Someone had a bad day...


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I wake up today to see an ambulance and 3 cop cars parked across the street from my house, a ton of cops on the lawn of the house across the street and a bunch of other people.

The girl that lives there came home (apparently someone called her), received a few quiet words from a policeman... then broke down crying. This was about half an hour ago, she's still crying.

Now here's where it gets a little weird. The ambulance left and MORE cops showed up ... evidence techs. They took all their gear inside the house and are presumably looking around.

There's no doubt in my mind there's a dead body in there... and they haven't removed it yet because they need to investigate the circumstances behind the death.

... Okay, now they're putting up crime scene tape. o_o;

I'll report back when I know more.


Well-Known Member
Nope. I was up until 8am this morning, too. And I'm a light sleeper, any loud noise has me sitting bolt upright yelling "The fuck was that!?"

The people that live there are, uh, less than savory red neck types. The cops have been over there for drunken domestic disputes before.


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: The body has been removed and all the people that live in the house were tested for gunshot residue. The cops are currently canvassing the neighborhood and talking to neighbors. Apparently, a woman murdered. They've taken a few people that live at the house down to the station for questioning, I saw them get into the back of a police SUV but they weren't wearing handcuffs.

... I'm officially freaked the FUCK out.


Well-Known Member
damn...and the most interesting thing to happen around my place is the occasional car accident (we have one about once a month at the intersection right outside my apartment building)....


Well-Known Member
The last place I lived ... a couple of times dead bodies were taken out of houses on my street, but most of the people that lived on my block were elderly ... that sort of thing happens. This, however, is another animal entirely. I talked to the cops and was honest with 'em... I haven't heard or seen anything unusual all day. Nobody else, from what I can tell, has heard or seen anything either.