Planted 3 seeds monday in a big pot. Is it safe to transplant them?


Active Member
I am going to live somewhere else and was wondering if I could transplant them into cups, then transplant them again into soil.

Any tips on transplanting?


Well-Known Member
Well I wouldnt have put all 3 into one pot in the first place, but there still young and cant have many roots so you may be able to remove each plant then like you say replant into some cups

Just take your time when doing it and try to do it asap... As the longer you leave it the more chance you have of the roots forming one root ball, then your never going to get them out with out cutting some roots and you dont want to have to do that


Well-Known Member
did you germinate them first? seems like a lot of work to dig up 3 little seeds but yeah it would work.