Found Live Bat in MG Bag


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't blame you if you threw the BS flag, but this is too weird to make up.

3 days ago I bought a bag of MG potting mix from Lowes. It sat on the balcony for 2 days sealed. My fat ass stepped on it a few times, so did my dog's fat ass and so did she (she is thin :)

My fiancee wanted it for our peppers and the special plant on the balcony ledgeto shore up the stems some (which has inspired me to build my first grow box and why I am on this site now). I don't want to post my location, but it's a large metro devoid of bats.

So I am taking a deuce and she screams. I pinch, wipe, and run out to the balcony. There is a dead bat laying in the pot. I grab the BBQ tongs and pick it up. It starts to move...

I'm not carrying this through the condo, so I toss it off the second-story balcony. The bat falls 4 feet, turns over, and flies off 40 yards to the adjacent parking garage!!!!

Has anyone else had critters in their soil bags?


Well-Known Member
Are you sure a bat didn't just land on your balcony? Bats live almost everywhere, even very large cites.

And it wasn't bait and switch, he said the bat flew off to the parking garage across the street, so it was alive if it flew off.


Active Member
i was being sarcastic because he said it was dead but then it moved

i guess im high enough to think of that as like a m. night style TWIST and it made me laugh


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the confusion, but I was admitadley building up the story.
I thought it was dead, but it was apparently hibernating or something. It woke up when I grabbed him with the tongs.
Other than suing MG for emotional trauma, I have no reason to make this up.
One of the wildest things I have ever seen.
There is no way this bat could have flown into the pot while looking away for a split second, taken a nap and then had soil poured on him.
I could see this happening with bugs...maybe a snake, but a freakin bat!?


Well-Known Member
i tried to think how the hell this could happen, assuming it's true
MG's compost area could have bugs aplenty, many claim MG can be buggy
and bugs are bat chow, maybe not so outrageous


Well-Known Member
The soil is sterilized, so the bat had to be hanging out in the bagging area of their process. I can see it happening. I'm surprised however that the bat was still alive.


Active Member
The soil is sterilized, so the bat had to be hanging out in the bagging area of their process. I can see it happening. I'm surprised however that the bat was still alive.

dont they stack that shit 5 or 6 high on pallets?


Well-Known Member
Fresh guano indeed, but there are other concerns.
I've been doing some mental gymnastics. The bag was on pallets. Probably tossed around not so gently for how many days? The plastic bag was sealed...not really a good source of oxygen at least on my balcony for 2 days. And I mentioned that my fat ass stepped on this bag even if was handled more gently than airline luggage prior to my purchase.
How this bastard survived .... I dunno.


Well-Known Member
it probably crawled into the pot. once bats land on the ground they need to climb up something to fly.


Well-Known Member
also a good tip if you ever get one into your house knock it onto the ground and youll easily be able to catch it and call animal control to get it tested for rabies........long story.....ive had rabie shots.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't blame you if you threw the BS flag, but this is too weird to make up.

3 days ago I bought a bag of MG potting mix from Lowes. It sat on the balcony for 2 days sealed. My fat ass stepped on it a few times, so did my dog's fat ass and so did she (she is thin :)

My fiancee wanted it for our peppers and the special plant on the balcony ledgeto shore up the stems some (which has inspired me to build my first grow box and why I am on this site now). I don't want to post my location, but it's a large metro devoid of bats.

So I am taking a deuce and she screams. I pinch, wipe, and run out to the balcony. There is a dead bat laying in the pot. I grab the BBQ tongs and pick it up. It starts to move...

I'm not carrying this through the condo, so I toss it off the second-story balcony. The bat falls 4 feet, turns over, and flies off 40 yards to the adjacent parking garage!!!!

Has anyone else had critters in their soil bags?

This is the best post I have read all day! :clap:


Well-Known Member
once i bought a big bag of compressed pro mix and the guy said he had it in the back room and some mice got in and made a small home in there but ill get it for $20. it was i think almost $50 normally so i took it. i found about 3 tiny dead rats in there, i left them in there and just acted like i didnt see em lol