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  1. CanadianCoyote

    Hey Guys

    Been awhile. Been through some crazy shit! But ... learned a thing or two along the way. Attached is a picture of my hard work. Tastes like good. :leaf:
  2. CanadianCoyote

    Strains on the Brain! Need Recs!

    S'up, guys! Sorry I haven't been around lately, I've been rather busy with this and thats, as well as other mild-to-moderately pleasant things... I come to you with a question, one I think you can answer with confidence! My best buddy, here, just got approved for a medical cannabis card for...
  3. CanadianCoyote

    Spoiled Weekend

    On Saturday night I went out to a classy bar to watch my friends' band play. It was a great night... the band played better than they have in a long time. Everyone was in a good mood... and there was a huge crowd that was really getting into their music. It was fuckin' MAGIC I tell ya! ...
  4. CanadianCoyote

    Someone had a bad day...

    Okay, so I wake up today to see an ambulance and 3 cop cars parked across the street from my house, a ton of cops on the lawn of the house across the street and a bunch of other people. The girl that lives there came home (apparently someone called her), received a few quiet words from a...
  5. CanadianCoyote

    Okay okay... I got one for you guys.

    Alright, just got off the phone with one of my best friends in the whole wide world... and he had an interesting story to tell me. I figured I'd share it, because I'm still crying from laughing. First off, a disclaimer. My buddy is one of the best people I've ever met on this planet... a big...
  6. CanadianCoyote

    1000th Post And It's My BIRTHDAY!

    So ... yeah. I turned 25 today! No parties planned, no weed to smoke... but I'm in for one helluva good meal and there's a cake with my name on it just WAITING for me... so I really can't complain. :D I got two new books today, both of them are fucking excellent. First is 'Gonzo: The Life of...
  7. CanadianCoyote

    Stand-up Comedians?

    Just wondering... who are some of your favorites? I love stand-up comedy. I loves to laugh, heh... Here's a short list of my faves: Lewis Black Russell Brand Jim Gaffigan Gabriel Iglesias Notice the ABSENCE of Dane Cook. I hate that guy... What about you guys? :D
  8. CanadianCoyote

    Ghosts, anyone?

    I was wondering if you guys here at RIU had any real life ghost stories to share. :) I didn't believe in ghosts for a long time... but then I moved into a house that changed that. I only lived there for four months, but it was one scary place to be. Basically, on a nightly basis... I could...
  9. CanadianCoyote

    This is kinda scary...

    The White House has asked the president of General Motors to resign. Now, there's something fundamentally wrong with a capitalist country that goes around telling private companies what to do... especially in terms of who should be in charge. I don't like the amount of meddling the government...
  10. CanadianCoyote

    The Mars Volta

    Hey guys! I kinda vanished off the face of the Earth for a little while, but I had to quit smokin' weed ... and to avoid temptation, I stopped hanging around places and people that reminded me how AWESOME smokin' is. However, my days of forced sobriety are over. And I have returned to babble...
  11. CanadianCoyote

    Gay Marriage ...

    I'm sitting with a decent buzz going, and I got to thinking about that gay marriage law they just enacted in California. I've tried to weigh both sides of the issue, dissect both arguments. What it comes down to is ... I think ... banning gay marriage is basically punishing people for being...
  12. CanadianCoyote

    RIP Tim Russert...

    I got out of bed today only to hear that one of my favorite journalists has passed away from a massive heart attack. Tim Russert was 58 years old and arguably the best host of 'Meet the Press' NBC has ever seen. He was an excellent journalist. He worked very hard to keep his reporting...
  13. CanadianCoyote

    MORE Shit I've Drawn on My Friend's Wall!

    It's turning into a full blown mural now! Next time I'm over there I'll be adding more shit. It's portraits of my other friends that congregate at his house. I have at least seven more people to add. Got plenty of room, though!
  14. CanadianCoyote

    Go Wings!!!

    In a little more than an hour, the puck drops on Game Six. I'm wearing everything from war paint to my Red Wings socks ... and my lucky shirt (which I haven't washed since the start of the playoffs ...heh...) Go go go go!!!
  15. CanadianCoyote

    I'm one of the luckiest people in the world.

    I've been absent lately, but there's been a really good reason for it. On Memorial Day weekend I went to visit my best friend. She only lives 45 minutes away from me, but gas prices have kept us apart for more than 6 months. She said that she could spare the gas money, and that I didn't need...
  16. CanadianCoyote

    Some of my original songs...

    You can listen to two of my songs here... CanadianCoyote's Fan Club | Scroll down, both songs are on the right side of the page. Both of them are techno-ish but 'Chains' has some rock influence. Chains in particular is in the early demo stages, but I still like how some of...
  17. CanadianCoyote

    Jaoan is sending us all their Viagra...

    ... in case we have trouble with our election. Love and Peace, CanadianCoyote
  18. CanadianCoyote

    Shit I've Drawn on My Friend's Wall

    Friend 'o mine likes to let people draw on his walls with sharpees, so I oblige whenever I'm over there. I drew a self-portrait of myself saying "Konnichiwa!! dazo..." ('dazo' is sorta like pronouncing the period in a sentence).
  19. CanadianCoyote

    Leonard Cohen

    Anyone else here a Leonard Cohen fan? I'm sure there are some here. ^^ I was so happy when he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame earlier this year. I've loved him for many many years ... and he deserves all the recognition he can get! Love and Peace, CanadianCoyote
  20. CanadianCoyote

    Nine Years Trapped Inside My Own Head

    Whoooookay. I usually don't talk about this, as it really makes me sound crazy, but I'm gonna do it anyway. Nine years ago I was a total mess. I was dealing with a lot of shit that a 15-year-old shouldn't have to deal with and I was coming apart at the seams. The doctor put me on...