Male or female ? Lil' help !


Active Member
Hiyah ! :hump:
Just wanna make sure which one of theses are males/females.
Im pretty sure pic #1 is a female.. and the other two are males.

One more question.. What to do with the males in the aerogarden ??
If I cut em, roots are going to rot..?? Which is bad...?
..Right ?
Halp !

Just pull the males out carefully and don't bust their pollen sacks open. They look as if they haven't opened yet which is good. Can you post some pics that aren't close ups. But yes they are males in the last two pics.


Well-Known Member
The first one looks like it has pistils but the last two look like they're growing balls. I wouldn't panic yet until they are a little more formed then I would separate them for sure. If you have a second garden or a DWC bucket with an air stone you could move the last two now just to make sure.


Active Member
Okay the last two are definitly males.. They are growing balls everywhere. I'll try to separate them tomorrow, but damn it is crowded in there!
So uh... is there any use for the males or.. garbage?


Active Member
Unless you want to breed (seeds). Also when pulling them out be careful not to break open any of those balls open. Males mature faster than the females do generally. Dont just throw them away in a trash can in the same room, you have to get them out of the house or the pollen will find its way.


Active Member
last two are for sure males....don't wait, kill them now with extreme prejudice! unless you like seedy dope


Well-Known Member
1 does look like female 2 and 3 males, look for a single hair, its fem , any kinda balls, male, kill before they kill your resin production


Well-Known Member
it is my first grow and what i did is let my males dry out, then i rolled a celebration logger for the achievement of self preservation of crop, then i smoked it all by myself, shhh dont tell anyone, and yea, i got a hint of buzz action, thanks male


Active Member
So I just killed both males but uh... there is absolutely no way I can pull out/separate the roots.. Way too crowded.

Any advices?