Ideas on complete stealth isolated growroom


Active Member
a buddy of mine has recently aquired 140 acres of land
1 house about 300 ft from the rd the rest is woods
area is extremely rural and we are thinking of building a grow room underground with 4 600 w lights im experienced in building houses and laying concrete needing advice on other requirements that i may be overlooking
gonna install acces under a rock with hydrolic lift but im really stoned and i know im missing something

5 x flood tables 4 for flower under 600w hps
1 x flood for mums under a 400w mh
we have access to pretty much whatever we need
the only thing i cant do myself is electric but i got a grow buddy who can


Well-Known Member
a buddy of mine has recently aquired 140 acres of land
1 house about 300 ft from the rd the rest is woods
area is extremely rural and we are thinking of building a grow room underground with 4 600 w lights im experienced in building houses and laying concrete needing advice on other requirements that i may be overlooking
gonna install acces under a rock with hydrolic lift but im really stoned and i know im missing something

5 x flood tables 4 for flower under 600w hps
1 x flood for mums under a 400w mh
we have access to pretty much whatever we need
the only thing i cant do myself is electric but i got a grow buddy who can

Well if you've got the money..

Look into getting solar panels. They will help minimize the chances of anyone noticing high levels of electrical use.

The hydrolic rock thing sounds too james bond bad guy for my liking..

But whatever floats your boat.


Well-Known Member
You'll already be on well water but you'll need to worry about your run off water too; how are you going to plumb the place?

Oh and you'll need to mask any heat exhaust. I think the best way to mask that would be to build an exhaust duck that has a lot of surface area in a small space over a long distance and uses the natural cooling ability of the earth to cool the exhaust air. That way by the time the hot air reaches the surface it will be cooled to ambient temperatures. I'd also make sure the air exhausts were no where near my entrance, like a mile away and you will need at least two. Same with intakes.

You'll want to do something like that with the intake as well just to make sure you're using the power of the earth to cool your incoming air before chilling it further by artificial means.

For emergencies you should have two intake/exhaust shafts as close to the bunker as possible. Oh and that reminds me of defenses. If you always have a large block of dry ice ready you can pop it out if you are attacked and have like a fog that will make it really creepy if they attack you and that might scare some off them off.


Well-Known Member
The only thing is that it is still going to be close to the house because copper wire has resistance in it and you don't want to run it too far as it will cause problems and having the power company hook up a meter in the middle of the woods could be suspicious. Something to think about.


Active Member
im not looking to move it too far away from the house planned on moving my indoor to this bunker exit plumbing would be ran through the hill to the nearby creek exhaust vents would lead to the crawlspace with high powered blowers wouldnt need solar panels the bill would stay the same as my current setup im just looking to make it hidden even if i have nosy company in my house you can hear fan whining from the rooms next to it not very loud and if there is any noise in the house its silent but i was thinking of something for peace of mind houses in my area dont have basements just crawlspaces and i pretty much just wanna build a basement for it and exhaught lights and room to the crawlspace about 16x the cubic ft of the grow op intake for lights would also come from crawlspace not sure what heating and air unit im thinking yet but exhaught will be pluged to crawlspace with plenty of occilating fans moving air inside and higher temps from co2 the construction is not a problem and the price for materials not really either very remote area just my company comes on the property and i would honestly just not want everyone to wonder whats in that room in his house weve never seen stays locked sometimes hear noises from curiosity could get me in trouble and thats the last thing i want

oh yea not on well water on city water and electric just going to plump from house thinking 15ft below ground level


Well-Known Member
You keep talking about hydraulic lifts and this is all that comes to mind

Pot Farm

Maybe you can copy their idea, they almost got away with it except for stealing the electricity caught up to them. Plus I think they found some dead bodies on the property after the bust so that probably would have caught up to them sooner or later anyway. Bad Karma was on the way sooner or later..........................................


Active Member
trueoutdoors is cheaper but im a hydro man and produce mediocure outdoor crops so indoors is my thing