2 New Clones brought home today !


Well-Known Member
Today I brought home a Purple Erkle clone
Picture 014.jpg

And a Tatanka , a Big Bud x White Widow I'm told..,
Picture 017.jpg

With the addition of these 2 strains I'm starting to gather quite a nice bank of genetics. On top of those I have
Blue Widow,Picture 009.jpg Silver Tip,Picture 010.jpg , and a clone from my first grow,
a Purple Buddha,Picture 002.jpg
You can also see a little home made clone dome housing 3 PB Clones on the shelf and a styro cup w/ a Purple Erkle started from seed.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
very nice. you're gon'na have to build another cabinet soon!
Actually this is the first cabinet I startedwith. I have another under the bench in the grow room that I have 2 small flowers in right now. Those areas ae both going to be veg while the grow room itself will be flowering. I also have another smaller cabinet for my germ and clone cabinet.


Well-Known Member
Very nice sir. I like the flouros hitting all of the plants. What kind of soil are you using?
Hey Thx Bro, good 2 c ya again 2 BTW. Soil is a blend of generic potting soil and diatomacious earth though I know I'm gonna have to get a lil perlite in there. It just seems to be a little dense to me but the first grow didnt show it.