Yoda don't know, first time GROW! AK Royal 400w 3x3


Well-Known Member
Day 48

foliar sprayed with 1ml cal mag in 1L water.

Day 50 (today)

Watered with plain water @ pH of 5.8 forgot to measure ec this time :wall:but should be low. New growth looking good! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hey man, Looking great. Good job in loving them back to great health :)
I'm here for the ride. Seeing that you told me to come watch your journal I think you should come join mine as well ;)


Well-Known Member
Didn't water @ day 53 as stated. Had to wait for new pH meter to be delivered o_O

Day 2 (Flower)

10l water 20 ml A + 20ml B
Cal mag 10ml
30ml liquid seaweed

pH @ 5.8
EC @ 1.7
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Active Member
Did you switch your lights to 12/12 as mentioned?

I switched myself on the 2016-03-12 (2016-03-11 was spent entirely in darkness).

I'm going to monitor your grow alongside mine for comparison and potential bragging rights :roll:.


Well-Known Member
Day 13 (flower)

10l water 30 ml A + 30ml B
Cal mag 5ml
15ml liquid seaweed

pH @ 5.8
EC @ 1.9

Cut away a few leaves last watering and today. Looks like there's loads of bud sites, found more today I didn't know were there :hump: They're going crazy at the moment! :o


Well-Known Member
Good mate. 2.5oz dried off the chocolate skunk, 2.9oz dried off the haze, 5.6oz dried off the diesel berry. Big head still growing. Very happy with over half a pound off 3 autos. 1 still to come in


Well-Known Member
Good mate. 2.5oz dried off the chocolate skunk, 2.9oz dried off the haze, 5.6oz dried off the diesel berry. Big head still growing. Very happy with over half a pound off 3 autos. 1 still to come in
A decent haul. Might try and run autos in the future, whats the main difference between autos/photoperiods. beside the fact they decide to flower when it suits them... Is there any difference in yield/quality?


Well-Known Member
They say they he THC levels aren't as high but the new strains are class. Autos a meant for small spaces. I will do photoperiod next so I can control things better