The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Theres only a tiny bit of the bbc and id say its a nice smoke but not very cheesey atall.

The ghsc is quite a bit cheeseyer then the bbc but still not a patch on the real.

And finaly the exodus cheese which is the best smoke ive had in 20 years toking:weed::weed::weed:

Them are so beautiful buds. Great job.


Well-Known Member
max sentance is 15 years i thgink but a mate of a mate of mine got 100 hrs community service for 7 plants and an oz of speed and he had previouse lmao
Man, he got lucky.
I would always hope to get a judge like that if worst came to worst.
Sounds like courts are a bit like here, and pretty easy on small time cannabis growers.
They're not so easy on the 'goeee' though.
Someone I know went to court the other day 4 for plants, hydro, second offense, and he got a $350 fine.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
thats not bad going for either of them $350 or a 100 hours is a lot better than a spell in the booty house. all our jails are full of proper crims thank god

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah man woke up with a stinking head ache, overdid it on the beer n bongs last night the cheesefather wont be up for a while yet unless his cheesometer is reading below the line, he'll be wakenbakin right about now.....

mr west

Well-Known Member
I is here muther flunkers. Im awake and baking ill take a live pic of cheese leafe on plant for ya wen i dowen this tea and biff lol.
Morning all twat like me left his phone 15 miles away at me mates house last night ffs so i have to get thaT SOMETIME SOON LOL.


Well-Known Member
That bloke probably got the comm service for the oz of speed he woulda got a caution for just the plants. A mate of mine about 3 years ago got caution for having 5 plants in flower and about 10 unrooted clones.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah i shouldnt of posted that pic but its warts and all so hmm. Thats a psychosis and i fed the same as every one else lol. Thease things happen eh lol. Least im free!!!!


Well-Known Member
i dont mind posting the nute burn pics. were all human and shit happens sometimes my first 6 widow clones were all fed the same yet two of them nute burned up bad. so i chopped em three days ago because they had stopped filling out cos of complete lack of leaves haha. smoked a tester and it is really strong and only at 7 week. i,m halfing my nutes next time.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah for every success there are a few failures... i generally dont nute burn mine just heat stress them till there crispy fried.... pleased the plod werent for you westy eh!

mr west

Well-Known Member
bud looks grade A tho and its them we growing lmao, lets put things into perspective, i shuold chop all the bad off and take the pic agaiin lol.


Well-Known Member
yea ... but then she be like .... nekid .....ewwwww.....LOL! hahahaha! then u'd be busy with the crazy glue putting leaves back on .... it would just get realy messy ... hahahaha!

mr west

Well-Known Member
yea ... but then she be like .... nekid .....ewwwww.....LOL! hahahaha! then u'd be busy with the crazy glue putting leaves back on .... it would just get realy messy ... hahahaha!

lmao tahoe, while she wants to hang on to her leafs i think i should let em stay lol. its messy enough here as it is lol. This early blue cheese fucks me up every time man, almost like the feeling wen ur coming up on some good E. I love this plant


Well-Known Member
that is so freakin special have plants like that ... to smoke .... but even better when u grewd them urselv ..... I am truly hoping that my BlackDomina gives me sumthin like that. The DairyQueen could to no doubt ...and thren the Mystery lady ..... aahhhh ..... I am itching to watch her kertsie! hahaha!