Gay Marriage ...


Well-Known Member
I'm sitting with a decent buzz going, and I got to thinking about that gay marriage law they just enacted in California. I've tried to weigh both sides of the issue, dissect both arguments.

What it comes down to is ... I think ... banning gay marriage is basically punishing people for being gay. "You're not right, so you don't get the right to be like everyone else."

They say society will collapse if we let the gays say their vows, if gay people get married soon people will want to marry cows and seventeen people at once... But ... isn't that the same argument they use for legalizing weed? Society will collapse ... all hell will break loose and crime will skyrocket and cocaine and heroin and all the other devil drugs will take over the world!!!


That's how I feel. Am I totally off base here?


Well-Known Member
I'm sitting with a decent buzz going, and I got to thinking about that gay marriage law they just enacted in California. I've tried to weigh both sides of the issue, dissect both arguments.

What it comes down to is ... I think ... banning gay marriage is basically punishing people for being gay. "You're not right, so you don't get the right to be like everyone else."

They say society will collapse if we let the gays say their vows, if gay people get married soon people will want to marry cows and seventeen people at once... But ... isn't that the same argument they use for legalizing weed? Society will collapse ... all hell will break loose and crime will skyrocket and cocaine and heroin and all the other devil drugs will take over the world!!!


That's how I feel. Am I totally off base here?
Elizabeth Taylor has done more to damage the institution of marriage than this court ruling ever will. How many husbands? I think the carpenter, Larry Fortensky, was number eight if you keep track of them as they go by.

When two people love each other and are committed to a stable relationship, they are entitled to the legal status of marriage. The gateway theory, or slippery-slope theory, is just a scare tactic. It was used against women's suffrage. It was used when the military was fully integrated racially. It was used against inter-racial couples.

American citizens are entitled to the same protections under the law regardless of their sexual preference. On the right, the objection is that gayness is a choice so Equal Protection does not apply. That's how someone on the right has the stones to say that a man wanting to marry a sheep will be the next step. Never mind that a sheep has no standing in the courts.

The Constitution protects the rights of the minority against the tyranny of the majority. A Constitutional amendment should never be used as a tool to target the rights of specific Americans.


Well-Known Member
i dont care either way....actually im happy that 2 human beings can do what makes them happy without the interference of government...with that being said, i dont see why gay marrige is such an issue..if you dont like it dont do it and mind your own bussines when people who

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
What two consenting adults choose to do with their lives is absolutely none of my business and not for me to pass judgment on. I think it's wrong and discriminatory to tell a sector of our population they aren't entitled to marriage because of who they choose to lay down with in bed.

I can't believe some people are so full of self-righteousness that they feel they are entitled to withhold basic rights from their fellow Americans. Fucking homophobic bible-beating assholes!

I'm a straight woman.... I have a couple of gay men friends (every woman has a few gay man friends).... and I'll ALWAYS defend them in their effort to get ALL the same rights that every straight person in this Country has. Remember... there was a time in America when women couldn't vote.....

Times they are a changing.... and the holy rollers better get used to it because people are FED THE FUCK UP with having religious morals shoved down their throats!


Well-Known Member
I too have many gay friends, and this has been a topic of discussion that I've given much thought too.
I am very supportive towards gay rights. But when it comes to gay marriage........ I disagree.
There is only one reason I disagree, and it's something that I've been pondering for years.

Gay Marriage is not supported by religion.

I'm an avid church goer and have been since I was a kid.
If I didn't go to church and didn't believe in having religion in my life, then I probably wouldn't give a shit.

Funny thing is, some of my gay friends don't believe in gay marriage either.


Well-Known Member
I too have many gay friends, and this has been a topic of discussion that I've given much thought too.
I am very supportive towards gay rights. But when it comes to gay marriage........ I disagree.
There is only one reason I disagree, and it's something that I've been pondering for years.

Gay Marriage is not supported by religion.

I'm an avid church goer and have been since I was a kid.
If I didn't go to church and didn't believe in having religion in my life, then I probably wouldn't give a shit.

Funny thing is, some of my gay friends don't believe in gay marriage either.
Thanks to the First Amendment, this is not a religious issue. Otherwise all legal marriages would be sanctioned by the church. As it stands, religious marriage ceremonies are symbolic only. The legitimacy comes from legal sanction. This is a legal issue. Period.


Well-Known Member
Ya, but this is America. A country founded on the belief of seperation of church and state. According to the constitution we all have the right to the pursuit of happiness, with no dicrimination against, sex, race and religion.

Who's religion are we supposed to follow? Just yours? Of course not...


Well-Known Member
Thanks to the First Amendment, this is not a religious issue. Otherwise all legal marriages would be sanctioned by the church. As it stands, religious marriage ceremonies are symbolic only. The legitimacy comes from legal sanction. This is a legal issue. Period.

Your right this is a legal issue, according to the government.
I don't give a shit about the government and the legal issue.


Well-Known Member
Your right this is a legal issue, according to the government.
I don't give a shit about the government and the legal issue.
So you're saying the religion with the most members should dictate legality? If it's morally wrong (according to the bible) it should be illegal?


Well-Known Member
Who's religion are we supposed to follow? Just yours? Of course not...
I never asked you to follow anything.
I'm simply stating why I disagree with gay marriage...
I'm not speaking for everyone else.

I don't give a shit about the government and why they won't allow it.

I don't support it because it's gay marriage is not spported by religion.

That's my only reason, My reason has nothing to do with the legal end of it. It's just what I feel.


Well-Known Member
So you're saying the religion with the most members should dictate legality? If it's morally wrong (according to the bible) it should be illegal?

Nope, that's not what I'm saying.

I'm saying I don't support it, just like I don't support abortion.


Well-Known Member
I really feel homosexuality is an unnatural thing, and the more I grow up, the more I see that. Homosexuality is a psyche response to abuse, peer pressure, or some other form of traumatic event in a person's life. Coincidentally, every gay person I've ever known has had an event like that in their past (one of my best friends strips at a gay club in my hometown, so I've met & befriended more than a few.)

I'm not against gay marriage, because marriage is nothing more than a process in the judicial system that ties one spouses bank account to the other, henceforth multiplying the couple's misery. Let people do what they want.

But homosexuality is NOT natural as far as the Human genera goes, and I've yet to read any tests that prove this. Goats, on the otherhand, are the ultimate fudgepackers. Let them get married!


Well-Known Member
i was watching the news:

they performed 200 weddings an hour in san fransico from 8am to 8pm today.

they showed 4 couples. all men. 17 years together, 23 years together, 27 years together and 35 years together.


Well-Known Member
I really feel homosexuality is an unnatural thing, and the more I grow up, the more I see that. Homosexuality is a psyche response to abuse, peer pressure, or some other form of traumatic event in a person's life. Coincidentally, every gay person I've ever known has had an event like that in their past (one of my best friends strips at a gay club in my hometown, so I've met & befriended more than a few.)

I'm not against gay marriage, because marriage is nothing more than a process in the judicial system that ties one spouses bank account to the other, henceforth multiplying the couple's misery. Let people do what they want.

But homosexuality is NOT natural as far as the Human genera goes, and I've yet to read any tests that prove this. Goats, on the otherhand, are the ultimate fudgepackers. Let them get married!
You know what really isn't natural? Marriage.. Sexual monogamy is one of the most unnatural things in the world, it's just us, and a handful of other animals..


Well-Known Member
You know what really isn't natural? Marriage.. Sexual monogamy is one of the most unnatural things in the world, it's just us, and a handful of other animals..
Yup I know. Hence me saying that marriage is just a court system thing...