folie a deux?


Well-Known Member
i was just watching something about ayahuasca and decided to read up on it a little. i was just wondering if anyone had heard the term "folie a deux" or "folie a plusieurs", which translates into "madness shared by two" or "madness shared by many"? it's a psychiatric syndrome where two people share the same delusion.

anyways, i was reading up on ayahuasca and apparently it's one of the only hallucinogenic compounds to result in this documented phenomenon. i just found this pretty interesting and was wondering if anyone had heard of this! thanks


Well-Known Member
i know it's not restricted to drug-induced. and in the case of the ayahuasca use, the hallucinations brought on by the brew are shared. that is semi-rare as far as documented cases with a hallucinogenic compound. i know people being studied who received doses of dmt had similar hallucinations, which makes this more interesting because the ayahuasca brew that is taken includes leaves containing dmt.


New Member
Not A Buff But It's A Great Interest To Me. But As Far As 'Psycho-' Goes I'm Most Interested In The Human Psyche. Taking A Pychoanalytic Theory Course.


Well-Known Member
that's awesome. :) i've read a bit about psychoanalysis and what it entails, but definitely not very well. that's freudian and jung type stuff, right? defense mechanisms and what not? i'm really interested in all the psychological disorders and i just found that bit about the shared madness thing very interesting. at what point does it stop being a psychological syndrome and start delving into something unknown?


Well-Known Member
that's awesome. :) i've read a bit about psychoanalysis and what it entails, but definitely not very well. that's freudian and jung type stuff, right? defense mechanisms and what not? i'm really interested in all the psychological disorders and i just found that bit about the shared madness thing very interesting. at what point does it stop being a psychological syndrome and start delving into something unknown?
My man as far as I can see the world, everything is the unknown and there is no way to know it unless you experience it. I don't believe in a spiritual world or nothing like that, it is merely a chemical that effects your body and mind. And no evidence proves anything phenomenal.



New Member
People Have Been Dead For 7 Minutes Before And Said That They Saw A White Light. Then Everything Went Black And The Next Thing They Knew They Woke Up On The Operating Table. Crazy Huh.


Well-Known Member
People Have Been Dead For 7 Minutes Before And Said That They Saw A White Light. Then Everything Went Black And The Next Thing They Knew They Woke Up On The Operating Table. Crazy Huh.
I don't quite know what your getting at here Ganjaglutin, are you bringing up DiMethylTryptamine near death experiences or are you trying to refute my argument?



New Member
Mr.Kushman I Dont Know How What I Said Could Refute What You Said But My Last Sentence Pretty Much Explained Why I Said It.


Well-Known Member
Mr.Kushman I Dont Know How What I Said Could Refute What You Said But My Last Sentence Pretty Much Explained Why I Said It.
Ah, it might be in the delivery. Yeah, you said "because" and it should be, "inspite of", I think. Anyway you'll clear it up when you get to it. HAHAHA. Jk. But yeah I misread it, or took that "weird. Huh." the wrong way.



Well-Known Member
Oh... :-| ...
Have you ever seen a show called An Evening With Kevin Smith. Well in the second one he tells a story about Bruce Willis, and that what Bruce Willis says. It's not as good out of context, but its fucking humorous. Check it out if you want to, there is an abundance of torrents out and about.
