The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
So, took me cat into vets today because he had a burst abscess (another cat had bit him...19 cats means lots of fights) only to find out the poor wee fucker had been walking on a fractured hind leg for the last 3 weeks (seen him limping, but didn't think much of it).....guess who feels like a right cunt right now?? Vet says it's healed, but didn't heal correctly. Poor wee fucker will suffer when he's older.
sell him to the local Chinese restaurant?


Well-Known Member
Fuck sake the one good thing we had in here was our word and the honesty among us crooks, if cunts are starting to fuck about and try bump and rob ppl then the thread has truly went to shit, never mind the yanks, mods and knobs, Us long time members should stick together and keep the good times rolling !
wtf have i missed now? whos been robbing who?


Well-Known Member
I love the little fluffy animals but I have been killing rats today, lol torn emotions between ahhh good shot ole boy to ahh poor ratty, lol fukin rollercoaster I tell ya
I use to feed live rats to me boa constrictor, she loved it, me housemates thought it was wrong. She'd only take live food wasn't interested in the frozen shit bought from the shops.


Well-Known Member
I want another snake now lol such low maintenance pets. I had to get rid of her in 2009 as new landlord wouldn't let me bring her. She was 6 foot when I got rid, so should be 10-12 foot by now. She does tours around schools now cause a local wildlife park had her off me.

I had a few tarantulas back in the day too. Fucking scary beasts, but amazing to watch.


Well-Known Member
I use to feed live rats to me boa constrictor, she loved it, me housemates thought it was wrong. She'd only take live food wasn't interested in the frozen shit bought from the shops.
Well what do the fuck do these morons think snakes do in the wild? pitch up to maccy `s everytime they get hangry ffs?


Well-Known Member
Well what do the fuck do these morons think snakes do in the wild? pitch up to maccy `s everytime they get hangry ffs?
In the UK it's against the law to live feed unless the snake only takes live food (most imports are live feed only). They were a bit wet behind the ears tbh I didn't last long there lol apparently calling someone a fucking cunt because they stole your milk isn't acceptable amongst the softies of this world.


Well-Known Member
Evening Don, all good my end ta,looking forward to not growing were im living ,& all that spare shed space !,Evening Zedd,hope all's good for you down there ,lay off the "cats in the chinky" chat ! I love a chicken chow mein :)


Well-Known Member
I love the little fluffy animals but I have been killing rats today, lol torn emotions between ahhh good shot ole boy to ahh poor ratty, lol fukin rollercoaster I tell ya
u been rattin zeddd love that shit me lol gas rifle?