An Odd Idea From My Green Thumbed Mother


Well-Known Member
I was talking to my mom the other day about grow techniques she uses in her garden and she recommended filling my final pots with my soil, sticking a toilet paper tube in the middle, then either transplanting my seedlings into the tube or go from seeds. Her logic is that the tube will disintegrate over time but keep the roots together until it's ready to exploded. She says she does this with her tomato plants to great success.

What do you experts think about this method? I'm giving it a run with a bagseed at the moment and 'doug' looks pretty good so far.

Newer folks please wait till some growers who know what they're doing before you give this a run. I'm looking for advice here not offering suggestions.


Well-Known Member
As long as theres not copius amounts of glue in said roll...yes. It works great. So dont hollowed out corn cobs as root stabilizers


Well-Known Member
These types of things are simple to side by side then dig up the dirt later to see what you like about each. Interesting idea


Well-Known Member
I was talking to my mom the other day about grow techniques she uses in her garden and she recommended filling my final pots with my soil, sticking a toilet paper tube in the middle, then either transplanting my seedlings into the tube or go from seeds. Her logic is that the tube will disintegrate over time but keep the roots together until it's ready to exploded. She says she does this with her tomato plants to great success.

What do you experts think about this method? I'm giving it a run with a bagseed at the moment and 'doug' looks pretty good so far.

Newer folks please wait till some growers who know what they're doing before you give this a run. I'm looking for advice here not offering suggestions.
A lot of garden stores already have their plants to sell inside of a biodegradable sleeve. It works great!

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
I was watching a lame ass gardening show and they cut a toilet paper roll in half and folded the bottom end closed to make a seed starter cup. I tried it with my tomatoes and it worked great, but I took the roll off when I transplanted.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Well of course the theory of it works. That's why they say to start off small and transplant a couple of times before going into the final pot. Causes huge root mass. However the glue in the toilet paper roll may cause some problems probably not much though.
Using the tomato theory vs growing pot will be a little different. People don't tend to over water or over love tomatoes. They do weed all the time. Planting weed in a large container can tend to have problems from over watering.


Well-Known Member
I'd be a little concerned about possible mold, even jiffy pots have had this drawback in the past, but other than that seems a sound logic, by the way is your mom single? I don't mind a big girl as long as she's clean fat, not one of those fat and dirty gals, it's one or the other for me I'm ugly and a realist

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
I'd be a little concerned about possible mold, even jiffy pots have had this drawback in the past, but other than that seems a sound logic, by the way is your mom single? I don't mind a big girl as long as she's clean fat, not one of those fat and dirty gals, it's one or the other for me I'm ugly and a realist


Well-Known Member
Well of course the theory of it works. That's why they say to start off small and transplant a couple of times before going into the final pot. Causes huge root mass. However the glue in the toilet paper roll may cause some problems probably not much though.
Using the tomato theory vs growing pot will be a little different. People don't tend to over water or over love tomatoes. They do weed all the time. Planting weed in a large container can tend to have problems from over watering.
I've been real careful about that so far. I actually may be under watering right now as I'm feeding the kids with a syringe full at a time when the soil feels dry and I give them a misting of de chlorinated water a couple times a day. I ran late getting my organic nute mixes going so I'm crossing the fingers hoping the soil holds up for a few more weeks while my mix ferments.


Well-Known Member
I'd be a little concerned about possible mold, even jiffy pots have had this drawback in the past, but other than that seems a sound logic, by the way is your mom single? I don't mind a big girl as long as she's clean fat, not one of those fat and dirty gals, it's one or the other for me I'm ugly and a realist
Nope but dad's due to fall over any time now. I'll let you know when it happens.