RIP Tim Russert...


Well-Known Member
I got out of bed today only to hear that one of my favorite journalists has passed away from a massive heart attack. Tim Russert was 58 years old and arguably the best host of 'Meet the Press' NBC has ever seen.

He was an excellent journalist. He worked very hard to keep his reporting untainted by the left or right, asking tough questions and demanding explanations from all he interviewed. He did his homework, he understood the system and expected the politicians he interviewed to live up to the same standards.

I was always glad when I saw he was moderating a political debate, he was never intimidated by the Big Boys on the Block and, indeed, he actually intimidated quite a few of THEM.

Tim Russert was an example of what journalism SHOULD be. If everyone in the industry were as thorough and dedicated as he was ... the news would really be NEWS.

I'm going to miss him. Even though I'm 24, I often tuned in to 'Meet the Press' on Sunday mornings because I loved seeing Tim's guests either cave under his rapid-fire of justified questions or rise to the challenge and provide useful, succinct information to the voting public.

He was also a great guy off camera. He loved his wife, his son and sports. From what I've been reading, his son just graduated from Boston College earlier this year. Russert's father is still alive, in his late 80s. I send my heart out to his family, y'know? Shit like this isn't supposed to happen to good people, but in a way ... it has to, to remind us all that bad shit DOES happen to good people ... and that we need to stop our own self-righteous bullshit and appreciate everything we have and everyone we love.

Thanks, Tim. Thanks for everything. :cry:


Well-Known Member
I got out of bed today only to hear that one of my favorite journalists has passed away from a massive heart attack. Tim Russert was 58 years old and arguably the best host of 'Meet the Press' NBC has ever seen.

He was an excellent journalist. He worked very hard to keep his reporting untainted by the left or right, asking tough questions and demanding explanations from all he interviewed. He did his homework, he understood the system and expected the politicians he interviewed to live up to the same standards.

I was always glad when I saw he was moderating a political debate, he was never intimidated by the Big Boys on the Block and, indeed, he actually intimidated quite a few of THEM.

Tim Russert was an example of what journalism SHOULD be. If everyone in the industry were as thorough and dedicated as he was ... the news would really be NEWS.

I'm going to miss him. Even though I'm 24, I often tuned in to 'Meet the Press' on Sunday mornings because I loved seeing Tim's guests either cave under his rapid-fire of justified questions or rise to the challenge and provide useful, succinct information to the voting public.

He was also a great guy off camera. He loved his wife, his son and sports. From what I've been reading, his son just graduated from Boston College earlier this year. Russert's father is still alive, in his late 80s. I send my heart out to his family, y'know? Shit like this isn't supposed to happen to good people, but in a way ... it has to, to remind us all that bad shit DOES happen to good people ... and that we need to stop our own self-righteous bullshit and appreciate everything we have and everyone we love.

Thanks, Tim. Thanks for everything. :cry:
I couldn't have said it better.


New Member
watched it on sundays after charles kerault. he was one of the most informed journalists i have witnessed on TV.


Well-Known Member
Well this is how I'm finding out. What a shame He was one of my favorite Newsmen, one of a small bunch I could tolerate. I really appreciate all that he did. I wonder who they'll get to take over Meet the Press, those will be some big shoes to fill.


Well-Known Member
Well this is how I'm finding out. What a shame He was one of my favorite Newsmen, one of a small bunch I could tolerate. I really appreciate all that he did. I wonder who they'll get to take over Meet the Press, those will be some big shoes to fill.
I hope it's someone good ... but whoever it is better have balls of brass.
What A time to die, this is going to be and has been A historic election, at least he was doing what he loves and probably working on some aspect of this election when he passed on.


Well-Known Member
my pops is a reporter for an actual paper, and usually tv journalists are the bane of the news world..but tim russert was a good journalist.respect



Well-Known Member
my pops is a reporter for an actual paper, and usually tv journalists are the bane of the news world..but tim russert was a good journalist.respect

My father was a newspaper columnist/reporter during the 1980s and the early 90s and he HATES TV news people. He was having his afternoon nap when I heard the news, so I went to prod him and tell him. Normally he'd be furious with me, but he jerked awake and shuffled to the living room. He loved Tim, called him "an example of what journalism should be".


Well-Known Member
see, it's times like this that I'm kind of regretful that I don't pay attention to things in my immediate world (national news). I just can't seem to get past the threshold of basic understand of how the world passes along it's information. I never watched his show, I couldn't tell you whether or not I thought he was "respectable". it always sucks when someone dies (yea, always) and being in the public eye makes things much more complicated.

sorry that it's affecting you in a negative way though ... not good times


Well-Known Member
see, it's times like this that I'm kind of regretful that I don't pay attention to things in my immediate world (national news). I just can't seem to get past the threshold of basic understand of how the world passes along it's information. I never watched his show, I couldn't tell you whether or not I thought he was "respectable". it always sucks when someone dies (yea, always) and being in the public eye makes things much more complicated.

sorry that it's affecting you in a negative way though ... not good times
I don't blame you for the disconnect, these days there's not much worth paying attention to in the news (be it in print or on television)... so much of it is steeped in bullshit and controlled by the left wing. I don't have anything against the left wing per se, I just have something against a huge part of the every-day lives of most citizens being controlled by people who have a political agenda. That's what made me like Tim so much, he was as fair and balanced as they come ... and that means asking questions that piss off some of the most powerful people in the world and doing it without a second's hesitation. He is what 'freedom of the press' was meant to encourage and protect ... an entity untouched by governmental tentacles that demands the People In Charge tell us what the FUCK they're doing.

I'm passionate about such things. ^^;