First Grow: Pc Bubbler Attempt (Easy Ryder)


Well-Known Member
new growth is coming threw quite yellow, does she need more feeding? or should i back it off abit?
i read somewhere if new growth is coming threw yellow shell need feeding



Well-Known Member
yeah probally needs a tad more.

make sure PH is well adjusted and at this stage 1/4 strength should do her well


Well-Known Member
heres the latest, she went yellow but after adjusting the ph and adding more nutes shes going a nice green again



Well-Known Member
shes grown quite alot since yesterday! gunna change the resevoir again today
still abit of dleave damage from whaatever it was but its clearing up and shes gone green properly now



Well-Known Member
yeh the growth is coming really nicely now!

really happy, just started a new seed off and ordered 2x65watt cfl one red one blue so ill swap out a red and blue 30 watt and replace with the 65s then have 2 30s on the seedling, which im hoping by the time shes filling the pc case she can be moved to the bigger grow box



Well-Known Member
Yeh man we got each other haha
Don't spose you know when I should be changing nutes to bloom?


Well-Known Member
Its on a 20/4 cycle all the way through cuz its a auto, ivy heard about 2 to 4 weeks it should show pistols so I'll keep a eye out for them


Well-Known Member
something has gone very bad! i went away for the weekend so did the usual but added a few extras to the nutes which was bad! i put in a oxygen tablet but where i think it went wrong was the adding bloom nutes on top of grow nute seems to have done some damage :(


iv tried to get a close up of her pistils but they came out abit crap lol



Well-Known Member
lol half the thread has dissappeared, heres the latest pics i spose
basically this is the first grow
it messed up and burnt but the leaves are realllllly dense now , not big or tall but its like just a small ball of thick leaves lol


and here is the new grow which is doing really well atm, iv learnt my lesson with the nutes and cut them right down as it seems the easy ryder doesnt like anywhere near the guides or what others have fed


fingers crossed on this one :)



Well-Known Member
Heres a side by side,clearly the first one didnt go as planned lol but its really thick and dense so not sure how itll turn out, the baby one which is the biggest is looking really good and i think iv used the mistakes i made on the first one and learnt from it

theres alot of new growth on the young one coming through so iv just changed the res and added a tiny extra amount of nutes

one thing iv noticed is to ignore everything about how much nutes to add from the internet or the label on the bottle, i guess every plant is different but i think this strain is very sensitive to nutes :)

just set up a tempory scrog untill i can get something abit more solid but it should be ok for a little while
