Libertarian Dilemma


New Member
So then, you still haven't answered the question because you haven't "zeroed" in on specifics. But you DO know that the policies of Edwards and Obama are 180 degrees out of sync with Bush's policies. OK, so we're getting somewhere here. So answer the question now ... list the policies of BUSH that Edwards and Obama are out of sync with...........................................

1. Look Vi, I don't want to discuss this at this time, mainly because I haven't done my homework and I want to be specific. Suffice it to say, I'd vote for a billy goat before I'd vote for John McCain. I used to have much respect for John McCain mainly because of the prisoner of war thing, (my brother that just died @ 56 because of damage done to his body while a prisoner) but thats another story, John Is the "frontrunner" and will probably get the nomination, I dislike his view on the Iraq war, and his siding with Bush on a few things, even after Bush assasinated him in the 2004 primaries, or was it the 2000, even so , Edwards is my choice for his stance on the middle class, and Obama for his spontanaity and fresh views on the body politic. Let me research the specifics a bit more and I'll let you have it, stay tuned, but dont expect a timely response.






Thanks ...................................................



New Member
"Let me research the specifics a bit more and I'll let you have it, stay tuned, but dont expect a timely response."

OK, fair enough.

I wouldn't vote for McCain for Dog Catcher either. The fact that someone was held prisoner and tortured in the Hanoi Hilton does not qualify that person to be president, or to hold any other office in my opinion. We can admire the guy for what he's been through, and we can feel sorry for the suffering he's endured ... but again, that doesn't make for qualifications for the leader of the free world. Nor does a "fresh face," or a particular "stance" on the middle class.

By the way, I haven't heard any "fresh" views coming out of Obama's mouth. His voting record has been very far left ... and that's just rewarmed Marxism ... old hat stuff that has failed wherever and whenever its been tried.



New Member
By the way, I haven't heard any "fresh" views coming out of Obama's mouth. His voting record has been very far left ... and that's just rewarmed Marxism ... old hat stuff that has failed wherever and whenever its been tried.
So what about the right wing death squads of S. America, did they do any good for humanity? You may have all the answers for you and your rich friends, but let me include the rest of us and I'll bet you bring out the death squads to protect your wealth. Remember the book where the poor ate the rich because there was no food, that day is coming my friend so you better lose weight so they won't boil you up for dinner! The right is not right it is wrong!


New Member
"So what about the right wing death squads of S. America, did they do any good for humanity?"

What death squads are you talking about, Med? Are you alluding to those communist rebels that the Marine Corps hero Ollie North took care of? :cool:



New Member
What death squads are you talking about, Med? Are you alluding to those communist rebels that the Marine Corps hero Ollie North took care of? :cool:

So now you're playing dumb. It's funny when you are confronted with a new possibility, you play Dumb. What stinking death squads? Check your nicaraguan history, your chilean history, the CIA had Mercenarys running the death squads, Oh thats right, thats supposed to be a secret!


New Member
Hmmm ... funny how catch phrases take hold. "Death Squads" is a name used for freedom fighters, and "Freedom Fighters" is a name used for Iranian Islamic terrorists who come across the Iran border into Iraq for the sole purpose of killing American "Death Squads." Seems to me the N.Y.Times and the entire liberal propaganda machine has done a great job ... in an Orwellian sense, of course.



New Member
Hmmm ... funny how catch phrases take hold. "Death Squads" is a name used for freedom fighters, and "Freedom Fighters" is a name used for Iranian Islamic terrorists who come across the Iran border into Iraq for the sole purpose of killing American "Death Squads." Seems to me the N.Y.Times and the entire liberal propaganda machine has done a great job ... in an Orwellian sense, of course.

So what you are saying is Killing comes down to semantics, The fact remains, The CIA, The right wing police arm of the US Government, was in Chile organizing the overthrow of Allende, and they were in Nicaragua organizing the overthrow of the Sandinistas, they also botched the Bay of Pigs in Cuba! So semantics are used by any party to mislead the other one and confuse the people. Call it what you may, the end result is the same!


New Member
"So semantics are used by any party to mislead the other one and confuse the people."

And, of course you are exactly right! So, the question is ... why have you have fallen victim to semantics yourself, Med? Like I said ... Orwellean "Truth Speak" has taken over the political dialoge in this country.



New Member
"So semantics are used by any party to mislead the other one and confuse the people."

And, of course you are exactly right! So, the question is ... why have you have fallen victim to semantics yourself, Med? Like I said ... Orwellean "Truth Speak" has taken over the political dialoge in this country.

Geeze I had a perfect response and erased it by accident, I'm too lazy to repeat!


Well-Known Member
more of those beautifully consistent views from waffle.

Buck you do not comprehend what pinching nostrils means???
Keep digging up threads from three years before you were even a member and editing to suit your puerile purposes....very cute and silly


Well-Known Member
Buck you do not comprehend what pinching nostrils means???
so lawyers shouldn't even be allowed to run for office, but you would vote for chris christie the lawyer?


it is so easy to expose you for the pathetic liar that you are.


Well-Known Member
How about fuck ALL political parties?

If you want to find out what a candidate is about, look at their work record, voting record, and what they accomplished / failed to accomplish.

Talk and parties both mean jack and shyte, and they do nothing but FUCK the MAJORITY of citizens they are supposed to serve.