getting older


Active Member
LMAO! I'm with ya folks! Start a conversation and can't remember WTF we were talking about.... lose EVERYTHING (especially my damned glasses- and I can't HEAR a thing without them...according to the kids) Up 4x a night to pee... and last week, I was doing dishes when this terrible pain shot thru my chest--- thought I was having a heart attack- until I realized I'd shut my Boobs in the dishwasher!!!! ;) LOLOL!

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
LMAO! I'm with ya folks! Start a conversation and can't remember WTF we were talking about.... lose EVERYTHING (especially my damned glasses- and I can't HEAR a thing without them...according to the kids) Up 4x a night to pee... and last week, I was doing dishes when this terrible pain shot thru my chest--- thought I was having a heart attack- until I realized I'd shut my Boobs in the dishwasher!!!! ;) LOLOL!
I know what that feels like welcome to the world of forgetfulness, weak bladders, and saggy ness oh and a brand new ache to look forward to every day. :roll:


Well-Known Member
I know what that feels like welcome to the world of forgetfulness, weak bladders, and saggy ness oh and a brand new ache to look forward to every day. :roll:

How about the beauty that comes with it. We should all be thankful we made it to talk about it. The times we came up in were tough. Can I get a amen??


Well-Known Member
I spend the majority of my RL with older folks.. I saw what was coming for me (no not the older folks.. although... ) age and what it does to folks.

I was not worried about it.. I would not say I look forward to furry ears.. but that is not something that usually runs in the family.. the ONE place we dont have the gene for it..
22 years of walking and moving like I was 30 years older then I was made me appreciate things by slowing down and enjoying what is good over the bad crap in life..

I may complain a lot here but fact is.. I am pretty damn happy for the most part. I know it can always be worse..

now time to make lunch..


Well-Known Member
Hey !! Any birthday we get to see is a blessing!!

I'm sick of my bf going on like he's middle aged (36), whereas my bundles of energy make me feel 26.


Well-Known Member
I'm just starting to feel the effects, I never had to stretch like I do now. Things are getting slower to heal up, and those extra few winter lbs seem like they take more work to drop. I still look better than the average guy my age though, I still have all my hair and no greys. I do like the fact that as I age my give a fuck meter about what people think stays real low.


Active Member
Any time someone asks "how ya doing?".. instead of focusing on the negatives, I figure,- well- I woke up, I'm vertical (mostly), and doing what I love to do.,.. do for the most part- I'm doing GREAT!


Well-Known Member
For the older folk.

I'm only in my 40s and I feel like I got hit by a truck every morning. Stopped playing football at 29, martial arts for another 7 years. If I run to the mailbox, I can't walk for a few days. Either I'm learning to listen more and talk less, or I am too tired to speak.

Is this normal? Do you think it will get worse?

For the younger folk.

Shut up.


Well-Known Member
For the older folk.

I'm only in my 40s and I feel like I got hit by a truck every morning. Stopped playing football at 29, martial arts for another 7 years. If I run to the mailbox, I can't walk for a few days. Either I'm learning to listen more and talk less, or I am too tired to speak.

Is this normal? Do you think it will get worse?

For the younger folk.

Shut up.
You should do some reading on auto-immune disorders and wheat and gluten allergies. I would say no, what you are experiencing isn't normal. If you go to a western medicine doctor, they will likely put you on anti inflammatories to deal with this sort of issue. I'd seek to find the root or the issue if it were me rather than mask the symptoms with drugs. Western medicine is great for trauma but it really lacks in dealing with a person as a whole. They will give you a drug to deal with the symptoms or cut a part of you off but they never really treat the cause of the illness in the first place. Best of luck...


Well-Known Member
Another thought for you Clayton, it could also be something as simple as your bed not being right for you. My ex insisted on us having a tempurpedic mattress, which is suppose to be the ultimate but is just about wrecked me. I'd wake up so sore and stiff every morning and would sleep on the couch half the time because I just couldn't get comfortable. I've had a different bed for almost a year now and no pain any longer.


Well-Known Member
Did you get a real Tempurpedic, or a memory foam mattress? It makes a huge difference! We got a mem foam and felt broken within 6 months because the foam memorized our bodies and created holes. They don;t bounce back to new like a true Tempurpedic. We LOVE our Tempurpedic. Glad you got out of whatever you had. Life is too short to be broken by a bad mattress!!!!

Thank you for all of your advice!


Well-Known Member
Mine was a real tempurpedic and they are suppose to be good for 25 years, but I suffered in it right from the start. I wasn't sure if it was him or the bed that was causing me all my grief lol. I had to stay at his house a few months back for a night and I slept in our old bed and woke up totally stiff again. I knew then without a doubt it was the bed.