folie a deux?


Well-Known Member
i was just watching something about ayahuasca and decided to read up on it a little. i was just wondering if anyone had heard the term "folie a deux" or "folie a plusieurs", which translates into "madness shared by two" or "madness shared by many"? it's a psychiatric syndrome where two people share the same delusion.

anyways, i was reading up on ayahuasca and apparently it's one of the only hallucinogenic compounds to result in this documented phenomenon. i just found this pretty interesting and was wondering if anyone had heard of this! thanks

I have been witness and party to this a few times. I would not call it delusion though.

LSD for instance I have very many times experienced halucinations as part of a group, we would all see the same thing, or see the same thing in the same way. But the cath with this substance was that someone would normaly verbalise something, and through the power of suggetsion the whole group latched on to that thing. "Look! the bottle is standing at a 45 degree angle"

With aya and other tryptamines this phenomena is diffirent, and can be seen by the group members, even if they were watching in complete silence before. This I call indepentant verification.

I offer formal studies in phsycedelics very little respect, as the scientist now, are almost never offer them selves up for the experience and the long term effects. You can send 1000 blind men to investigate the beauty of a sunrise... they will never get anywhere close.