Libertarian Dilemma


New Member
Actually no. The insurance companies assess the risks and charge accordingly. The Trial Lawyers have driven the price of insurance through the roof.

Sorry, I don't agree! I actually believe the insurance companies are the Great Satan of the society, who knows, maybe you worked for them once, but look at Katrina, in fact look at any attempt to collect on a claim. The first thing they do is go into the defense mode, looking for anyway possible to get out of paying, yet, don't be late on a premium payment or they suspend your coverage immeadiately. They are the greatest criminals in the country, protecting us from them should be the first thing the congress attempts in the new year! This applies to all types of insurance from life to medical! It's the biggest fraud perpetrated on the American people Ever! And Even worse is the governments requirement that you carry Liability on your auto, thereby eliminating the competitive nature of the beast, and rewarding them with whatever rates they so desire! I think Australia has the best plan, when you register your car, a portion of the money goes into a pool to pay for injuries sustained in auto wrecks, and the owner of the vehicle is liable to pay for his own auto repairs, If you total your car, too bad, you still have to pay for it. This takes the insurance industry and lawyers out of the equation. I'm sure you can purchase value insurance for your vehicle, but no huge injury lawsuits are permitted, and you cannot sue the other driver for damages!


New Member
Insurance companies are really investment companies.

I love the way they sell the sizzle and not the steak. What other business in existance calls the payment the PREMIUM? And a death BENEFIT? Now THAT takes some balls! *lol*


PS: Hey Med ... check your PMs. Thanks ...


New Member
Insurance companies are really investment companies.

I love the way they sell the sizzle and not the steak. What other business in existance calls the payment the PREMIUM? And a death BENEFIT? Now THAT takes some balls! *lol*


PS: Hey Med ... check your PMs. Thanks ...
I did! But I'd still opt for the aussie solution


Well-Known Member
The insurance industry has been over regulated and over litigated.
The current system is so riddled with human ticks and lice, as to render it totally indefensible and counterproductive.
Attorneys are a huge part of this team of bounders plundering the public trust.
Tort reform is long overdue, IMO.


New Member
"Tort reform is long overdue, IMO."

Yep, my opinion too, Wavels. The problem is, the Trial Lawyer's Association (Union) contributes huge amounts of money to the Democrats for one spicific reason; To keep tort reform from ever happening.



Well-Known Member
"Tort reform is long overdue, IMO."

Yep, my opinion too, Wavels. The problem is, the Trial Lawyer's Association (Union) contributes hugh amounts of money to the Democrats for one spicific reason; To keep tort reform from ever happening.

Besides the outright donations to politicians, the government also receives huge kickbacks of every settlement in the form of income taxes...they actually get paid twice. I truly believe that the judicial branch of the government, including lawyers, is as big an enemy of the free market as the other branches of government. Lawyers have as much power as congress; in fact, a great deal of our "representatives" are lawyers. God I hate those fuckers.


New Member
Lawyers have as much power as congress; in fact, a great deal of our "representatives" are lawyers. God I hate those fuckers.
I guess when you guys were little kids a future lawyer kicked your asses, or.........maybe when you grew up, like in a divorce, one kicked your asses. It's hard to imagine why someone hates them unless personal injury has been done to them by a lawyer, come on now, fess up guys!


Well-Known Member
I guess when you guys were little kids a future lawyer kicked your asses, or.........maybe when you grew up, like in a divorce, one kicked your asses. It's hard to imagine why someone hates them unless personal injury has been done to them by a lawyer, come on now, fess up guys![/quote]

Med, I have NEVER been personally fucked over by a lawyer. As a matter of fact, the only time I ever had to get a lawyer, the guy got me about 10,000 dollars.

I hate lawyers because of what they are doing to the system, and because of the money they are stealing. If you understand how lawyers operate, how soulless they are, and how much they suck off of the system, it's easy to "imagine" why people hate them. But I'm with you on the insurance companies; I hate em almost as much as lawyers, and I REALLY hate insurance company


New Member
Believe me when I say I have no love for lawyers. and I'm with you on the Insurance lawyers. I just don't see John Edwards In that light, maybe I'm Naive, but people can change, and even change for the better! I'd like to believe what Edwards says, He is definently for the little guy!


New Member
"I just don't see John Edwards In that light..."

Med ... 41 years as a commissioned salesman has given me a LOT of insight into people ... especially when measuring their sincerity. Take it from me ... John Edwards is as big a sleaze ball, if not bigger than Bill Clinton. The difference is ... John Edwards isn't as slick as Clinton.



New Member
"I just don't see John Edwards In that light..."

Med ... 41 years as a commissioned salesman has given me a LOT of insight into people ... especially when measuring their sincerity. Take it from me ... John Edwards is as big a sleaze ball, if not bigger than Bill Clinton. The difference is ... John Edwards isn't as slick as Clinton.

*I think I smell predjudice here. 1. have you ever met Edwards? 2. Have you ever had a conversation or an e-mail connection to him? 3. Have you even listened to his proposals if he were to be President, and if so what pisses you off so much about them? 4. Are you just predjudice because he was a trial lawyer? 5. Do you just dislike him because he's from the south and richer than you ? 6. Are you just an ornery old codger who dislikes anyone that is not going to repeal the income tax? I'd vote for #6 as I believe you don't like anyone that wants to help the middle class, and love people that are going to give the rich free reign over the proletariat, whips and chains. If you get your way, I'm buying stock in the whip manufacturing industry!~~~~~lol~~~~


New Member
*I think I smell predjudice here. 1. have you ever met Edwards? 2. Have you ever had a conversation or an e-mail connection to him? 3. Have you even listened to his proposals if he were to be President, and if so what pisses you off so much about them? 4. Are you just predjudice because he was a trial lawyer? 5. Do you just dislike him because he's from the south and richer than you ? 6. Are you just an ornery old codger who dislikes anyone that is not going to repeal the income tax? I'd vote for #6 as I believe you don't like anyone that wants to help the middle class, and love people that are going to give the rich free reign over the proletariat, whips and chains. If you get your way, I'm buying stock in the whip manufacturing industry!~~~~~lol~~~~
None of the above, Med. Its that little thing-a-ma-jiggie that he has hanging from his upper lip. I just couldn't bear the thought of looking at that thingie bobbing up and down for four years as he tries to explain himself away on all the news shows for four years as president.



New Member
None of the above, Med. Its that little thing-a-ma-jiggie that he has hanging from his upper lip. I just couldn't bear the thought of looking at that thingie bobbing up and down for four years as he tries to explain himself away on all the news shows for four years as president.

Well I've got good news for Ya, he must have gotten it surgically removed as last week I saw him giving a speech, and "Viola" it was magically gone, Now no more excuses! I must admit, I wondered with all his money, why he didn't do something about that earlier!


New Member
Take it from me, Med ... the guy is as sincere as a pickpocket. As president, he would be a complete disaster.



New Member
Take it from me, Med ... the guy is as sincere as a pickpocket. As president, he would be a complete disaster.

A disaster to rich pricks, I believe that. Hell they might even assasinate him like JFK. Get your deer rifle ready, you could go down in History!


New Member
A disaster to rich pricks, I believe that. Hell they might even assasinate him like JFK. Get your deer rifle ready, you could go down in History!

I saw Edwards interviewed on TV yesterday. The guy has nothing to say of substance AT ALL. I can see why you like the guy, Med.



New Member
I saw Edwards interviewed on TV yesterday. The guy has nothing to say of substance AT ALL. I can see why you like the guy, Med.

Substance to you means tax cuts, or more free reign of the rich pricks over the proletariate, (BTW if you are not a rich prick, then the insults are not aimed at you, if you are, they are) If anyone has any programs that might help the commoners, they have nothing of substance according to you. Don't you get tired of belitteling commoners like me! Jesus Christ man go spend some of that horded money you have and make yourself happy, You must be a miserable prick!


Well-Known Member
In the world according to med, all, or, the vast majority of "rich" people are pricks!........Interesting and woefully self defeating philosophy! IMHO!
