Fire in the hole! 15 Timewreck super soil pheno hunt


Well-Known Member
Just finished feeding the timewrecks... gave'm a thorough feeding. Resexed... found one more male. 7/10 confirmed females with pistils (including 2 of the big potted girls), 3/10 haven't shown pistils yet... i think the big potted one may be a male and the two smaller ones not sure... looks female but no pistil yet.

The male I found was a freak!! Had preflowers on the side branch stem like a half an inch out from the central stalk. Creepy.

Taking a break at the moment getting back in there in a bit to water the CCMs/CSJs and do another check on them. Hoping the big chernojills will have shown by now. I think the LST training helps bring out preflowers earlier the points on the stem that get stressed get bigger quicker and develop the preflowers sooner -- my theory anyway. No pics today not much of a change but this weekend after the nutes've kicked in I will... timewrecks got normal strength 1-1-1 rooting stimulator


Well-Known Member
You'll get females with ace don't worry -- get as many aces as you feel comfortable getting... they are a pretty variable spread of genes between the mother and the father so the more you have the better selection you're gonna have for an ultimate keeper...

as of now, it is looking more and more like i'm going to be here past august, which means i'll have time for another harvest... next round i'll probably take my best cuttings from this round and do another flower of them... :) it's time to take cuttings week after next as well. Moving rooms and transplanting females this weekend. I think I'm gonna try and stealth up that room really good so I can keep it going even if I end up having family visit. Odor control will be the only real issue.

really hard to decide what to do because i'd like the grow after that to be 30 ace of spades for a pheno hunt of that, but there's so many new tga strains coming out soon i may be tempted to do one or more of them first.

Can you imagine what these bigger Timewrecks are going to look like in two weeks when they go into flower??

That heat is one reason I'm moving'em downstairs.
Big Timewrecks, awwww yeah

That is some timewreck goodness!!

Chocolate Chunkey Monkey

Chernobyl x Space Jill
Freaky Timewreck male - preflowers on the branch itself instead of where the branch and stalk meet.


New Member
Nice brother! Looks like they're growing bir very fast man!
And it's a buncha BS but AOS is sold out already...
Was gotta def/ hit that Attitude birthday promo up, not I'm doubting it.
Like EVERYTHING i searched for an wanted to order two days ago it out pretty much..
Maybe its a sign to use the bean I have rather than collecting them :joint:


Well-Known Member
Hempdepot has ace of spades for it's normal price as you get at attitude on sale.

Haha yeah I know you are droolin illtoxic because you're thinking about the sativa high! I just like to see as much variety in there as possible.


New Member
What do you have to say about Agent Orange Bongwell? Another RIU member reccommended it as evertyhing else TGA is out.
And I'm only thinking about ordering from Attitude just to get the 12 freebies for spending $60 :leaf:


Well-Known Member
This is what I know about agent orange. Killer orange but most of the phenos are average daytime smoke kind of potency. There is supposed to be a more potent smaller yielding pheno and a rarer frosty larger yielding one but it sounds like you'd have to really pheno hunt if you are looking for a really potent one (which i always am). There is also supposed to be a normal orangey pheno (most common) and a SUPER orangey pheno (less common). It's on my long term list mainly for the orange smell, but the potency keeps it from being anywhere near the top :)

Unless they're tga freebies i don't get excited by attitude freebies... sure you could get lucky and score some really awesome plants, but odds are more likely (in my experience) you end up with plants not as good as the stuff you paid for and wasted the space that could've been used for great plants on iffy freebies... i grow a lot of plants but it's still pretty limited space. Also always keep in mind that the cost of a lot of the freebies at attitude are built into the price of the beans... 12 for $60 buy does sound pretty good for a deal though if the freebies are good choices. I just prefer to order from hemp depot because if i buy 2 10 packs i've saved enough over attitude to buy an extra 10 pack of my choice with what i would've spent there usually :)

Update for today... was bad never went back and watered the CCMs thursday night til this morning. So they've no been watered and fed, a couple retied... it looks like there hasn't been a lot of growth over the last couple days probably because they didn't want to use up all their moisture. Also have had some heat issues last couple days one has a bit of nute burn symptoms due to heat buildup. Not bad though at all.

Good news/bad news. The two big ChernoJills. Bad news - the one i thought was a boy was. The other one is a for sure girl!! I also found another chernojill boy and a CCM boy. Down to 22 potential females, looks like I'm gonna have 20 or less total I'm sure I'll get at least another couple boys if not more. There is one I think is probably a boy I went ahead and didn't take out because I can't tell for sure. Other than that everyone looking good!!

Freak pic of the day... Trainwreck must have some freaky genes in it, because this is the second strangely positioned male preflower I've found -- the other in the timewrecks, this one chernojill. Yes, it is growing off of the stipule. The other day it was growing on a branch.


Those of you who don't sex your preflowers... claw on a ball on a stem = a boy :)


Well-Known Member
Issue the first: Male or female - you be the judge - this is off the only remaining undeclared TimeWreck -- one of the big 3 in the big pots. I could see it going either way.
View attachment 2551404

Chocolate Chunkey Monkeys - they are starting to lag behind the TGA gear (this is why I keep sticking with TGA... vigorous, healthy plants that put out like a girl with daddy issues)

ChernoJills -- See what I mean about the CCMs? These started 10 days later. Look at the big ChernoJill -- gonna be a BEAST in flower! Look at little runty trying to make a play -- I gave her the same nutes as the others (2/3 strength) she's takin it like a champ.

Lil Timewrecks, not so lil now... next up after I get them moved to the new room is to transplant them all... big timewrecks going into 7 gallons! Lil timewrecks going into 2.4-5 gallons. Oh yeah wait I'll probably put that big ChernoJill into a 7 gallon I definitely think it could really strut it's stuff in a big pot.
Big Timewrecks - come on last one be female!! Though I could use the room, too...

Canna oil - just after prep
This morning after freezing overnight - my oil has a canna-gina
greenoil2.jpgView attachment 2551405

Strawberry space cake

I accidentally topped Timewreck 14 by trying to tie tit down under too much stress... so I turned the top into a cut hopefully it will survive. Luckily TW14 is a confirmed female so if it roots, one less I have to take a cutting from the week after next.


Well-Known Member
No particular recipe I am just sauteeing the ground up bud on the stove with an oil thermometer so i can keep the temp between 210 and 250 for a couple hours. Keep having to turn off the stove every 5-10 minutes or it gets too hot even at lowest temps. Don't wanna vape your weed in the oil :) I'm still working on getting the best recipe worked out I'll let you know how they come out... usually either they are too weak to do much or they knock me out :) i really want to switch to edibles as much as possible though... also they're stealthy :)


Well-Known Member
Indeed :) Can't wait hash up this harvest's trim.... with about 20 females there should be plenty :)

My new grow vid... it's pretty damn good I think for just a lil grow vid - gonna be tite when I do these in flower



Active Member
I like what you got going on there Reef, Ill be watching. I just planted ten TW last week and they're all healthy. Keep a lookout for my thread in a few days!

Stay up.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Updates updates updates...

Just got done tieing down allll them bitches... took 2 or 3 hours of doing... also did some sexin' of (on?) the plants. Timewreck females are final. 9/15 female -- although tomorrow I'm going to recheck all the females I pulled out and put in the dark just to be sure they didn't sprout pistils instead. All 3 of the ones I bet were female... were. I wonder what I win? Oh yeah a shit load of weed!!

CCMs... found one male and one more female... so 4 females, 4 males, 2 undetermined (too small still... probably need about 1 week).

Watering all of them tonight... going to transplant the two timewrecks that look like they might need it (lower leaves yellowing a bit and they got plenty of N).

Oh yeah, the smell is not strong at a distance, but if you put your nose to those ChernoJills and smell... damn they got some skunk in them for sure.


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah I have a feeling that those chernobyl x space jill are going to be off the chain. They started on 3 finger leaves and are very sativa with a skunky smell. Very branchy (christmas tree style), they'll make huge bushes I bet the yield will be insane I will probably go ahead and transplant the most vigorous ones up to big pots and grow some 30+ cola'd 6oz beasts... dunno if i'll have room for that big though. I'll end up with 14-19 females (i already got 14 for sure and should end up with at least 3 more i'm sure. 24' of grow area (6'x4')... i'm splitting up the plants into two 12/12 shifts and swapping them so there'll be 8-9 in that space for flower... that gives 3ft' per plant... that seems about right for what i'm aiming for but won't be able to put out any 32 cola'd super beasts this time. may not even use my 7 gallons... well we'll see maybe one seven gallon in each 12/12... it's a good thing i get paid friday i gotta get more dirt and a few more bigger pots. i'll finally get to use my 5 gallon smart pots lol

Gonna be sweet i should end up with quite a few 20%+ thc cuttings to choose from between the chernojills and the timewrecks and perhaps, hopefully something super special (i really would love to find a golden ticket/fruity pebbles kind of crazy keeper pheno).

I'm gonna make some killer medibles and hash after harvest.