What's Per Lunch?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
A One dollar Mcdonnalds Cheese Burger
fucking lucky bastards. We have to pay a pound!

I cooked up a 24 portion lasagne for lunch, and for dinner i have peri peri biltong sausages and a trio of lamb and beef kofta's with a mixed leaf side salad :) and if i'm peckish i've a quartette of salmon fillets and a quintupplet of smoked bacon rashers :D My gut instinct tells me yes, i will become hungry and make it all mine :D Spending my weight in gold on food of late.


Well-Known Member
When I first glanced at your pic, I thought you were eating umeboshi over rice. I threw up in my mouth a little bit... :(

Just a little bit.

Try as I might, I just can't get used to that flavor.
Hey, I love umeboshi ^^ And anything with anko in.

I draw the line at shit like natto though 0_o;


Well-Known Member
Homemade chili....it'll pobable be lunch, dinner,breakfast, and then lunch again...and dinner again if theres any left.


Well-Known Member

Only had it enough times to count on one hand but I a a huuuge fan! Mnn.

Urca, you a ramen fiend too? Hope your mouth feels better soon, I know I can't do hot food X3

Lol i love hot sauce, especially tapatio, just need to be careful how much i use. One time when I was twelve, i said fuck in front of my mom, she grabbed the tabasco, and the bottle wouldnt let any out, so she hit it and about 3 tablepsoons of hot sauce got in my mouth... instant nose bleed.

Im not a ramen fiend like I used to be, it was the quickest thing we had to make.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member

Meat burro smothered in New Mexico red chili. The chili is a very old family recipe. The meat is ground beef with salt/fresh garlic/pepper. I put chopped onions in with the meat and sprinkled cheddar on the chili. The tortillas are homemade as well. I like to make little gordita tortillas. Small but a little thicker than store bought.