Roto-Grow Journal

Dear aficionado ... AMAZING! Just pulled up your thread tonight and read all 17 pages. I'm hooked on your progress and can't wait to hear the end result details. I'm in the middle of my 2nd grow ever and your post is a total inspiration. Was getting ready to do some construction to add more grow room and am now seriously considering scrapping that plan and maximizing the space with this setup ... I will definitely be following your journey to the end!


Active Member
Stumbled upon this and read ALL of it. Awesome grow. Amazingly thorough. I'm dying to see how many P's you can pull from this! Starting to look very attractive for my indoor grow...


Active Member
Thank you all for joining the thread - I am glad to see you are getting some value from this. New pics for the week will be up shortly.


Active Member
i was gunna say when i read this no new pics lol
Very busy weekend - with work back at the office, plus I had a really nice harvest of Mendocino Icecap just finish drying that needed trimmed so that it could cure. Now that is an impressive strain to work with. I will have the pics uploaded tonight.


Well-Known Member
Thoughtful and informative implementation of the Roto. Sorry to see that mites will probably throw a wrench into getting a perfect evaluation, but I gather you dont have 100% infestation from what you've implied.

Thanks for your efforts and willingness to share in the indulgences of so many. And much respect for providing for a collective on top of it all. Far too many people are not suited to provide their own.

Looking forward to your final analysis and future rounds of experimentation with this method/device.


Active Member
Thoughtful and informative implementation of the Roto. Sorry to see that mites will probably throw a wrench into getting a perfect evaluation, but I gather you dont have 100% infestation from what you've implied.

Thanks for your efforts and willingness to share in the indulgences of so many. And much respect for providing for a collective on top of it all. Far too many people are not suited to provide their own.

Looking forward to your final analysis and future rounds of experimentation with this method/device.
Thank you for the kind words. Those mites are a real pain. I have taken steps to eradicate them for future grows, but the countermeasures I have taken to date seem to have kept them in check to the point where no actual visible webbing has formed along the colas.

I am fortunate enough to be in a position to do what I love and put my education and experience to good use while providing safe and effective medicine to fellow patients whose lives are made better by these efforts. I like to think it a noble cause, but a shame that something like this has to be kept very discreet for the purpose of sating the ignorance and blind fear of the few - but that is a subject for another thread. ;)


Active Member
New pics - Enjoy!



Active Member
Now... for the fun pictures



Active Member
dayummmmm! gonna be a killer crop out. they're lookin beefy, and they haven't even really hit the swelling stage yet.
Many of those shots were of Afgoo - notoriously light in the sensimilla department, but incredible trichome density on her secondary leaves. Ha! Those trimmings might be better that some growers' actual bud.


Well-Known Member
This thread is like looking at the sun it hurts so much yet i can stop looking.
great job bro really you give everyone hope for the future of growing.


Active Member
Very fine weed dude!!All those trichs.....awesome!!!I almost smell it:!:


Oh, if only I could give you all a hint of the smell that pours out of that room. Its almost a bit 'too' much - seriously, have to beat it back in from time to time. :D I am very fortunate to be able to run this out of the general vacinity of people, and away from my home. So many super potent strains in a relatively small space.


Active Member
I forgot to upload the picture of the 2" crane fly ('mosquito eater' as its called in these parts) - that got stuck in the resin on one of the plants and literally could not fly back out. The resin is that adhesive. It was like watching some helpless prehistoric bird trying (unsuccessfully) to escape a tar pit. The little bastard was likely trying to lay eggs to feed on my roots, but the MJ took care of it before it could even get the chance. (crane flies don’t actually eat mosquitoes, their babies feast on roots of plants)


Active Member
Week 10 - beginning of Week 8 in flowering (Jun 5- Jun 11) notes

I have prepared the following nutrient solution for Week 10 -
750 ml of Aqua Flakes A
750 ml of Aqua Flakes B
300 ml Bud Xl
40ml of Drip Clean
4 sachets Shooting Powder
Ph: 6.4; DO: 9.1; Temp: 74 degrees; RH: 45%; PPM: 950
Light cycle - 12/12, water cycle 1.2hrs, every 12 hours (-1 hour shift from light cycle)

Overall plant maturation continuing as expected. Pistil discoloration on calyxes exposed to the light source continue thier shift to the amber, signaling sign of full maturation. Calyx swelling was noted on multiple strains, with some exhibiting increasingly darker violet hues at top of the primary colas.

Increased new calyx development was noted on several strains. This phenomenon is known as 'foxtailing,' and is described as "bud on bud growth." Mostly this was observed on some of the higher producing strains and was readily identifiable with the contrast of new pistil formation against the backdrop of mature calyxes. It is unknown what effect the growth will have on the overall end product given the delta in maturation times.

Fan leaves were forcibly removed from many strains, and this effort will continue into next week, with at least two specimens per strain left untouched as the control group. Method involved snapping the petiole at the stalk to prevent exposure that could lead to mold development (versus pruning). Most of the removed leaf petioles were very difficult to access given the late stage of bud development, so this quickly became a time consuming process. The removing of the larger fan leaves was done to further the coloration and accelerate the maturation of the lower nodes that have been shaded by the dense canopy and have grown primarily unexposed.

Avg height - 13"
Avg width - 10"

Observation under microscope confirm high concentrations of trichomes along the calyxes and secondary leaves. Samples taken indicate a shift to more opaque with the ratio of about 50% opaque and 50% clear. Amber trichomes were rare. All indications point to a harvest window opening at mid to late week, possibly extending to next week for some of the strains with more Sativa genetics and influences.

Resin development increased sharply this week as comapred to last, also indicating ripeness of the fruit, making things noteably more difficult to work with.