First cfl grow


Well-Known Member
Day 14:

A few of the newer leafs started drooping. Not sure why... there have been a bit of cigarett smoke and weed smoke accidently pumped in the room from opening and closing the door... and the fan is right there so it would have blown that at the plant -_-. I dont think its from over watering though... it could also be lack of light because some gets really focused bright light and the other parts dont get as much.... the droops just happen to be out of the main light.

the plant is progressing nicely. I plan to start flowering on 420. that will be when I set the timer to 12/12. that will make this plant arpx 3 weeks and 2 days old.

the other sprouts are streching a bit, but im not too woried, theyre under barely any light, it was just sorta a experiment... although none turned purple like the first two. [including this main grow].

new setup:


Well-Known Member
them some big ass pictures...whats in those bottles around your setup? and are U having problems posting pictures with the post's? I could help U with that. But first U should sign up for a free account at and keep your pics there, just until our forum's gallery is a lil more reliable..i lost close to 70 pics the last time it crashed..


Elite Rolling Society
How safe is that photobucket ? as far as them seeing my plant pics and telling on me.



Well-Known Member
thanks. I may use photobucket soon. and the bottles; 1 bottle is water and the other is co2 [vinegar and baking soda]. if yeast wasnt so hard to find at the grocery store it would be sugar and yeast -_-.


Well-Known Member
in order for baking soda and vinegar to produce a constant supply of co2, you have to set up a drip system.. ive read about 1 drip of vingegar per second.. too much at once is no good because the plants dont like the fumes from the vinegar.. combining it all at once and leaving it wont do any good either because you will only get the initial boost of co2 from when you first mix it..
find some yeast!! yeast and sugar works much better.. ive tried both.. its not that hard to find, if you cant get it at a grocery store go to a "make your own wine/beer place" and you can get a large container of brewers yeast for cheap


Well-Known Member
Im not 18 so I couldnt do the second option... but yeah I will try to go and find the yeast again. Last time I asked them where it was and nobody knew -_-.


Elite Rolling Society
You can't grow pot without duct tape. It is jsut impossible, although I do use some masking tape sometimes too.
You certainly can keep those lights two inches near and they will do fine.


Active Member
hey all, first time grower and im doing pretty much exactly the same as setup as this CFL one.
I had no idea i would get anything to grow, just dropped a seed in some compost, poured on some water and left it by the window. Went away for easter and it was sprouting up an inch and a half by the time i came back.
Off to hydroponics store tomorrow and wondered what wattage CFL is best for a single plant?

Also can anyone recommend a good soil mix? I bought some cheap compost from local green grocers but want something a bit more suitable.



Well-Known Member
Day 18:

this is really turning out well. its first or second leafs are turning yellow, I dont care though, all the other leafs are healthy, except for the obvious shrivled center ones near the top, I suspect heat exahaustion... the closets definitely starting to get warmer.

I also got a timer today so im ready to start flowering friday. sadly the fan will probably have to go off with the lights, I dont know how I could get a second cord to the closet. I have the timer currently set at 18/6, then when its time to flower I will just punch 6 more hours of off time in.

the new sprouts are doing decent, even though im not taking care of them at all, though they are grown from better seeds than the main, and they look better than the main did at there point in life [I planted them on easter].


Well-Known Member
that leaf drooping is bothering me, it's been a while, but i thought overheating will make the leaves bend in a V shape, not droop. what kind of soil are you using? it appears to be peat and virmiculite, but i would bet either you bought the pre ferted stuff that will burn a seedling, or more likely, it doesn't have ferts and since peet has no nutrients at all, they could be getting a little nitrogen deficient, wich would explain the lower leaves yellowing, if i had my guess i would say your overwatering though, do you let the soil fully dry out before you rewater?


Well-Known Member
the plant is healthy besides its first set of leaves which are just not getting any light or anything. there are a few leaves drooping but im certain its because of the heat, those are right under the bulbs and the fan wasnt cooling down a lot. 2" of the soil is always dry before i water, which is every other day.

they are planted in miracle grow potting soil, not the best but its working. Pleanty of N as well.


Well-Known Member
yeah be carefull with that crap, i killed 20 skunk seedlings with it, waaaay to many ferts for the first month.


Well-Known Member
I will add the day 20 and day 21 pics later at the same time.

anyways, the plants are looking good. one sprout seems to have stopped growing, it almost looks like its flowering 0_o. another sprouts growing healthy, the third is looking decent.

the main grows looking awesome as well.

Also i changed the grow room around a bit.

- the fan is always on now, I added a second cord to the room thats not on a timer, for the fan.
- I added 2 more lights, I found lamps at lowes $12 ea so I got 2. I didnt know when it said type A blubs, it meant cfls would work, so I never found a lamp that worked... because like all said type A. Anyways I got 2 23 watt 2750k bulbs with it, they are both pointed towards the main grow on the sides.
- my cord ['thats on a timer] only had 3 sockets but I had 4 lamps so I had to add a splitter to the cord.

day after tommorrow I set the timer to 12/12. I am really hoping the main is a female its so much older than the little sprouts which are going to have root rotting anyways.