Growing Pot without the possibility of getting convicted.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
While doing 5 flat in the TX. Prison for a 2 for 1 stabbing sale,
I spent 8 million hours, or whatever, reading Law Books. Anyway, this cool Guard came to me with a legal problem,.. pulled over with "Homies" where Coke was found. So, for the first time, researched Search & Seizure, Right to Privacy, Immediate Control, Probable Cause. All that shit. Fed. Law, which each State cannot override. Each State has it's own Constitution, and it can say anything it choses, as long as it does not go beyond the US Const. I say this to stop folks saying that me State has different laws. State Law will never reach further, or be more intent than Fed. Law. But anyway, doing this research to save this Guards ass, I stumbled upon something by accident.
In a State, or County, you can grow what ever the fuck you want, and not ever be convicted. Gossip & Official charges is worthless, just an allegation. Cheap as dirt. Anybody can claim anything they want..., worthless if not valid in a Court of Law. People make the common mistake that the Law Dogs actually fucking understand the application of Separation Of Power, the 7 steps of Due Process, and what constitutes probable cause. I am solely talking legalities, don't need to muddy the waters by saying "Well I heard a Judge shot a Guy in Court for littering". That Judge, Policeman will shoot you if he can get by with it. There is key words, since Law is a butt-load of words, that scares the shit out of Law Dogs. One is "Set up an IAD schedule for me, please Mr. Law Dog." Watch the blood drain from that arrogant face. This is when they are threatened, and first act is questions about what you know about the Law. What they seek is a weak spot, an ignorance to use against you. Word of advise, never put your Queen out on the chess board unless you know what the hell you are doing. I said, "What you are doing", not "what you are talking about". Talking, like poker, gives your hand away. When you hold all the cards, even with 100 plants around you, showing your hand is a character flaw, no more, no less. When a bust goes down, that is the Law Dogs move, not yours. Let them do whatever they think they can get by with, it's their move. Don't make a move until it's your turn. Until then, make mental notes & shut the fuck up, and smiling is OK. Cutting down all may Ladies was "SO SAD", but watching Law Dogs wade in career ending shit was a good thing. Your turn comes with talking to your Atty. NEVER allow an ATTY. to be your NORMAL Atty. If He fucks up, you have no say. I demand "Stand-By Counsel", which gives me the control over what is & not said in Court. In a bust under my rules, you offer the Prosecutors a deal, not that Bitch offering you jack shit. Your cards is costing the tax payers around 1/2 mil, & embarrassing the entire lot, with civil & criminal charges budding out. Understand that the whole premises of the Law Dogs is built upon rep. Show them to be Nazi Stormtroopers, the locals get pissed. Discredit is the pin to the balloon. Discredit is the tactic they use on you in Court. So, take note, reverse the game where the end result is "It ain't no fun when the Rabbit gets the gun." I'll be walking into Court soon, 5 lbs or so, 2 to 10. The rabbit has the gun, they have no clue, because I kelp my mouth shut, and it's going to be... "Even the Sun shines on a dogs ass every now & them", With Stand By Counsel, I get to play Boston Legal.
There is 2 things that will bust your ass. Convict Your ass. Probable Cause & not meeting the demands that the Law Makers states that causes a certain piece of property to fall under the protection of "Right to Privacy". If Law Dogs enter a properly designed area without probable cause, the bust is worthless, NO MATTER what was going on. Pork Choppers, all bets are off, thats a risk that does not apply here.
A string around you property does no met the burden for a Citizen to claim "I do not want to be invaded". The law mandates that a fence with posted signs that states "NO TRESPASSING" within sight of any given approach of the property, and the entry access must be closed at all times. This meets the requirements, and to tread upon cannot be legally done without Probable Cause.
Probable Cause consist of 3 things. If a Law Dog sees somebody in immediate threat, or a plant is in plain sight, or somebody said something. No warrant is needed with immediate threat, but the other requires a warrant signed by a Judge. If you live alone, no visitors, no nothing, it's impossible to get probable cause, search warrant. Any bust with these rules, the shit is not convict able, plus a good civil suit. Debate is welcome, for non-idiots.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Hey Robert, theres this Houston Dude... Compendium, some shit like that. I'm sure he would appreciate a hook up.Cool.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
im in corpus
so tell me how the hell the cops here in corpus on bicycle can claim to have smelled a grow opp and gain entrance to a house and make a bust?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Dam Robert, SO GLAD you ask the question. I live on 130 acres, the shit will get thrown out,... but I'm HOT. They know I'm a grower, so , what's my new threats? That trick using the Local Game Warden to enter to get probable cause worked until the Supreme Court thew that shit out. Seriously, do you blame them for trying.
Next threat, hold a blind, senile half dead ass dog against (next to) the property line, or pretend to, claiming the dog smelled pot, giving probable cause to get warrant to invade. Now, this is the shit I have to deal with since I'm HOT.
I don't give a fuck what people's "opinion" is, here's the fun truth. You know that if you get a speeding ticket, and the Law Dog isn't in Court, the shit gets thrown out. The Key to this, is why is it thrown out. The answer to the dog shit falls within the 7 steps of due process, as one one of the 7 why the shit is thrown out because the Law Dick Sucker wasn't there. Any guess???

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Sorry, thinking a dog said dope.. Tricycle riding Hoe'. OK. Here's the deal. Take note. You are not legally Married until you do the legal thing, your wife is not legally pregnant until a Dr. says as much. Hell, you can't even be LEGALLY dead until a Government Bonded Doctor says that you body is dead.
Point is, until a bitch takes a Govenment acclaimed school, and gets a sheepskin, He has no Court Accepted authority as to the smell fo Pot, meaning that in the Court room, a joint made of tea leaves smells just like Pot, he, the Law Dog, is not any authoritative in any thing. Was a dead skunk under the house??? Probable cause does NOT include a smell of dead skunk. My Cali Orange is strong. Try to bust every Orange Grower, yeah, right. Now, since we are talking about his nose,... oh yea... has he had sinisus. has his smelling ability been documented, can he smell my ass & tell me what I ate last night, the can of worms is wide open to make him cry. Did the enjoyment of the bike seat up his ass distract his nose? Oh Yea. In the Court, no Friends, go for the throat.


Well-Known Member
Hey south texas, Im currently living in the same area as you and I was wondering what laws they have in place here for cultivation? Ive heard they only have possession charges. Is that true?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I would love to get a Dope Dog on the stand, He has to what? Raise a Paw to swear to bark the truth?? Oh Yea, that cross dresser, some call that man in a dress a Judge, I can see the dog in the chair. Calling the Judge a transvestite don't carry a lot of weight, unless you wink at him, then let your Pet Goat have his way with him, take pics, Hey, just a thought. I like mail, white or black mail, I'm not racist. It's called "Hush Money".
OK, Robert, class time. Why do the Law Dogs have to swear to tell the truth in Court? They have already sworn under oath to up hold the law, so why does the Court demand they swear to "Tell only. and nothing but the truth". The correct answer is like shining a light on Roaches.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
All I know is 1 to 5 lbs carries 2 to 10, but,,, if the DA wants to go for the Grow Op. shit, or to distribute shit, whole 'nother ball game. Look People, grow till your hearts content, but in a manner, it's like a sting/setup for weenie suckers. Meaning, if they dare to run in on your 12,000 Chinese 8 year old slave workers, or 1 or 1,000 plants, they step outside the color of law, no authority, whatsoever. leaving them wide open for big bucks. I said the China thing to prove a point, I don't advocate such, at all.


Well-Known Member
But even with possession charges they vary so much. You say 1-5 lbs is 2-10yrs but they hardly push that. I had 3 lbs in 1999 and got six months state, thats it.

But what where you sayin about Stand-By Counsel and giving you control?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
On Line Poker time for me. TX Hold'em. I can't see a difference between the risk.... Only in growing, I can delete risk before the cards hit the air. The question begs to be ask, what are you wiling to sacrifice to get 10 7 lb Babies @ 300 per oz. The rule is, "If you can't hang with the Big Dogs, stay your Puppy ass on the Porch." So Simple.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I done over 5 flat because my Atty. didn't say one fucking sentence. For all you wanna-be legal beagles, see Washington VS Strickland. Can I take a rain check on this one, I'm wiped out. The subject is too important for me to half-step. Clue, everybody has a right to defend himself. Something, also of fact, interest, food for thought. Every Court has to give everybody a right to a Jury Trial, but Court only has time to do 20% of the Defendants. So what the fuck do they do??? The application is interesting, too bad I had to do lots of time to figure the shit out.


Well-Known Member
I feel that you can argue your case till your blue in the face ,, If a judge or jury see's it another way your screwed .. I agree that what the police and feds and whomever do are really crossing the line .. But the way I Feel is like this ,, If you grow for profit, and do not do it right (live in a med state with a card ) then your just taking a chance , Someone will snitch , If your growing just for yourself , well then you screwed up somewhere and told someone. Im sorry that your in the position to go to prison, I hope you dont . There are a ton of jailhouse lawyers , where do you find them ? In jail.. not the yellow pages


Well-Known Member
Well make sure you dont sign anything loseing your right to a jury of peers because in the long run i see peers helpin you out more then and old smelly judge

South Texas

Well-Known Member
There is too much emotions involved to represent yourself. Carl is correct. Korvett is also correct, The Judge will do whatever He wants.... in part. He hasn't shot somebody in the head, but damn sure wanted to. Something stopped him, and this is where the nut-cutting starts. He said, She said, suspicion, etc. all that kills clear cut procedural Laws. The water is muddy. However, when the Law says an Official CANNOT do this & that, and it's documented that He did, all the dancing in the Courtroom can't cover it up. The Judge has no dog in this hunt, and an outright defiance to mandated laws will get His ass thrown out. Even the Prosecutor won't allow His Office & Career to become a laughing stock. But to be in this position, a whole lot of discipline & rules has to be religiously followed, no talking, visitors, nothing. But it can be done, of course. One of my Ladies was ready for Her 3rd harvest. 3,000 seeds & my 1,000 watt HPS lite on lite mover was also stolen.
If a person is familiar with Court procedures, He has a right to dig his own hole. Also, if an Atty. makes a major mistake, that does not mean he was ineffective, so you do the time. However, you can request Counsel as Stand By, meaning the Atty's. actions is under your control. Not this, "Just trust me " shit. I want the bitch to rap-off what constitutes probable cause, and why it's the procedures. If He says an Officer has the discretion, then He's a bald face liar. If He cannot show you the case law confirming his statement, then it doesn't exist. If He can, you should have stayed on the porch. That's Counsel at Standing. For cash or personal use, it's all illegal. But without probable Cause,... it's impossible to get a conviction. That's the only point I'm making.