First Grow: Pc Bubbler Attempt (Easy Ryder)


Well-Known Member
fucking hate people that refuse to think posotive

with yer auto LST may not be best ides ScROG is still in your fututre :)


Well-Known Member
let that auto grow normal and stick the chutes in the screen in the end you will have 4-6 tops (colas) that are DANK!! may not get a whole 2 OZ but i bet with the right stuff you can top 1 Oz wich is good for an auto


Well-Known Member
all the easy ryder pc grows iv seen have gotten over 30g dry weight from, but i dont smoke so im not overly fussed haha
im still building my cabinet to transfer everything over to so she gets more room and i can use the pc for starting growth, that way id have a staggered harvest which might work to my mates favour

this is my first attempt so id be happy with 1 bud :P

i keep checking her every couple of hours, its amazing how quick they grow, you can deffinately tell the difference


Well-Known Member
just found the perfect scrog screen, its what i was going to use for my snake eggs incubator
but would be perfect for this, not sure if the holes need to be bigger though

im hoping the clay balls come tomorrow before the root pops out of he rockwool so i can transfer it over easily from the pebble things, then she'll look prettier haha


Well-Known Member
so i just made a new nute solution heres what im using:

1.8ltrs of maybe filtered water (i bought a new filter for the condenser thing but havent got a clue if its the right one or if it does anything lol but its gotta be doing something right?)

to that i add

3.8ml of ph down solution which is weakened alot
4ml of ionic hydro grow
0.5ml of nitrozyme

and that gets the ph about 5.8 - 6 which i think is about right
ph is very stable, im guessing because its still very young and expect that to change as it grows

washed out the resevoir and flushed the solution through the rockwool (not sure if your spose to do that but i thought it would get rid of any crap thats stuck at the bottom of the rockwool)

i have formulex but pretty sure thats no use to me

after ringing around all the garden centers i finally found one that sell this stuff called hydroleca which is the clay pebbles, heres the pics so far




Well-Known Member
So after all the waiting for the clay pebbles yesterday I gave up waiting and found a shop to buy them from, today the ones I ordered turned up FML!


Well-Known Member
heres yesterdays pic and i was thinking about making a timelapse of the grow as iv got a spare desire hd phone kicking about



Well-Known Member
right so the timelapse idea kind blew and was a proper fail so not doing that anymore

iv also nearly built the upgrade cabinet for the grow, its almost 3 times the size of the current pc setup and has 4 30 watt cfls in so far, i may add some bigger ones at a later date but this will do for now


i will be using the pc to start them off then transfer to the bigger one as they grow

so tomorrow i think ill get her into the new home otherwise the roots will be to established to get them out of the current pot, theyre only just through so should still be ok to do that today then the resevoir will be over twice the size and a better pump

iv got a bigger build planned for the future but thats a long way off i think, im abit strapped for cash aswell :(



Well-Known Member
nice cab :)

im still going to setup a mini PC build similar to yours and boss scrog that soab, all you did was use a small tupperware container and a air pump right?


Well-Known Member
Yeh, the biggest one I could fit
Only holds 1.8 liters but does the job, changed the water every 3 days
Iv just finished the upgrade though so can start another easy ryder plant off

heres the new setup iv just finished, just need the airfilter fitting and jobs a goodun
hopefully shell be happier with more light



Well-Known Member
Yeh I jack it up so its right under the lights, and bring it down when it needs testing feeding pictures or whatever :)


Well-Known Member
hey man just setup my mini bubbleponics, didnt go with the PC cuz i have a tent and 400W light. its just a bagseed but going to roll with it for now, stop by and check it out