woman given 20 years in prison for miscarriage


Well-Known Member

she had a miscarriage at 23-25 weeks, had a stillborn, sought out medical care, and was given 20 years in prison instead.

this is the type of sharia law that christians just yearn for.

happened in indiana, go figure.

This chick is a Hindu, she cannot have a bastard child or child without marriage. She induced a miscarriage and LIED TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM and said she was not pregnant.

Bitch killed a kid to save herself from ridicule,....20 years aint enough, an example was made.

Another Buck twist. Another Buck lie.


Well-Known Member
after reading the complete article, my thoughts (remember i'm female) as a woman:

  1. your period is your life, to "miss" just even one, is completely suspect to and to not investigate? i don't buy it.
  2. she did order something online to terminate = she knew she was preggers.
  3. the fact that medication didn't show..that type of med has a very short half-life and is out of your system in a few days at most rendering it undetectable..she probably tried this early on at some point and depending on when, would pinpoint fetal age..those meds are 'morning after' not 'months after'..which would assist in getting a feticide conviction.
  4. at 16+ weeks you can feel the movement (quickening) as flutters.
  5. she threw the baby in a dumpster.
  6. she sought help while denying ever having been pregnant..that's a no-no..doctors can tell..your uterus changes color and is enlarged, they can see the recent dilation (she probably didn't realize this or she's stupid)..small tears in the perineum.
  7. she also probably doesn't know that during the autopsy they can tell if the baby ever breathed air..just looking at the baby you can usually tell..no breath = blue..breath = pink..although depending on how long the baby was in the dumpster, autopsy may be the only way to determine..the physician that performs the autopsy is completely neutral and must be..those who deal with the death portion of life know it would be violation of hippocratic law:
Whatsoever house I may enter, my visit shall be for the convenience and advantage of the patient; and I will willingly refrain from doing any injury or wrong from falsehood, and (in an especial manner) from acts of an amorous nature, whatever may be the rank of those who it may be my duty to cure, whether mistress or servant, bond or free.

the whole case boiled down to whether the baby took one breath.

she made her bed..anyone who is old enough to engage in sexual activity without any form of protection? knows the risks.

she's 33 (well past frontal lobe cortex reasoning development) not 15..c'mon..there's no excuse here!
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