First Time Grow


Well-Known Member
you should up the bloom nutes there gonna start sucking up all the nutes they can get have you thought about adding some organic mixes?


Well-Known Member
Had to harvest early due to a change of plans in my living situation. I dont know if the buds will be smokeable because their was only about 50% amber trichs. Will try again hopefully this winter.

Sad day.


Well-Known Member
awww man oh well put it down to experience i guess. any pics of them before the chop?
Yeah, its a big bummer. I didnt have a choice due to a change of plans for the summer.

I didnt think the smaller buds would have been much use so this is basically all I have.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
they would have been great man, and i think they will still get you baked but they would in no way be a true representation of what they would have been. you'll still scrape a half ounce there i reckon tho man.