Dutch Passion Master Kush grow


Well-Known Member
Damn really???? Cant grow if you have a card or somethin like it??? Dont like to ask where people are from but that sucks!!! once it becomes legal you cant grow anymore???

And alot of guys at hydro stores are very copper coil magnetic ballast til death. Nothin wrong with them. I could grow with anything that put off enough lumens and the right par. Ive used digital ballasts, magnetic ballasts, built my own magnetic ballast. LEDs and induction are the only 2 i havent tried out yet and i hope i can stick with the LEDs

Its usually the money that turns people away. Almost everyone would switch over if a 600w or 1000w panel cost as much as a 600w or 1000w hps system. Hell i woulda years ago if the technology was there.

Its finally catchin up but people are still taxin for it to line their pockets.


Well-Known Member
once dispensaries are open, people will need a 'hardship exemption' to grow their own and that is with a card. i am sure my smoke does not cost me anywhere near $10-$15 a gram to grow but i have read that is what the estimate is for dispensary smoke. i am actually hoping the local towns shun the dispensaries kind of like they have elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats one of those double edged swords about dispensaries. I believe everyone deserves to have easy access to it, its easy to grow but some people just dont have the time or dont smoke enough to make it worth it to them. But how can you stop all the growers and people able bodied trying to save money and get more specific strains for themselves from growing it just because a dispensary opened??

this is what happens from state only regulation. legislators have to dance around until they find a suitable number for everything. Like that stops weight/yield or potency or availability.

Every single person on here is breaking the law. No matter how many cards or notes or documents anyone has. Every user growing is breaking several treaties with most countries. And none, ok very few, are violent, criminal, money hungry people. This site and all the ones like it prove that it can work being legal without the world crumbling. Because thousands of people grow, from 10+ KW grows to a couple cfls in a cabinet.
You couldnt tell the 10kw grower apart from the cfl cab grower because growing transcends age/race/culture/political values.

Sorry for the rant... Just get fed up with laws like the one you are talking about. You can do this but not that. Some of this but if its over that than you get this. Loopholes inside of loopholes inside of loopholes.

Any opportunities to become a caregiver where you live??


Well-Known Member
i agree with you on your rant. i have not really looked into the caregiver thing though my father-in-law is a good candidate for needing a caregiver. the guy has fibromyalgia, diabetes and host of other ailments. i have given him some samples and he is amazed how well it works to alleviate his pain. works well for me as well and i can't take any other pain relievers or anti inflammatories because i am on blood thinners. at some point, i'd like to grow some strains with higher cbd and cbn but lower thc. some of these designer strains just kick my old ass hard. don't get me wrong. i like a buzz but sometimes i do need to function. lol.

i think one of the reasons the states wont let individuals grow is because to the government, it isn't about it being an effective drug. it is about it being a revenue stream. the gov't really does not give a crap about it's people.

i am a firm believer in letting people do what they want as long as they aren't harming others. unfortunately, our gov't (i don't relate to either party) thinks they know better than all of us.


Well-Known Member
I feel ya! Check out some of the Harlequin crosses. Since youre in a med state you might even be able to find a clone. Somethin like 15% cbd with 3% thc i think. Thats like mexican regs status on the thc end but you will be more than pain relieved. And it would be good for tinctures/edibles since some people dont like actually smoking or have lung related issues.


Well-Known Member
seems like i am up to daily waterings with a half gallon per 3 gallon felt pot. the past two were with ph'd water and molasses. tomorrow they should be ready for some more biothrive bloom, bio bud and camg+. still have yet to see any nute burn and i fed them 2 days in a row last week. switched my cfl bulbs from one the front of the tent to the rear of the tent and shifted the t5 fixture a little more towards the front to try to even out the growth. the branches in the rear where the 2700 k 26 w cfls were not seem to be growing more than the front. i should probably have cfls in all 4 corners... the budlings are looking nice. a lot of white hairs and getting more nice clear trichomes every day. the smell is pretty manageable with the crappy carbon filter i have. i had read that the smell was pretty light.


Well-Known Member
4 weeks into 12/12. giving gobox nutes full strength (biothrive bloom, bio bud and camg+)every other watering with ph'd water(bringing ph up using wood ash so i am probably blasting them with extra potash and calcium) and they look happy to me. they are drinking a lot. my son watered them a day and a half ago and they were really dried out nicely this morning. nice clear trichs coming along well too. controlling height by supercropping. most of the stretch i was seeing has stopped. buds are filling in. a few of the hairs are turning brown but most are white. a couple more weeks of nutes and then i figure i will start to prepare them for harvest.



Well-Known Member
i just gave the girls their last full strength nutes as they are nearly 5 weeks into flowering. water and molasses the next two waterings then 1/2 strength nutes then just water and a bit of molasses until harvest. er, that is the plan anyway. i am thinking harvest at 8 weeks. i have some fan leaves that are getting in the way of bud sites. anyone think it is too late to start trimming some of the fans? thx in advance...

some random observations: the buds are getting denser. some around an inch in diameter. the trichs are all clear at this point but some of the hairs are turning orange/brown. the smell though not overwhelming has a distinct feully smell. not unpleasant but a lot different than my last grow. no calyxes that i can see yet just lots of hairs and sugar leaves.


Well-Known Member
I would leave the fan leaves, they actually pull in the light for the buds.

But other than that your nute schedule looks like it should work out. Might wanna let it go 9 weeks but as long as youre still at 1/2 nutes youll be fine. That extra week is worth the wait sometimes with certain strains. Can add alot of flavor but usually not too much weight or resin. If youre not in a rush let em go the extra week!


Well-Known Member
here are some pics at 5 weeks into 12/12. i saw my first flowering activity actually at about a week into 12/12 so i don't know if i am 4 weeks into flowering or 5 but i guess that does not really matter. now it is time to start to monitor trichomes and calyxes(of which there is a marked lack of). i figure a few more weeks plus to harvest. as budbro has pointed out, an extra week will give more flavor and i am all about the flavor.



Well-Known Member
did some 'nip and tuck' work on the girls, removing dead,dying sun leaves and some bud sites that are getting very little light under the canopy. watered with close to 3 gallons(1.5 gal each) spiked with a couple tblsps of molasses. hadn't noticed any calyxes yesterday but looking at the hairs today, i can see come calyxes now at their bases.


Well-Known Member
watered with molasses spiked water. a gallon and a half each pot. soaked up about a gallon(so a half gallon each) from the tent floor. the plants do not seem to be losing much green color though i do see that the new growth is maybe a lighter green. i think i am going to go with just water and molasses from here on out. i still see salt build up on the bottoms of the felt pots and since the plants still look pretty vigorous, i am guessing they have the nutrients they need. the bud sites are getting plumper now too. my water tds is around 90 anyway so i am thinking maybe they will be good to go. my aim is to harvest some plants with yellow fan leaves and yellowing sugar leaves. i am little gun-shy from my last harvest being soooo green and taking soooo long to cure...


Well-Known Member
6 weeks into 12/12 lighting. the buds are starting to get fatter. the hairs are turning orange. the calyxes are starting to show. waiting for the hairs to recede into the calyxes. i see a smattering of amber trichs. the waiting is killin' me! i think there may a christmas harvest in my future. i had hoped for more growth this week to be honest but maybe in the next couple weeks i will be pleasantly surprised. they have slowed down their water consumption or maybe it is just the cold has slowed evaporation. the tent was 71 deg at 10 am this morning (2 hours into the lighting cycle). i lowered the setting on my humidifier to 45%. that seems to heat the room up a bit more and maybe it will help with water uptake. been watering with tap water(that has had a couple of days to sit out and dechlorinate) spiked with molasses. i think i am going to stop the molasses though since i have read it can lead to harsher smoke. the leaves (fan and sugar) are staying quite green. may get my son to help me bring them up to the shower and give the soil a good rinse to get rid of the salt build up i see on the felt pots this weekend. since i didn't have the foresight to make my screens so they would easily move with the plants, i need him to help me out. anyone out there think i might be able to cut the screen from the frame at this point or would that be a bad, bad idea?



Well-Known Member
I think youll be fine. if your tent has a liner you can give em a good drenching with regular water and the liner will make it easy to clean after the harvest. I wouldnt undo the screen because things might start stretching back up and crowding.

I leave my plants in the dark for 3 days at the end of flowering. Ive heard it helps break down excess starches in the plant/buds because that is what the plants use for energy at night to grow whatever grows at night haha. Ive noticed it helps my dry/cure by alot. The bud is ready and more enjoyable to smoke sooner than just chopping them down and drying/hanging them.

Are you gonna upgrade to a HID system next go around?? Your plants look perfect as ever and you should take that skill and get some real weight/resin off it with a hps or mh system. Even LEDs if youre worried about the heat. They are a tad pricey though.


Well-Known Member
i had read about the dark period before harvest. do you let the pots dry out well too before like stop watering altogether maybe a week before(another trick i've read about to speed up drying/cure)?

i don't have plans to upgrade at this time. heat is a problem even with the t5's and cfls. led's are interesting and i may go in that direction. do they mimic hid systems well as far as light penetration goes? i am thinking of starting up another batch of thai. i have 4 seeds left and frankly i love that sativa smoke and i had a pretty good yield with my current setup. i'd have to look back but i think i had close to 80 grams off of one plant. not dense budage but i have read you wont get really dense buds on sativas regardless.

i have read that a good 'flushing' (which i know is a dirty word to some) would use about 3x the size of the pot(so since i have 3 gallon pots, i'd use 9 gallons of water for each plant). i also don't know the content of my local water though it does have a slight chloriney smell. i know chlorine can/will kill the beneficial bacteria in the soil. is that an issue at this stage in the plants life though? will the plants take up the chlorine? i was going to flush with normal water then finish the flushing with some water i had left out a couple days. i just don't have 18 gallon capacity for water storage at this point. i do have a liner in my tent that kind of fucked me on my first grow but that is a different story...

sorry if i sound a bit whiney. it has been a long week/month/year...


Well-Known Member
one of the bonuses i enjoy from growing my own crop is sampling the underling buds that i trim away so they don't suck energy away from the main buds. dried in a paper bag for a week or so the smoke is harsh but the buzz is really interesting. the jittery motivated buzz where you want to go run around and do stuff. the smoke reports i have read about master kush is nothing like this and i am sure the finished product will not be like this but i'm tempted to take some larger buds now(but i wont). though i admit, my 'canopy line' is slowly moving up the branches as i see buds that are not going to catch up with the main flower tops...


Well-Known Member
I dont let em super dry but ill stop watering a day or 2 before the dark period so i dont get mold haha.

Also i wouldnt recommend using that much water. Ive always done about 20% runoff and let your plants get bone dry before you hit em with that much water. Youve got perfect green leaves and if you fed with nothing but water til the end they wouldnt die completely, but i dont recommend that or your yield would suffer. Id take it easy on the flush until your plants show some signs of def/tox.

I like letting my water sit out for 24 hours but ive used it straight before when ive forgotten to.

I use leds now and theyre super cool temp wise. Compared with equal watts of hid they produce equal or better results with about 1/2 the heat. They do have a steep price but they also last alot longer than hid and fluorescent lamps and have a better color spectrum/better efficiency because they use specific spectrum of light at high powers instead of a broad spectrum at high power. Something to look into if youve got the money. The ones now a days have pretty good penetrating power and can be kept just as close as your fluoros are.

How many watts are your lights?? Check out my grow journal in my signature if youve got some time. Or growevolution.com for the kind of leds i use to see if theyre in you price range.

Chopping buds that early always gets you that kinda high no matter what strain haha. Its a very clear headed and energetic high. Expect it to get real stoney as the weeks go by. Whats the exp flower time on that 8-9 weeks??