Michael Jackson is dead


Well-Known Member
he is a legend not a real big fan, he was popular all threw my growing up , i was into rock not pop R.I.P. dude !!! i will smoke a joint for him !!


Well-Known Member
They both got ten day bans... It's what happens when you get your 3rd infraction. Trust me, I would rather they just get a warning, but how many warnings am I supposed to issue before I pull the trigger? :lol:

The only person who is responsible for YOUR conduct is YOU! :)
I feel ya dude, I just thought that indianaman got a full on ban while the other guy only got a 10 day ban. It was just a misunderstanding and now that you explained I agree with you. Thanks GrowTech :peace:
Everyone who is posting about MJ being a pedophile be careful on ICmag. They are handing out bans for anyone who speaks badly about pedophilia.

I thought they were just a pot site, but it looks like they also have an active pro-pedophile moderation staff.


stays relevant.
After the crap I'm going to have to clean up in this thread, consider yourselves lucky just getting the 10 days the system gives you :lol:... So stop making accounts to evade your bans and just do your 10 days...


New Member
Okay, I got distracted yesterday and for that I apologize. I was going to start this morning by hitting the responses, but this thread unraveled while I was off. :lol:

Michael brings out a lot of emotions. I was never really a fan but in many ways I feel sorry for him. There was a person with a lot of demons.

One of the posters made a very good point, and I will back rep you on my way out of the post, Michael was a freak (pun?) about longevity and did things you and I could not (or would not) afford to keep his youth. It was all about youth with him (yes I'm aware of the joke and irony in there), that guy got fractured emotionally somewhere in his youth....

The lesson being (at least for me), every adult on the planet works out their childhood for the rest of their lives. Michael was an extreme case and a pop icon (rightfully so, he was a genius), which gave us all a window to his pain and escape mechanism.

It's all over for him now and his pain is finally extinguished. He chased eternal youth and fell off the conveyor belt of life far earlier than he planned on.

Life's a bitch......:lol:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
whats the difference between Alex Ferguson and michael jackson?

alex ferguson will be playing giggs next year....

shoot me down for bad taste jokes, i care not


New Member
Innocence is when the real authority (judge) in the court room listens to the two opposing lawyers blather on and says at some point, either early or late into the case, "are you kidding me? This case is DISMISSED."

That is innocence, or as close as you want to get, in our judicial system.


Well-Known Member
damn that shit is crazy. and michael is like that dude that you'd expect to live forever. i mean granted nobody does but what im sayin is we crack on michael for his faults but how many of us expected for there to be a time where he wouldnt be around? i didn't............