Libertarian Dilemma


New Member
In the world according to med, all, or, the vast majority of "rich" people are pricks!........Interesting and woefully self defeating philosophy! IMHO!

I'd say it's the most truthful thing posted on this site. I've had experiences with all kinds of rich people and IMO 98% are pricks (right wing republicans, Gay bashing hypocrites, white American males). I've known two nice rich guys, and both of them were self made, the rest were pricks to one degree or the other! You and Vi prove the premise! so just continue on as you were, there is no hope for either of you! The only thing worse than a rich prick is a wannabee!


Well-Known Member
I'd say it's the most truthful thing posted on this site. I've had experiences with all kinds of rich people and IMO 98% are pricks (right wing republicans, Gay bashing hypocrites, white American males).
I spent Xmas day with a roomful of millionaire trial lawyers. About 30 people all told, and at least 6 of them making a million a year. And every single one of them a stone Democrat. It was a TRIP. They completely assumed that everyone in the room was just like them... two of them mentioned to me how great it was that "we" had taken back congress and wasn't I happy? Now granted, they WERE white... but most were female, all were liberals, and the ones that weren't gay probably felt they needed to be if only to show their solidarity with the downtrodden homos. I'm tellin ya it was entertainment at its fucking peak. Anyway, you would be suprised how many rich people there are who are filled with white guilt, overeducation, and big fat bleeding hearts.

They drink wine like tomorrow won't get here too. No pot though. Funny critters.


New Member
Substance to you means tax cuts, or more free reign of the rich pricks over the proletariate, (BTW if you are not a rich prick, then the insults are not aimed at you, if you are, they are) If anyone has any programs that might help the commoners, they have nothing of substance according to you. Don't you get tired of belitteling commoners like me! Jesus Christ man go spend some of that horded money you have and make yourself happy, You must be a miserable prick!
Sorry to say, Med ... but you just don't get it. When I say that Edwards has no substance, what I mean is ... the guy has no solutions. All he did was to bash Bush ... but never said what HIS options would be. Sorry to all you liberals ... but "I hate Bush" isn't going to cut it with those who want you, your kids, your wife, your business associates and YOU dead.

Now then, with that said ... please tell us all EXACTLY which solutions Edwards has that make you want to support the guy for the leader of the free world. Be specific .... I asked you this question a couple of weeks ago, and your answer was "All of them." Not good enough Med ... you should be able to stand behind your convictions with logical explanations.



New Member
That article is the reason I am still a registered Republican.
I've been a registered Libertarian for around 20 years or so. The more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to reregister as a Republican though. It's nice to be a counter-culture type of guy by supporting the Libertarians, but let's face it ... most Americans know diddley squat about liberty and freedom ... and how to maintain it ... all one has to do is read Med's posts to see this. So ... I've been thinking that I may be more effective supporting Republican candidates who are libertarian in spirit. I've worked on some of their campaigns before ... and its fun.



New Member
I've been a registered Libertarian for around 20 years or so. The more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to reregister as a Republican though. It's nice to be a counter-culture type of guy by supporting the Libertarians, but let's face it ... most Americans know diddley squat about liberty and freedom ... and how to maintain it ... all one has to do is read Med's posts to see this. So ... I've been thinking that I may be more effective supporting Republican candidates who are libertarian in spirit. I've worked on some of their campaigns before ... and its fun.

There you go, running away from your darling libertarians, geeze if you don't be careful, I'll see you trying to sneak into a communist meeting, Man would I laugh my ass off! You know Vi, you dont have to be anything, just vote your conscience, let the labels fall where they may!


New Member
Med ...

The post you are refering to wasn't intended for you. Nope ... the post that was intended for you was this one:

Now then, with that said ... please tell us all EXACTLY which solutions Edwards has that make you want to support the guy for the leader of the free world. Be specific .... I asked you this question a couple of weeks ago, and your answer was "All of them." Not good enough Med ... you should be able to stand behind your convictions with logical explanations.

So, what's your answer? What's Edward's solutions to the nation's problems? How will his policies make the country better ... and be specific; what, exactly, ARE his policies?



Well-Known Member
Well Edwards will most certainly play up the class envy theme.....two Americas......ha ha ha ha!
Too funny!

med and his ilk lap up this swill with hearty appetites!.....doesn't matter if Edwards just makes stuff up....they feed right out of his hand!


New Member
med and his ilk lap up this swill with hearty appetites!.....doesn't matter if Edwards just makes stuff up....they feed right out of his hand!
There you go with the Ilk thing, you know nothing about me except what I post on this site. I guess you have a right to your opinion, just leave me out of it. I like Edwards because he has passion and a feel for the underpriveledged, I know that doesn't register with you rich republicans or libertarians or what ever you call yourselves, (I've got some better names for you) but Edwards is a man of and for the people. I don't expect miracles, but I expect him to make an effort at getting National Health care, rescinding the tax cuts for the wealthiest 10%, stopping the War that will probably still be slaughtering thousands by '08' and getting a grip on run away budget spending for starters. I realize that your ilk doesn't like the platform and will even go to demeaning me for posting this, well na na na na na na! sour grapes!


New Member
Med ...

Shit in one hand and hope in the other ... then see which hand fills up first.

Hoping that Edwards will do something is not substantial. Neither is saying that "he is a man of the people." Hell, man ... Marx was a "man of the people too ... as was Hitler, Mao and Pajama Boy in North Korea.



New Member
Med ...

Shit in one hand and hope in the other ... then see which hand fills up first.

Hoping that Edwards will do something is not substantial. Neither is saying that "he is a man of the people." Hell, man ... Marx was a "man of the people too ... as was Hitler, Mao and Pajama Boy in North Korea.

I guess you've heard of "Ignorance is bliss" you must be one blissful son-of-a-bitch!


New Member
Another personal attack? When will you learn that personal attacks won't add to, or win your arguments?



New Member
Another personal attack? When will you learn that personal attacks won't add to, or win your arguments?

And what is wish in one hand and shit in the other but a referance to my supposed ignorance. If you want a fair playing field, then suppose I am your intellectual equal and then post from that position. We can have opposing views without either one of us being intellectually inferior. It says here in small print!


New Member
OK, Mister Med ... sorry for any disrespect I've shown to you ... even though most of it is in your imagination. Here's the question again:

Now then, with that said ... please tell us all EXACTLY which solutions Edwards has that make you want to support the guy for the leader of the free world. Be specific .... I asked you this question a couple of weeks ago, and your answer was "All of them." Not good enough Med ... you should be able to stand behind your convictions with logical explanations.

So, what's your answer? What's Edward's solutions to the nation's problems? How will his policies make the country better ... and be specific; what, exactly, ARE his policies?



New Member
So, what's your answer? What's Edward's solutions to the nation's problems? How will his policies make the country better ... and be specific; what, exactly, ARE his policies?
Been there, done that! it would be a total waste of my time to try and convince you of anything Edwards or Obama could do for this country. Besides if you check my previous posts you'll find lots of reasons I've already listed. No Repeats!


New Member
No, no ... you're not gonna get away with it, Med. You have listed NOTHING at all. Now, come on ... what are the policies of Edwards and Obama that "will make the country better?"



New Member
No, no ... you're not gonna get away with it, Med. You have listed NOTHING at all. Now, come on ... what are the policies of Edwards and Obama that "will make the country better?"

Just because you are so demanding, I'll not abide you!


New Member
Just because you are so demanding, I'll not abide you!
Why don't you just admit it ... you have no answers.

One more chance: What are the specific policies being espoused by Edwards and Obama that will make the country better?






New Member
Why don't you just admit it ... you have no answers.

One more chance: What are the specific policies being espoused by Edwards and Obama that will make the country better?




Actually I haven't zero'd in on the specifics, I'll get back to you on that but they are about 180 from the current regime and that is in my game!


New Member
Actually I haven't zero'd in on the specifics, I'll get back to you on that but they are about 180 from the current regime and that is in my game!
So then, you still haven't answered the question because you haven't "zeroed" in on specifics. But you DO know that the policies of Edwards and Obama are 180 degrees out of sync with Bush's policies. OK, so we're getting somewhere here. So answer the question now ... list the policies of BUSH that Edwards and Obama are out of sync with.







Thanks ...
