DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
I've been in my slippers all day (sheepskin, handmade by my mother-in-law, they are the business) Anyway, yup, it's getting pretty cold here. Snowed yesterday but went away, outside Amsterdam it is still a bit snowy. I noticed that my new 200 ruck is pulling like Ronaldo at a night club, the natural air flow into the room has also increased due to this, so outside the cab has got colder. I still don't know the temperature inside or outside the cab as my thermo brok about 6 months ago I think. I suppose I could take the one from the greenhouse...I have put that on my wish list from the wife for Xmas, haha.....or should I say, Weather Station. lol.

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
what id do to be in the Dam right now- would love to chill out in a coffeeshop after the mammoth task of finishing university coursework :D hope the cold isnt playing havock with your plants as it did mine- im just waiting for the evil freeze to come back as im sure it will lol


Well-Known Member
Hi agent, well i have done the course work thing many a year ago so can sympathise. I have my greenhouse heater running in my potting shed so it's all nice and toasty. stay around room temperature. The room has central heating but I tend not to run that. My new fan is making it quite drafy though. Hope you get your heat problems sorted, and your course work turns out to be better than a Desmond.

EDIT: I am not even going to change the mistakes in that, but as you can tell, I did go to Uni, haha.....ffs


Active Member
how sad. i just read pg 1-58 of this thread and didnt get to see the end result of all ur babies from last year


Well-Known Member
i think you're nuckin futs for sure mate....my Caseys been in jars for weeks now!?!?!?!

i could have swornt ehre was pics of casey to behold then i refreshed the page and their gone? or am i going nuckin futs

Now I like Bob Ainsworth!!!!!


Comments on the article...funny how he said, he done what he could within the constraints of collective responsibility...in other words, no matter who has what opinion, nothing is ever going to change until the people behind the scenes (generally newspaper moguls and the like) agree that the people are better controlling drugs, than criminals, but then I guess all the big time moguls would no longer scoop up their share from the black market,,,,because I am sure they do!!

And lastly, this women who lost her son, who the fuk is she to have an educated opinion on something she obviously knows nothing about...I am sure if other drugs were legal my son would have gone on to use them....your son was a fukkin idiot doll from the start, and hey, guess what, people who are schizo's get it from their parents, it's hereditary, I studied some psychology at Uni and 1 in 10 people are and they get it from their genes. So away and shoot yourself, or possibly your husband for making your son psycho...people like that really piss me off!!!!!! Trying to make me a fukkin criminal, who the fuk does she think she is!!!!

rant over.....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
for some reason when you open the thread and the session times out it puts you on a random page in the threaD!?!?

bob ainsworth is just another in a long line.... prof nutt etc nowt will in reality change or at least i dont believe in our lifetime. besides as you say the black market would be well out of pocket ;) not that i consider myself part of it....


Well-Known Member
16 December 2010 Last updated at 10:58 GMT
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Ex-minister Bob Ainsworth: Make drugs legally available

All three main parties at Westminster remain opposed to the legalisation of drugs
Continue reading the main story An ex-minister who had responsibility for drugs policy has called for all drugs to be legally available.

Bob Ainsworth, a Home Office minister under Tony Blair, said successive governments' approaches had failed, leaving criminal gangs in control.
The Coventry North East MP wants to see a system of strict legal regulation, with different drugs either prescribed by doctors or sold under licence.
Ministers have insisted they remain opposed to legalisation.
Crime Prevention Minister James Brokenshire said it was "not the answer" to drugs which ruin lives.
"Decriminalisation is a simplistic solution that fails to recognise the complexity of the problem and ignores the serious harm drug taking poses to the individual.
"Legalisation fails to address the reasons people misuse drugs in the first place or the misery, cost and lost opportunities that dependence causes individuals, their families and the wider community."
Poor 'hardest hit'
Mr Ainsworth is the most senior politician so far to publicly call for all drugs, including heroin and cocaine, to be in any way legalised.
He said he realised when Home Office minister in charge of drugs policy that the so-called war on drugs could not be won.

The Labour backbencher said: "Leaving the drugs market in the hands of criminals causes huge and unnecessary harms to individuals, communities and entire countries, with the poor the hardest hit."
Mr Ainsworth said billions of pounds was being spent "without preventing the wide availability of drugs".
"It is time to replace our failed war on drugs with a strict system of legal regulation, to make the world a safer, healthier place, especially for our children," he said.
Mr Ainsworth insisted he was "not a libertarian" and that people should not be encouraged to use substances.
Continue reading the main story “Start QuoteJust the fact that Bob Ainsworth is talking in this way will send strong signals to some children - a green light - to start experimenting ”

End Quote Debra Bell Anti-drugs campaigner
But he said: "We must take the trade away from organised criminals and hand it to the control of doctors and pharmacists."
However, when pressed, he was uncertain as to how any policy might work.
Asked where people might buy cocaine on a Saturday night, he replied: "Maybe at a chemist".
BBC Home Editor Mark Easton said under such a system heroin and cocaine might only be available on prescription from registered doctors, while cannabis might be sold in a similar way to tobacco.
"Those who supplied or sold drugs without the requisite licence would still be operating illegally, in the same way as those who sell tobacco, alcohol or prescription drugs without a licence or proper authority would be currently," he said.
However, all three main parties at Westminster remain opposed to legalisation, with a Labour spokesman saying Mr Ainsworth's were "not the views of Ed Miliband, the Labour Party or the public". One party source described Mr Ainsworth's comments as "irresponsible".
When asked why he did not make the call while in government, Mr Ainsworth said: "I did what I could within the confines of collective responsibility."
He said David Cameron had called for examination of alternatives to prohibition when a member of the Home Affairs Select Committee but dropped the suggestion on becoming Conservative leader.
Fear of a media backlash prevented politicians from arguing for a change in policy and a "grown-up debate" was needed, said Mr Ainsworth.
"As you can see from the reaction this morning, if I was now a shadow minister, Ed Miliband would be asking me to resign. If one of David Cameron's ministers - despite the fact [the prime minister] probably agrees with me - agreed publicly with me, he would have to resign."
Last week, Home Secretary Theresa May said the government's drugs strategy would remain focused on rehabilitation and reducing supply.
'Change needed'
However, former chief constable of Cambridgeshire Police, Tom Lloyd, said something had to change.
"We've got so used to 40 years of prohibition which, in my experience of over 30 years of policing, has led to massive cost, a failure to achieve the primary aims, which is the reduction of drug use, and a range of unintended harmful consequences," he said.
Former Criminal Bar Association chairman Paul Mendelle QC called for a full examination of the evidence which supports drugs policy.
"Illegalising [the drugs trade] is the legislative equivalent of putting a sheet over your head and hoping it will go away," he told BBC Radio 5 live.
However, anti-drugs campaigner Debra Bell, whose eldest son William began smoking cannabis at 14, believes that he would have progressed to taking class A substances had they been legally available.
"Just the fact that Bob Ainsworth is talking in this way will send strong signals to some children - a green light - to start experimenting and I really don't think that's the way forward in a civilised society," she argued


Well-Known Member
Why does it have to be a picture of skag and needles. Say the word drugs and look at that picture. That's the image they put out to ignorant folk. They probably think were all robbing our grandmas to pay for brown.


Well-Known Member
Why does it have to be a picture of skag and needles. Say the word drugs and look at that picture. That's the image they put out to ignorant folk. They probably think were all robbing our grandmas to pay for brown.
"OK, man whatever man........just tell me where i can go,....to get what i need. Cant you see im hurting baby,....just a hit ...c'mon maaann, dont be that way. just a skin pop an i'll be straight baby".
I dont do it cause i want to, i do it cause i need to baby".

thats the vision "they" get when "they" think of any kind of user that uses any kind of mind altering substance.
but you are right ONEeyed, the pic of the needle ontop of the "smack filled spoon" does not really help.



Well-Known Member
Well that's a nice bloody intro, welcome to the thread.......I am not even going to answer that stoopid remark.


1, I don't do other forums,


2, Try to be a bit more friendly if you ARE looking for help..................if you walked into a bar and shouted out, "Do you guys even serve bloody beer here", they would look at you and just laugh, as we are all just now.

Good luck regardless, and hopefully your journey will show you how to deal with people a little better.

Peace, DST

And yeh, this whole thread is a vertical journey. Read and learn!

Is there even a grow thread still goin on here? If anyone knows vertical shit look at my journal and drop me some advice.
