First Time Grow


Well-Known Member
I have had a lot of trouble with germination due to lack of proper supplies here. I think I have finally got it down. Just started germinating some seeds yesterday and already have some good results.

I soak seeds in a coffee cup filled 1/3 with water for 24 hours and sit it on my modem.

I then get a clean sock and get it wet with bottled water and squeeze out excess water so that it is damp but not too wet and still keep it on top of my modem for additional heat.

After a day I have 5/9 seeds that are showing their tap roots. I have planted one of them and will hopefully plant a few more this evening.

Just wanted to share my method with you guys.

mr west

Well-Known Member
That socks lol. Hey if it works do it lol. I think every one no matter how experienced a grower will say its a good method if it works good lol.


Well-Known Member
That socks lol. Hey if it works do it lol. I think every one no matter how experienced a grower will say its a good method if it works good lol.
Yeah man, definitely true. It actually is what has worked the best for me.


Well-Known Member
Days since ground-break:39,34,27,26,8,5(2)
Number of plants:7
1(65w) CFL, 400w HPS
Light Cycle:

Humidity : 50%
Nutes : 1/2 strength 30-10-10 once a week + a B1 mixture every other week

So I just took my plants out to water and had to take some more pics. After this I probably wont take pics for a week or so.


Seksu: Has some weird growth after I attempted to Fimm her.

Plant #3

Plant #4

Side view of the four plants

Top view of the four plants



Well-Known Member
Days since ground-break:45,40,33,32,14,11(2),6(3)
Number of plants:10
3(65w) CFL, 400w HPS
Light Cycle:

Temps:29C, 84F
Humidity : 50%
Nutes : nutes on hold

So I have had some problems with my plants. I had to leave on Friday for a job interview in a different city. My plants were alone until Monday morning. I decided to start nutes full strength and it didnt take well with Seksu. She has some major nute burn and I didnt have enough water to flush her. I have to wait for the water guy to come tomorrow because my tap water is undrinkable and it also has a high ph. Since its getting hotter the temps during lights on are staying around 84f during lights on and drop to around 75f during lights off. I came back and the plants had wilted because of no water but i watered them with the remaining water i had and will flush them when they dry.

Asobi- was pretty wilted but sprung back up after watering.

Seksu- isnt looking too good.

4 of her fan leaves are yellow like this. I will flush as soon as i get my drinking water tomorrow. and then go back to 1/4 a strenght nutes after a week or so.

Plant 3 looks good, grew a lot over the weekend

Plant 4 also grew a lot over the weekend

So I decided to germ the rest of my seeds because I wont be able to grow again after this until the end of August and some of the sprouts dried up and three survived out of nine due to me not being here over the weekend. here is a pic of the set up in the closet in my room. These guys are under 24/0 because I will put them into flower in about 3 weeks.



Well-Known Member
Days since ground-break:52,47,40,38...
Number of plants:10
400w HPS
Light Cycle:

Humidity : 50%
Nutes : nutes on hold

quick pick update. Started 12/12 last Friday. Solved all of my problems. Heat stress and a bad grow room were the biggest problems that I had. Changed rooms and have an intake fan now coming straight from outside.

Asobi about 2'5" tall

Seksu Just pruned the bad leaves after taking the pics. The nutes are now under control. I flushed all my plants last week. 2'3" tall

Plant 3

Plant 4

Plant 5

The other plants arent worth taking pictures of.
Basically started 12/12 from seed.


Well-Known Member
its all going on now, bet ur excited lol.
Im really excited, the only problem I am having is the ballast isnt working that well so im going to have to send it back. I cant find any light timer's here. I have two balast's. One set for 18/6 and one set for 12/12. Just the got the 12/12 one and im already having problems with it.

I think you are the only one following my grow west! Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Envirolite Timer/Contactor - £14.95 : Abergreen, DIY Hydroponics Kits

Not sure how easy it would be to get one but thease are the timers u want for HID lights. I was thinking i was the only one subscribed to ur thread too lol. Ill help ya as best I can but it would be nice if some of the other members chiped in to help aswell.
Talked to the company today and they are sending me another one. So I will now have 2 400w hps' for flowering :)

Im sure people will check out my grow more once my plants start to flower.


Well-Known Member
They are shooting up really fast. A lot of growth since I have switched over. I am worried because this weekend I have to leave for work. I will be back on Monday with the new 12/12 ballast. I have to switch to 18/6 for the weekend. Dont have a choice and dont have anyone i can trust to help me out.

Here are two pics

let me know if you guys think this is going to stress my plants out really bad. I am a little worried but i have no choice.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
alreet chinawas! nice little setup you've got going there! your heat stress probs will iron themselves out in no time now youve got good ventilation sorted! props on the socks dude ingenius!

what are the laws in china like ? your not gonna get executed if they catch on are ya?

they should be fine switching back for a while and switching back to 12/12 it will slow the bud process down but wont hurt them !!

nice names for your plants btw! lol playful and sex ?!?!?!



Well-Known Member
alreet chinawas! nice little setup you've got going there! your heat stress probs will iron themselves out in no time now youve got good ventilation sorted! props on the socks dude ingenius!

what are the laws in china like ? your not gonna get executed if they catch on are ya?

they should be fine switching back for a while and switching back to 12/12 it will slow the bud process down but wont hurt them !!

nice names for your plants btw! lol playful and sex ?!?!?!

haha, its a japanese band name. Got the names from a friend. Ive talked to a few people and they dont really mess with foreigners here i guess. Where I live no one would even know what it was. They would probably think it was some type of herb. No one would be able to access them so im not worried about that. Selling it would be a different story though. Im just excited because ive never seen sensimilia buds here, just hash.