Spoiled Weekend


Well-Known Member
On Saturday night I went out to a classy bar to watch my friends' band play. It was a great night... the band played better than they have in a long time. Everyone was in a good mood... and there was a huge crowd that was really getting into their music. It was fuckin' MAGIC I tell ya!

... After the show, my friends and a few members of the other band they played with went back to one of their houses in order to help unload equipment and to split up the money they'd made that night.

That's when they were robbed at gunpoint.

Seven grown men were at the mercy of two thugs ... one carrying a fucking assault rifle and the other a snub-nosed revolver of some sort.

They took their money, their cell phones, their weed ... and for good measure, they beat my friend D ... who was crippled in a motorcycle accident 10 years ago... with his own cane and stole the cane as well. They thought he was "holding out on them". They roughed up my friend M because he had a large amount of weed in his pocket... (3 ounces). For some reason, they felt like they had to shove him to the ground and kick him a few times because of it.


Apparently the cops were really nice. They showed up within minutes of being called and were helpful to my friends... even getting them to laugh a little.

Needless to say, that put a damper on the whole weekend. I almost went with 'em to the house, too... but my other friend needed me to fix his computer and insisted that it couldn't wait. ... Being a geek saved me from a traumatic experience, I guess.



Well-Known Member
I agree... but even if there had been an armed person or two, these guys probably would've gotten the best of my friends anyway. The fact one of 'em had an assault rifle is what gets me...

They snuck up on 'em, came out of the darkness and then left the same way. Found out just now D's bank card was used at a convenience store not far from where they were robbed. D had already called the banks and cancelled all his shit, so luckily he didn't lose any money. The place that the card was used at has security cameras, hopefully the culprit was caught on tape and they can possibly use it to ID him somehow.


Well-Known Member
The world is scary.....I was robbed at gunpoint once, I was a kid working in a dry cleaners and a guy came in with a rifle and held me in the back while another girl waited on customers. It is something I will never forget. The guy that robbed us was never caught. I hope your friends are okay and I hope they catch the thugs that did this to them. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Shit like that happens here in canada, only it usually isn't assault rifles. Knives are the weapon of choice it seems. Sorry to here about it . They'll get theirs, karma is a bitch.


Well-Known Member
eventually they will get caught for something, and end up in the slam. small time guy's like that have the worst time on the inside. So I've heard


Well-Known Member
fucking pieces of shit.

Why bother roughin people up when they r clearly co-operating cos they have guns!

Fucking pussys

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Yeah, beating up someone who's crippled and from whom you've just gotten a lot of stuff off of? Sick is too kind a word. Sorry to hear of all that. It IS a scary world.


Well-Known Member
They were convinced he was "holding out on them", they claimed he was trying to hide things in his pockets. It just... sickens me. And makes me very angry.


Well-Known Member
i hate selfish assholes! to damn lazy to do something 4 them selfs so they got to get at other people!


Well-Known Member
Ok, here's an idea for if you ever find them. Chlorophorm them and take them into the woods. Then, suspend them upside down from there wrists and knees. Strip them to there underwear and kick them until your leg is tired, then the fun begins. First step is to blindfold them (so it's harder for them to go into shock and fall unconcious, you want them to remember this in vivid detail.) Then, you start by slicing off a tiny portion of skin on the tip of there big toe. Then, a slightly smaller piece off over that one, then a slightly larger one over that. The idea is to keep doing it and slowly whittle there leg away to where all that is left is the shinbone, then tie there legs off with a belt so they don't die from bloodloss. (Up untill this point, they were upside down, remember?) The next stop is to break there raw bone, then stick a turkey baster inside and slowly suck out all the marrow. Then, wrap them up and take them to the hospital. Bet they never steal anything again. I HATE A FUCKING THEIF!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking stuff like that since it happened... I just want to find these fuckers and make them HURT. But... they have guns. I told my mother about this and she said something about them being junkies... thing is, I don't think they were. That's too much trouble for a junkie, and they could've gotten WAY more money for the guns they had than what they stole from my friends (even though it was a sizable amount).

... Sigh....