country imagine if they had the whole world as their playground.

Now the Idea is not without merit. I would like to have a second representative in every congressional district. That "rep." would be an online vote of the registered voters from that district. Or even do away with Representatives all together. You would have to sign a "terms of sevice" deal that says you have read and understand the bill before you vote on it. Stuff like the Patriot act would never have gotten through. You would have to give plenty of time for people to read the bill before they sign it. Unlike things like the Stimulous bill and the Patriot act where the reps where given 3-5 hourse to read 900-1000 page documents (and talk about a dry read). But it would also mean that Government would need to be much more honest and open in everything it does so the online vote can be made in an intellagent way.
I don't see why anyone would be BOUND to do anything in this system.... It would have work on Mutual Respect.

There would need to be basic parameters set just like in any system.... much like your constitution for example... but unlike a system controled by Men.... an open computer system could not be corrupted.

Human Life is the most important of all the resources we have and we need a system that supports this.... our current system does not.

You say that Communism is Communism, but communism LOOKS really good on paper. The main problem with recent communist systems is the oppressive nature with which they have been enforced, they have become REGIMES controlled by a CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT, which just like any other form of Government has become corrupted by it's own power and need for self perpeptuation.

Someone talked about a Pyramid, and that it fair of most current systems, however this system would work as a constantly changing and communicating SPHERE.

The beauty of this system is there is no obvious power points as all points on a sphere are equal.


Well-Known Member
I don't see why anyone would be BOUND to do anything in this system.... It would have work on Mutual Respect.

There would need to be basic parameters set just like in any system.... much like your constitution for example... but unlike a system controled by Men.... an open computer system could not be corrupted.

Human Life is the most important of all the resources we have and we need a system that supports this.... our current system does not.

You say that Communism is Communism, but communism LOOKS really good on paper. The main problem with recent communist systems is the oppressive nature with which they have been enforced, they have become REGIMES controlled by a CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT, which just like any other form of Government has become corrupted by it's own power and need for self perpeptuation.

Someone talked about a Pyramid, and that it fair of most current systems, however this system would work as a constantly changing and communicating SPHERE.

The beauty of this system is there is no obvious power points as all points on a sphere are equal.

Perfect Spheres don't exist in reality.

Though the current system is more like a mountain range...

And like a mountain range it delivers incredible amounts of wealth.

The only thing I can think of that is spherical is a soccer ball, which is hollow, delivers nothing of value, and is the ball used in a sport for Girls.