south ont growers!!!! has any! harvested yet???


Well-Known Member
self explanitory!!! my plants r in an area that i cant visit regularly... i have seen them once since i put them out... i cant check to see when they ready.. if i go, i chop so im wondering how far along every1s indicas r...


Im in south ontario too, and i think they wont be done before the frost! Im planning to crop in mid-october, im just starting to get trichomes forming, no hairs have started to change at all, a good month to go.

In a month, we'll make another thread like this where all ontario growers post weight dry and wet if you want, height of plant, and how many girls you harvested or something with pictures of the buds.

Some people may crop in 2-3 weeks but i plan to have mine going for 4-5 to get maximum bud taste out of them since i only have 2 mothers.


Well-Known Member
when i went to see mine it was bout second week of aug... they had started budding already, looked about 2 weeks in... i know my strains r 9 weekers indoors but not sure about outdoors... leaving ur buds longer then they need to be doesnt make them tastier... they r fruit and need to come down when ripe