How do you light your weed?


Well-Known Member
Zippos? BICs? Help Wick?

I currently use BICs, but am very interested in seeing the opinions of people who might use hemp wick :P

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
i use a bic....everyone iv talked to whose used a hemp wick said they love em because no extra taste (not that i taste a bic nyways).....but iv been known to use zippos, bbq lighters, candles...or even lit myself to get the bong goin when desperate


Well-Known Member
Yeah, seems like a healthy way to do things, and they come with a cool lil wick holder xD


El Superbeasto

Active Member
Bics most of the time.....

I tried zippos, and maybe it's just me, but it made the flavor funny... Matches too..

Simple cheap bics. Can't go wrong. Though when I have weed to smoke, and no lighters around, I'll light toothpicks on the stove if I have to.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
Bics most of the time.....

I tried zippos, and maybe it's just me, but it made the flavor funny... Matches too..

Simple cheap bics. Can't go wrong. Though when I have weed to smoke, and no lighters around, I'll light toothpicks on the stove if I have to.
i like using a wood match..... and yes, u can taste the lighter fluid from zippos

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I either vaporize

Or use an Herb Iron... a product made by an RIU local. He stands by it, and it's gives me the coolest smoke I've ever had... smooth, cool, and way way tastier than just burning it.

makes your bowl go longer, with the help of a more controlled burn, also.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
torch lighters bro =)
i used to collect those....but unless im meltin rocks i dont like usin them to smoke

I either vaporize

Or use an Herb Iron... a product made by an RIU local. He stands by it, and it's gives me the coolest smoke I've ever had... smooth, cool, and way way tastier than just burning it.

makes your bowl go longer, with the help of a more controlled burn, also.
what is that a soldering iron???


Well-Known Member
I either vaporize

Or use an Herb Iron... a product made by an RIU local. He stands by it, and it's gives me the coolest smoke I've ever had... smooth, cool, and way way tastier than just burning it.

makes your bowl go longer, with the help of a more controlled burn, also.

i would def like to invest in one


Well-Known Member
I either vaporize

Or use an Herb Iron... a product made by an RIU local. He stands by it, and it's gives me the coolest smoke I've ever had... smooth, cool, and way way tastier than just burning it.

makes your bowl go longer, with the help of a more controlled burn, also.
How much does one of those cost? :P


New Member
Seeing you're an actual user, how often do you use it and how long would a 20ft roll last?
this is my first one I bought but I can tell it'll probably last me a year or two if you buy the spindle. Just watch where you get it from because I overpaid for it but I was kinda in a hurry.

I use it all the time, only time I don't is when I'm really stoned and forget I have it. But I realize after I take the hit I forgot to use it.

If you've got the money go for the herb iron though. I've never used it but it seems like the same idea except that its electronic

Only thing is you can't stick it down your bong's hole and smoke the resin inside lol, I'm going to try it with the hemp wick. Hope it works I could use a toke!


Well-Known Member
I see the herb irons run around $75 plus shipping. I plan on getting the wick from Humboldt's eBay page, 20ft for $6 with free shipping.


Well-Known Member
shit can you take out the part the stem goes down into? I'd like to smoke that resin!
On the wick holder? It separates into two pieces, but there's no resin in it, just more hemp wick, it holds like 20ft.


New Member
On the wick holder? It separates into two pieces, but there's no resin in it, just more hemp wick, it holds like 20ft.
sorry I was talking about my bong lol, I don't think I can. I don't have money till the 28th and I literally scrapped the inside of my bong clean